
He, she, it. Nominative singular. pɨ́n ipáx̣ʷiya ‘he stole it’; ana pɨ́n pináwaniča ‘she who named herself’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n pináwšuwaša pɨ́n ‘she who is getting herself ready’; ku kúušx̣i pɨ́n át̓ita níix̣ ‘and in the same way it will cook well’; ana kú itmíyuna pɨ́n ‘when he decided’; ku ana kú ittáwax̣šana pɨ́n ‘and when he was growing up’; ana šína pɨ́n išúkʷaša ‘whomever he knows’; ana pɨ́n áyawaanaynaka túniši ‘his who drowned upstream’; ana pɨ́n čáw iwɨ́šayča ‘he who passed away’; k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ana pɨ́n iwiyánawiya watím ‘that is the man who arrived yesterday’; k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ana pɨ́n iq̓ínušana paanáy watím ‘that is the man who saw him yesterday’; pɨ́n k̓í inákwinata čikúuk ‘he will carry it (take the lead) today’; ača kú iwá pɨ́n čúuš pyáp ƛ̓aax̣ʷmaamíyaw tkʷatatmaamíyaw ku kúušx̣i naamíyaw ‘because the water is elder brother to all the foods and likewise to us’; ku Spilyáy pɨ́nč̓a anáwiya ‘and Coyote also got hungry’; ku pɨ́nx̣i iwá waníči páš íiš ‘and the cow parsnip is similarly called sunflower‘; ana pɨ́n iwá wináanakʷi pɨ́nsɨm áwtta ‘she who is widowed, only she should taboo’; iwá ánč̓a pɨ́nx̣i tál ‘it is again the same bug’; pɨ́nč̓a ‘he also’; pɨlksá ‘he alone’; pɨ́nsɨm ‘he only’; pɨ́nx̣i ‘he similarly’; pɨ́nx̣uš ‘he first’; pɨ́nɨm ‘he, she, it’ (erg.); pmáy ‘they’. Ablaut: paanáy ‘him, her, it’ (acc.); paamíin ‘of them’ (gen.); piiní ‘they two’. [WS pɨ́ni; NW pɨ́nk; NP /ˀipí/, /ˀipn-/; Klamath bi (Barker 1963b:62).]