
His, hers, her, its. Genitive singular. ku aw kú pináwšuwanx̣a pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ‘and then its body gets itself ready’; ana kú čáw áwšayča pɨnmíin nč̓í ‘when his elder passed away’; ana kúuš áwača pɨnmíin ‘like hers were’; pɨnmíin apɨ́łapł iyáx̣ʷax̣a wawáx̣ɨmitna ‘its leaves wait for spring’; ku kúušx̣i pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš álaqayx̣ita ‘and in the same way her [huckleberry’s] body will shine’; iq̓ínusana pɨnmíin pšɨ́t ‘he saw his (own) father’; k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ana pɨnmíin áwa x̣lák x̣áx̣aykʷ ‘that is the man who has the money’; páyu ikʷíya pɨnmíin apáp ‘he hurt his (own) hand’; pɨnmíinč̓a ‘his too’; pɨlmiksá ‘his alone’; pɨnmísɨm ‘his only’; pɨnmíinx̣i ‘his similarly’; pɨnmíinx̣uš ‘his first’. With noun cases: pɨnmínɨmš ƛ̓áksnɨm ɨ́nna ‘her sister told me’; áwɨnaaš pɨnmína pšɨ́tna ‘I told his father’; iƛúpwaapaaša pɨnmikníin ‘he jumped away from him’; pinátaatpasix̣a pɨnmikíin apɨ́łapłki ‘it dresses itself with its leaves’; tiičámna páˀiƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷix̣a pɨnmikíin púwiki ‘it covers the ground with its snow’; ku tiičámna páwapawax̣a pɨnmikíin ‘and she [the celery] clothes the land with herself’; páwawyana pɨnmipáyn k̓úpašpa ‘he whipped him on his back’; watx̣ɨ́nam paníya pɨnmíyaw ‘did they give you to him’. [NW pɨnmínk; NP /ˀipn´m/ (genitive and ergative).]