
Him, her, it. Accusative singular. kʷná patáyax̣na paanáy ‘they found him there’; iwátišaša paanáy ‘she is putting [it] around her (someone else’s) waist’; k̓ʷáy iwá wínš aš paanáy áq̓inušana watím ‘that is the man I saw yesterday’; kʷaynítaš áwišɨnx̣ana paanáy k̓úsi ‘that way we would win the horse from him’; átwanayišaaš paanáy sɨ́nwit ‘I am following her words’; páyu ikʷíyayiya paanáy apáp ‘he hurt his (the other person’s) hand’; ana kú ákʷyamnayiša paanáy aniłáan ‘when we believe his the Creator’s [law]’; iq̓ínwayišana paanáy pšɨ́t ‘he saw his (the other person’s) father’; paanáyč̓a ‘him too’; paalaksá ‘him alone’; paanáysɨm ‘him only’; paanáyx̣i ‘him similarly’; paanáyx̣uš ‘him first’. [NE paaná(k); NW piinák; NP /ˀipné/.]