Monday. čná x̣áyx̣pa ana kú iwá pačwáywinaq̓it ku iwá náaptit ku mɨ́taat łk̓ʷí čɨnmí alxayxmí ‘on this morning when it is Monday and it is the 23rd day of this month’. Also wánaq̓it. [NP /halx̣páwinaq̓it/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Monday. čná x̣áyx̣pa ana kú iwá pačwáywinaq̓it ku iwá náaptit ku mɨ́taat łk̓ʷí čɨnmí alxayxmí ‘on this morning when it is Monday and it is the 23rd day of this month’. Also wánaq̓it. [NP /halx̣páwinaq̓it/.]