
Father. túta ‘father!’; natútas ‘my father’; tút ‘your father’; pšɨ́t ‘(his/ her) father’; inmí pšɨ́t ‘my father’; natutasanmí áwača náx̣š pát ‘my father had an older sister’; tút iwá ‘it’s your father’; tútin wínatk ‘go with your father!’; ku kʷná inmí pšɨ́t iwɨ́npɨnx̣ana k̓súyasna ‘and there my father used to get eels’; tút iwinána ‘your father went’; tutápnaš iq̓ínušana ‘your father saw me’; iq̓ínušana pšɨ́tpa ‘he saw his (own) father’; áq̓inunx̣anaaš inmína nč̓ína inmína pšɨ́tna ‘I used to see my elder, my father’; iq̓ínwayišana paanáy pšɨ́t ‘he saw his (the other person’s) father’; iq̓ínušana pɨnmíin pšɨ́t ‘he saw his (own) father’; iwapáataša pšɨ́tpa naknúwit k̓úsina ‘he is helping his father take care of the horse’; pšɨ́tin pawášaša k̓áwkpa ‘he is riding with his father’; wínšna miyánašna pásapsik̓ʷasana pšɨ́tin ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tún ‘the father was teaching a male child everything’; k̓ʷáy áwača sápsik̓ʷat inmí pštmí ‘that was the teaching of my father’; pɨnpštmí áwa ‘it’s his father’s’; pšɨtmaamí łk̓ʷí ‘Father’s day’; pšɨtłk̓ʷí ‘Father’s day’. [NP /pst/.]