
Thought, idea, mind, feelings. čí áwa naamí tananmaamí px̣ʷí ‘our people have this idea’; kumataš wáta yaˀáw imaamíin px̣ʷí ‘and your minds will be offended’; kunam pinánaknuwita níix̣kisim px̣ʷíki ‘you should take care of yourself with only good thoughts’; čáwnam ásapawaac̓wita ɨšnuwáyna px̣ʷína ‘don’t put bad feelings in front (don’t feel sorry for yourselves)’; áwmataš támaytša níix̣ki px̣ʷíki kunam kúušx̣i ím wáta ‘now we’re baking you with good thought and you shall be the same (said when baking something so it won’t feel badly – a prayer to food when baked)’; lɨ́xs px̣ʷí ‘single mind, in agreement’. [NP /nekt/.]