
In seeing, in appearance. ku pamáwapawax̣ana ayáyat q̓ínupa tpɨ́špa tílaakima ‘and the women would dress themselves up nice looking in the face’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwáta ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘all will be beautiful to see’; ana kú išátɨmix̣a ku kúuk ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwɨ́šayčɨnx̣a ayáyat q̓ínupa pɨ́taat ‘when it gets to be fall then all the trees become beautiful to see’; níix̣nam wá q̓ínupa pt̓ínits ‘you have a good looking girl friend’; ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘beautiful in appearance’. [NE túukpa; NP hekípe /hekn-pe/.]