Blanket. itamák̓uska miyánašna útpaski ‘she covered up the child with the blanket’; patamáƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷa miyánašna útpaski ‘they covered the child with the blanket’; ku útpaski patáwitamaƛ̓mx̣ʷɨnx̣a ‘and they cover each with blankets’; itamáwnaša útpas k̓úsipa ‘he’s throwing the blanket over the horse’; k̓ʷáy áwa útpas čɨnmíin tiičammí ‘that (snow) is this earth’s blanket’; itámq̓ʷɨpa útpas ‘she folded up the blanket’; itíšq̓muka útpas ‘he wrinkled the blanket by sitting on it’; áwišnaaš útpas ‘I won the blanket from them’; ičápaaša útpasna ‘she is separating the blankets’; wɨ́npatam čí útpas ‘come get this blanket!’; ičátk̓ulika útpas ‘she bundled up her blankets’; aluq̓atmí útpas ‘algae’; wiwnunmí útpas ‘fern’. [NE wáƛ̓aanak; NW šátay; NP /cíckan/.]