Begin, start, be ahead. úyiša ‘he is starting’; paˀúyiša ‘they are beginning’; úyitaataš tkʷátat ‘we will eat first’; úyitaataš páax̣amt ‘we will start dancing’; watím úyiya ititamat̓áwaspa ‘he began at school yesterday’; anam kú wánpt úyita ‘when you begin to medicine sing’; ana kú úyix̣a wánpt ‘when he begins to sing’; úyitaataš tkʷátata pínaptipa ‘we will start eating at four’; úyitaataš x̣ʷyáyčta máysx ‘we will begin sweating tomorrow’; ana pmáy pawiyáˀuyix̣a tiičámpa ‘they which go along first on the land’; úyit ‘beginning, first’; uyiłá ‘beginner’; káˀuyi ‘eat first, feast on the new food, observe the firstfruits’; tamáˀuyi ‘lead off (stick game, baseball)’; tɨ́x̣ˀuyi ‘make the first kill’; ƛ̓úx̣waˀuyi ‘lead off in initial guessing in the stick game’; wáˀuyi ‘begin singing’; wiyáˀuyi ‘go first’; x̣nɨ́mˀuyi ‘dig first roots’. [NP /ˀúyi/.]