
Get, take, receive, grab, seize, hold, buy, nab, arrest. ana kʷná nč̓ínč̓ima pawɨ́npɨnx̣ana tkʷátat ‘where the elders used to get their food’; pawɨ́npša tiičám ‘they’re buying land’; pawɨ́npɨnx̣a tkʷátat ‘they buy their food’; tímaš wɨ́npɨnk ‘pick up your papers!’; áwnaš ínč̓a wɨ́npta tanán waníčt ‘now I also will receive an Indian name’; kúuknam wɨ́npta waníčt ‘then you will receive your name’; ku kʷná inmí pšɨ́t iwɨ́npɨnx̣ana k̓súyasna ‘and there my father used to get eels’; ana kú pawɨ́npša šuyápuma tiičám ‘when the whitepeople buy their own land’; k̓ʷáy áwa—k̓ʷáyš wɨ́npta ín ‘that is his—I will take that’; čáwpam sɨ́nwitna áwɨnpta ‘you shouldn’t tape record’; páwɨnpša walptáykašna ‘it picks up the songs’ (said of the tape recorder); tkʷátatna wíwɨnpta ‘we should buy each of our foods’; ipápawɨnpa yáamaš ‘the deer mated’; áwš wɨ́npatata miyánaš ‘now I shall go get my child’; apáp áwɨnpayik ‘shake his hand!’; apáp wɨ́npayim ‘shake my hand’; apáp pawɨ́npayiša ‘they’re shaking hands’; apáp ipápawɨnpayiya ‘they shook hands’; kunam pawɨ́npayita ‘and they will get yours’; pawɨ́npayitanam tkʷátat ‘they will want your food’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ páwɨnpayiša paamanáy ‘he is getting all of theirs’; páwɨnpayik ‘get it for me!’; iwɨ́npayišanam sɨ́nwit ‘it takes your words’ (said of tape recorder); túnnam áw iwɨ́npayita ‘what of yours will it get now?’; qáwɨnp ‘catch’; wiyáwɨnp ‘lead along’; wɨ́nptux̣ ‘take back’; wɨnpáł ‘without getting’; wɨ́npi ‘gotten, bought, arrested’; wɨnpłá ‘buyer, getter’; wɨ́npt ‘getting, receiving, buying’. [NE łx̣ʷɨ́n; NP /ˀnp/.]