
Eagle feather, feather. ku aw kú wínšin pánix̣ana tílaakina nápt wáptas ‘and then the man would give the woman two feathers’; kunam kʷná q̓ínuta nápt wáptas ‘and there you will see two feathers’; kunam áq̓inuta lɨ́xs wáptas ‘and you will see the single feather’; k̓ʷáy kúuš iwačá míimi wáptas ‘that feather was like that long ago’; ttɨx̣šmípa iwá táani wáptas ‘the feather is put in the basket’; páq̓pi wáptaski ‘placed on (head) with feather (two standing up means she is married, one means she is single)’. See also x̣ʷaamá. [NP /weptes/ ‘wing, feather, golden eagle’.]