Same. ínx̣i ‘I similarly’; ímx̣i ‘you similarly’; pɨ́nx̣i ‘he similarly’; k̓ʷáyx̣i ‘that the same’; kʷnáx̣i ‘in the same place’; kúukx̣i ‘at the same time’; kúušx̣i ‘in the same way’; ánč̓ax̣i ‘again’; čáwx̣i ‘similarly not, not yet’; iwá ánč̓a pɨ́nx̣i tál ‘the bug is the same’; ku pɨ́nx̣i iwá waníči pášx̣aš ‘the same is named the balsamroot sunflower’; ku pɨ́nx̣i iwá waníči pášx̣aš íiš ‘and the cow parsnip is similarly called sunflower’; kʷná pawačá tanánma ánč̓a Wɨ́šx̣aamax̣i ‘there the same Wishram Indians were again’; kʷnáx̣išta kú sɨ́nwisana míimi ‘in the same place then I was already speaking’; kʷnáx̣ina aníx̣a x̣ʷyáytš ‘similarly we make the sweathouse there’; ku kʷnáx̣i paˀanítat̓aša maykčníin ɨníit ‘and they are wanting to make houses in the same place more on this side’; kʷnáx̣išta kú sɨ́nwisana míimi ‘in the same place then I was speaking already’; kúušx̣itaš áwtni pamáwšuwanx̣a ‘in the same tabooed way we get ourselves ready’; kúušx̣i ana kú iwá tkʷátat ku áwtnix̣i patkʷátax̣a ‘in the same way when there is the food and they eat the same tabooed (food)’; ku kʷɨ́nkix̣i paˀaníx̣ana wápas ‘and with that same thing they make the bag’; ku kúukx̣i kú iwɨ́npta tanán waníčt ‘and at the same time then he will get his Indian name’; čáwx̣i iwáta pínaptipa nɨknípa ku kúuk pawínata ‘it will not yet be four o’clock and then they will go’; lɨ́xssɨmk̓a čáwx̣i míš pámiša šuyápuwin ‘the whiteman is not doing the same to it the only one left’; yiyáwk̓ax̣iš wátax̣na ‘I would have been similarly pitiful’; aq̓úwitpax̣i ‘in the same way when coughing’; tilíwalx̣i ‘similarly blood’. [NP /=títe/.]