
  1. pátaat ‘tree’;
  2. pɨ́taat ‘trees’;
  3. ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tún pɨtaatpɨ́taat ‘every tree’;
  4. táp̓aš ‘pine, generic tree’;
  5. áx̣š ‘base of tree, tree roots’;
  6. patíš ‘limb, tree branch’;
  7. táp̓ašnaq̓it ‘edge of the trees, tree line’;
  8. aaš ‘Source, place, tree, bush, patch, source for berries’;
    1. mɨt̓ɨ́paaš ‘elderberry tree’;
    2. kkúušaaš ‘filbert or hazelnut tree’;
    3. kʷalkʷálayaaš ‘mountain-ash tree’;
    4. púušaaš ‘juniper tree’;
  9. -aašu ‘Source’;
    1. šnɨ́maašu ‘black hawthorn tree’;
    2. tmáašu ‘chokecherry tree’.