588 terms are adverbs


With the mouth, with voice, vocalizing. wáˀuyi ‘begin singing’; wač̓ák ‘treat as Indian doctor by sucking out a sickness’; waníč ‘name’; wánp ‘sing the medicine song’; wálsayc ‘tell legend’; wášiwatk ‘disagree, quarrel’; wátiya ‘gossip’; wátuti ‘laud, praise, stand up for’; wáyyawk ‘pray’. [NP /we-/.]


With an implement, with a blunt instrument. wáˀyuˀyun ‘shake up’; wác̓aak ‘close, lock’; wák̓aatk ‘sweep’; wák̓ɨmɨsk ‘twist tight’; wák̓ʷlk ‘grind in a meat grinder’; wáp̓ik ‘wash clothes’; wáquuk ‘stake down’; wástk ‘halter (a horse)’; wásusun ‘call on telephone’; wát̓a ‘whip’; wáƛ̓ič ‘club to death’; wáƛ̓iip ‘knock off’; wáwaap̓ik ‘wring out’; wáwšp ‘club unconscious’; wáx̣ɨmk ‘grind with a grinder’; wáx̣ƛ̓k ‘cut with scythe’; wax̣úun ‘paddle (canoe)’; wáx̣ʷłk ‘untie, unlock’; wawaanaytáwas ‘windmill’. [NP /we-/.]


With a paddle, rowing. wɨšápni ‘shove off (in canoe or raft)’; wɨšáp̓ik ‘wring, twist, wring out’; wɨšanínn ‘paddle here and there’; wɨšátk̓ʷk ‘drive, steer’; wɨšáwayč ‘row across’; wɨsak̓páwas ‘bolt’. [NP /wse-/.]


Further, beyond, ahead, more than. iwá wáaˀaw šapíinawit páx̣at ‘it is five miles further’; ku náx̣š áwača páyš wáaˀaw náx̣š anwíčt páyčt ‘and her younger brother was maybe a little over a year old’; máal pawínata ku wáaˀaw iwínata ‘they will go so far and he will continue on’; wáaˀawna wá ‘ours is more’; wáaˀaw iwá íčɨn wápasyaw kuna ánč̓ax̣i náx̣špa wápaspa pšátaata ‘this bag is full and we will fill another’; wáaˀawnam áw ikúša ‘she is getting taller than you’; iwá maykwáaˀaw ‘he is trying to be superior’. [NP /tiiyíi/ (Aoki 1994:777).]


In seeing. wálsik̓ʷa ‘copy while observing’; náqawalx̣aluuk ‘gaze upward while singing’. See wán-.


In check. walápaluun ‘sit in water’; walápanaq̓i ‘sit at the end of a bench’; walápaq̓ič ‘perch, sit up high’; walápaša ‘sit upon’; walak̓ílun ‘watch over, glance around, survey’; walaq̓ínun ‘glance around, survey’; láwalapatun ‘sit’. [NP /wele-/.]


Tying, knotting. waláč̓wič ‘put a belt on’; walák̓ik ‘tie, tie up’; waláplayk ‘wrap around the braids’; waláyx̣ʷtk ‘hobble (horse)’. [NP /wel̓é-/.]


Hanging. wálkaliln ‘hang down, hang upside-down’. [NP /súulke-/


With the eyes, in seeing. wálɨmsik̓ʷa ‘copy, watch and do the same’.


Walking. Plural subject. wáltasklik ‘walk in a circle’; wáltawayč ‘walk across’; wáltayti ‘walk’.


In sitting position. wášɨmničanwi ‘slide down’; wášɨmninn ‘sit around’. Also wásɨm-.


With the eyes. wánčipši ‘vomit from seeing’; wántwana ‘follow with the eyes’. See also wál-.


Toward the river. Spilyáy iwínaša wánaši ‘Coyote is going toward the river’.


Toward the back part of the tepee. wanáwayšikan ‘toward the back of the tepee’. Also náwayši.


Toward the coast, coastward; toward the back side inside a tepee or anything. yáwtux̣naataš wanúukšikni ača kú x̣lák it̓úx̣t̓x̣ʷišana ‘we floated home from the coast because of so much rain’; wanúukšikan wínak ‘go to the back of the room!’; wanúukši papáču ‘toward the back facing the middle’.


With the hand. waptáyma ‘pay back, take revenge’; wápyat̓a ‘wash the hands’; súwapx̣ʷaamit ‘tepee ear pole’. [NP /wép-/.]


With the hand. wapác̓ɨmk ‘touch a sharp object’; wapák̓ɨnk ‘block with the hand’; wapák̓tk ‘knead, make into dough’; wápalayk ’cause to forget, distract’; wapáanakʷ ‘shoot back’; wapáni ‘hand out’; wapáša ‘touch, feel’; wapášnawi ‘look for by groping with the hands’; wapáata ‘help’; wapáƛ̓ič ‘kill with the hand’; wapáwq̓x̣ ‘choke’; wapáwx̣in ‘release, let go’; wapáx̣ɨmk ‘crumble with the hand’. [NP /wepé-/.]


Toward brush, into the bushes. wápaši iwá k̓usik̓úsi ‘the dog is toward the brush’.


While sitting. wasɨmc̓aakí ‘bareback (on horse)’; wásɨmtq̓ʷx̣ ‘be saddle sore (of a horse)’; wásɨmtacay ‘buffalo robe’. Also wášɨm-.


Rushing, charging, charging in anger. wátkʷa ‘rape’; wátkʷi ‘dash out’; wátkʷna ‘charge, rush’; wátkʷtunapt̓a ‘rush after and kick’; wátkʷtwana ‘charge after, chase in anger’.