Accusative case.
Inflects kinship terms when a 3rd person possessor is coreferential with subject.
- tílaaki iq̓ínuna pšɨ́tpa ‘the woman saw her father’;
- ku ɨ́nna káłapa ‘and he said to his grandmother’;
- ku ɨ́nx̣ana x̣áypa ‘and he would say to his friend’;
- pímx̣pa isík̓ʷatana ‘he went to show his uncle’.
- Assimilates to stem final p:
- iq̓ínuša pyápa ‘he sees his older brother’;
- ɨsípa iq̓ínušana ‘she saw her little sister’.
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[Perhaps an extension of the locative -pa; cf. also ergative/accusative -áp.]