Brain; gray hair. patamanúuša apɨ́x̣ kukúkyaw ‘they are putting the hide in the brain solution’; pašapalúuša apɨ́x̣ kukúkyaw ‘they are soaking the hide in brain’; kukúk áwa tútanik ‘his hair is gray’. [N plús ‘brain’; NP /yex̣yeqít̓es/ ‘brain’; cf. NP /qúqn/ ‘be gray’; /qux̣ús/ ‘dull gray’; /hukuk/ ‘hair’.]
4,794 terms are nouns
Red thornberry, Crataegus columbiana. They have much longer thorns than the black Thornberry (šnɨ́m); the ones around Kamiah are orange. paˀaníx̣ana kulakúlaki łapt̓alá ‘they used to make pemmican with red thornberries’. Also sometimes applied to salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis (Beavert & Hargus 2009). Hunn (1990:347) also defines as soapberry, Shepherdia canadensis. [NP /telq/.]
Salmon head or jaw cartilage, the soft gristle in the head of the salmon. It is white, light gray. The old people liked to eat it. áx̣ʷay patkʷátax̣a kúmkumna čnamáan tanánma ku ttúuš tanán c̓áakni ku wanuukšiłáma ‘they still eat the fish head, the people from here and some from nearby and the coast people’. [NP /kumkum/.]
Work. ana k̓ʷáy áwača nč̓inč̓imaamí kútkut ‘that which was the elder’s work’; kutaš čáw wiyánawiya kútkutyaw watím ‘and we didn’t come to work yesterday’; ku iwinána ihawáanaykša kútkutkni ‘and he went on vacation from work’; itkʷátaša kútkutpa ‘he is eating at work’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ šín čikúuk iwaqítša kútkutna ača kú iwá wáayawit ‘everybody today is looking for work because there is hard times’; at̓úk kútkut ‘hard work’. [NP /cepel´xnikt/.]
Worker. pamáywɨšinx̣a ɨščɨtpamá kutkutłáma ‘the road workers move around early’; ača kú áwa kutkutłá ‘because it’s his worker’. [NP /cepelxnikew̓et(u)/.]
Chunk, piece. Also kúƛk. iníyaaš kúƛ̓k áyun ‘he gave me a chunk of licorice root’; kuƛ̓kúƛ̓k nɨkʷɨ́t ‘chunks of meat’.
Stove. šín iwá kuukiłá ‘who is the cook?’. [NP /hpt-haniyaw̓at(o)/.]
Cook stove. kuukitpamá tkʷsáy ‘cooking pot’.
Beaded hair tie.
Pig, hog, pork, Sus scrofa. pináˀišq̓ukayitanam wɨx̣á kušuunmíki apɨ́x̣ki ku kúušx̣i apáp ‘you should anoint your feet with pig skin (bacon rind) and similarly your hands’; kusúkusu ‘piglet’. Also huq̓húq̓. [NP /hoq̓hóq̓/; kušúu is French cochon via Jargon.]
Additionally, next. kuna wá lamaksásimk̓a ‘and next we are only alone’; kʷašta kú máalsɨmk̓a ásapsik̓ʷasa miyánašmaaman ‘and then however much longer I am teaching the children’; ku aw kú itqáwača áswan pɨlksásɨmk̓a ‘and then suddenly the boy was all alone’; máysxk̓atya kú aw kú iwínana ‘tomorrow then he went’; lɨ́xssɨmk̓a miimá níit iwá ‘there is only one old house left’; mɨ́łmansɨmk̓ataš wá Háwtmipa ‘how many are we only on McKay Creek?’; kʷata kú míš iwá níix̣ aw míšk̓a iwá mɨlá ‘wonder then whether it is good or whether it is bad’; máalsɨmk̓as wá ‘how far am I now?’; iwá čáwk̓a tún kʷná ‘there isn’t anything there any more’; kunam k̓í sc̓átpak̓a náktux̣šamta k̓ʷapɨ́n nɨkʷɨ́t ‘and on the last night you will bring back the aforementioned meat’; yiyáwk̓ax̣iš wátax̣na ‘I would have been pitiful’; áwnaš náx̣škik̓a sɨ́nwita ‘I’m going to speak about something else now’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷsɨmk̓aš čná wačá ‘the last time I was here’; č̓ɨ́šktpak̓anam itk̓íta ‘even though lying he will look at you’; aw k̓ʷáyk̓a áw ‘or’; c̓áak̓a ‘next’; čáwk̓a ‘no more, no longer’. Nonpalatalized variant of =č̓a. [NP /=k̓ey̓/ (Aoki 1994:271).]
Raccoon, Procyon lotor. iwínana číišyaw k̓aalás ku išmát̓ana ‘the raccoon went to the water and washed his face’ (Jacobs 1937:2.1.7, pg. 189). [NP /k̓yk̓yoc/.]
Buckskin loops in back of cradleboard used to put a strap through for carrying.
Kalapuya, the native people of the Willamette Valley in western Oregon. pawínana K̓alapuyanmíyaw tiičámyaw ‘they went to the Kalapuya country’. [NP /k̓alapóya/ (Aoki 1994:264).]
Cradleboard hoop or bow. ičák̓ɨlikša k̓alk̓alípš ‘she is bending her babyboard bow’; šk̓apášwayki paˀaníx̣a k̓alk̓alípš ‘they make the cradleboard bow with rose’; šk̓apašwaynmíki aníyi k̓alk̓alípš ‘cradleboard bow made with rose wood’. [NP k̓alk̓alíipš /k̓alk̓alips/.]
Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus. x̣ʷáami iwáynaša k̓ámamul ‘the eagle is flying high’. [NP /saq̓antáyq/.]
Mosquito larva; water skipper.
Crawfish. k̓astilá ayáyaša ‘the crawfish is having fun’. [K also łik̓ʷíłik̓ʷi; NP /tiˀila/.]
Elbow. payúnaš kúša k̓ášinu ‘my elbow hurts’. [NP /k̓assyno/.]
Canoe. Also wásas. tílayin pánix̣ama k̓áwk ‘his grandfather used to give him canoes’. [NP /ly̓es/.]