Obviative pronominal. The allomorph áw- occurs before vowels. Attach to the beginning of a verb. new info
- Possessor of subject in intransitive clauses:
- ana kú áwát̓ix̣ana ‘when his would cook’;
- ku aw kú ápinawšuwana káła ‘and then his grandmother got herself ready’;
- k̓ʷáy áwa paamíin táwyanaykt ‘that was their dwelling’;
- ku áwiyátk̓uka sc̓atmí ‘and theirs was midnight’;
- ku áwiyanawiya x̣áy tiskayayanmí X̣ʷaamayáy ‘and Skunk’s friend Eagle arrived’;
- čí áwa tananmaamí tkʷátat ‘this is the Indian’s food’.
- Direct object in transitive and ditransitive clauses (when subject is 1st or 2nd person):
- álaaknayišnaš waníčt ‘I have forgotten his name’;
- áwišnaaš útpas ‘I won the blanket from them’;
- ana kú tk̓ʷíikʷ ásapsik̓ʷata naamí sɨ́nwit ‘when we teach them our language correctly’;
- čáwnam mún miyánašna áwawyata ‘you never should whip a child’;
- anam kú átalax̣itkta miyánašmaaman ‘when you discipline the children’.
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[NW á-/áw- serves a broader obviative function; NP /ˀe-/; /ˀew-/ before /ˀR/ (R = Resonant).]