

Without doing something.


Privative. Deverbative. Directly attach to the dictionary form of a verb without taken out -n to form an adjective.


  1. -áł after a consonant
    1. čak̓ʷlkáł ‘unchewed’;
    2. čuunáł ‘without drinking’;
    3. iix̣áł ‘unclean’;
    4. panaymunáł ‘cold, aloof’;
    5. payknáł ‘disobedient’;
    6. twanpáł ‘uncombed’;
  2. -yáł after i
    1. lak̓ɨmiyáł ‘everlasting’;
    2. sɨnwiyáł ‘without speaking’;
  3. -náł after a vowel
    1. tkʷatanáł ‘without eating, fasting’;
    2. wanáł ‘invisible’.
    3. ača čikúuk iwá at̓úk yáx̣t kútkut sapsik̓ʷanáł ‘because today it is hard to get work without an eductation’;
    4. šuwináł (shortened from šúwiya, could be a mispronunciation) ‘not learning from hard lessons’;

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[NP /-ey̓éy̓/.]