

Combine with determiners, interrogatives, or conjunctions like ku, kʷaaná, máan, mún, pɨ́n, or kúuš, to form conjunctions.


  1. áwawtšaaš čɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ana pɨ́n pináwšuwašamš naamíyaw ‘I am tabooing the new food that is getting itself ready for us’;
  2. wačáaš ín amaš ín q̓ínušana ‘it was I who saw you’;
  3. k̓ʷáy iwá tílaaki anam kʷɨ́nɨm iq̓ínušana ‘that is the woman who saw you’;
  4. iwá áwtni čúuš ana kʷiiní pásapakiikɨnx̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷna ‘the water that cleanses all is tabooed’;
  5. iwá waníči tkʷátat naamí ana kʷaaná pátamanwiya čná tiičámpa naamíyay ‘it is our named food which he ordained in this land’;
  6. čáwnam áwɨnta tílaakina ataš kʷiiní wiyánawiya ‘do not tell the woman that I arrived with’;
  7. k̓ʷáy iwá wínš ana pɨnmíin áwa x̣lák x̣áx̣aykʷ ‘that is the man who has much money’;
  8. iwačá tún ana túyay paˀanítat̓ax̣ana ‘it was something for which they would want to make it’;
  9. ku iwiyánawiya íkʷɨn níityaw ana íkʷɨn páˀɨnx̣ana ‘and she arrived at the house where he would tell her’;
  10. ana kʷná ƛ̓áax̣ʷ šín itkʷátax̣a ‘where everyone eats’;
  11. iwačá tún anam túkin máan wínatax̣na ‘it was something by which you could go anywhere’;
  12. čáw iwá łq̓íwit anam kú áwštaymata naamína čɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ‘it is not play when you meet our new food’. Also used in imperatives and hortatives: amaš q̓ínunk ‘open your eyes!’;
  13. aš wáawɨnpata ‘let me go get it’;
  14. ana áw kʷná inč̓úun ‘let him sleep there’.

See more:

ana kúwhen, because‘;

ana kʷaaná ‘which’;

ana máan ‘where’;

ana mún ‘what’;

ana pɨ́n ‘that, who’;

ana kúušas, such as’.

[NP /ke/.]