To be something, become something. new info
- ałwí ‘be generous’;
- anmíwi ‘be winter’;
- ayayášwi ‘act stupidly’;
- cɨ́ˀliwi ‘be arrogant, proud’;
- čáašwi ‘flirt’;
- čáynačwi ‘trade on the men’s side’;
- ččáanwi ‘not tell on, deny guilt’;
- hananúywi ‘be disgusted with’;
- ɨmačáywi ‘talk bad’;
- ɨ́mttunwi ‘be talkative’;
- kiˀíiswi ‘smile’;
- lɨwáyswi ‘be lucky’;
- lɨ́xssimwi ‘merge into one’;
- łmamáwi ‘grow older’ (said of a woman);
- łq̓íwi ‘play’;
- mɨláwi ‘menstruate’;
- níix̣wi ‘do well’;
- pačíwi ‘be ornery’;
- pačwáywi ‘be Sunday, keep Sunday’;
- púułwi ‘be blind’;
- q̓ʷšɨ́mwi ‘misbehave’;
- Spilyáywi ‘copy, mimic’;
- šatmíwi ‘become summer’;
- špamíwi ‘become autumn’;
- tamłamáywi ‘not know how’;
- tɨmnanč̓íwi ‘tough it out, tolerate’;
- twac̓ɨxíwi ‘be stingy’;
- twatíwi ‘treat (the sick) as a shaman’;
- t̓t̓ɨ́šwi ‘be frivolous and unproductive’;
- wapčáywi ‘get violent’;
- waq̓íšwi ‘revive’;
- wawax̣míwi ‘become spring’;
- wɨx̣áwi ‘wrestle’;
- x̣antátwi ‘act up in sympathy with a pregnant woman’;
- xʷsáatwi ‘grow older’ (said of a man).
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[NP /-wi/.]