

Back, behind, afterwards, last in a series.


  1. ášam áwiyanawiya wát̓i ku ánay iwiyánawiya ‘his wife arrived first and he arrived afterwards’;
  2. ku kʷaaná patátwanax̣a ánay ‘and they follow behind that one’;
  3. aw kú čná álay ƛ̓áax̣ʷ táatpas patáyax̣nayiya ‘then back here they found all their clothing’;
  4. pápanaknuwitapam čáw wíyat ánayyaw łk̓ʷíyaw ‘you should take care of one another almost to the last day’;
  5. ánačan ‘backward, toward the back’;
  6. ánačni ‘behind, in back’;
  7. ánaytx̣aw ‘the very last’;
  8. wiyáalačawi ‘look back’.

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[N ának; NP /hélek/.]