47 terms are determiners


Pertaining to. čnamáan ‘pertaining to here, local’; kʷnamáan ‘pertaining to there’. Form of -pamá for determiners (see Beavert & Hargus 2009:31, 76). [NW -amánk; NP /-eme/.]


This long, this tall, this far. Compare kʷáal. [NE čaˀál; NP kiwáyl.]


These. Accusative case. kunam ƛ̓áax̣ʷ áwilaalakʷayita tún čáaman tanánmaaman ‘and you will leave everything for these people’. [NP /k´nmene/.]


Toward this. Lengthened vowel ablaut. For other oblique bases see čn-, čiin-. For absolute see čí ‘this’. ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá čáan atínačan tiičám ‘the aforementioned which is land toward Athena’; ača kú iwačá wíyat náktux̣t čáan ‘because it was far to bring back here’; čaaná ‘this’ (accusative); čaaní ‘toward this’ (emphatic versative); čáaman ‘these’ (accusative); čaamí ‘of these’ (genitive). [NP /kíkek/; NP oblique /k´n/.]





Accusative case.


  1. anam šín átq̓ix̣ša čaaná k̓úsina kunam wášata ‘you whoever wants this horse ought to ride it’;
  2. súlcasma panaknúwišana čaaná tiičámna ‘the soldiers were taking care of this country’;
  3. ana kú tamanwiya čaaná tiičámna ‘when he instituted this land’.

See more:

čí. [NP /k´nye/.]


Toward this, in this very direction. ku kúuk súlcasin pášapawinama čaaní ‘and then the army sent them here’; ača kú iwačá wíyat náktux̣t čaaní ‘because it was far to take them back here’; iwámš čaaní súlčas ‘the army is coming this way’.


In this direction, this way. wínam čáy ‘come this way!’; pawámš čáy ‘they’re coming this way’; čáy ku čáan ‘this way and that’. [N čáyk; NP /kpk/.]


In this direction, this way, for this reason.





čítaš naamí tkʷátat ‘this is our food’;

čítaš naamí tiičám ‘this is our land’;

wɨ́npatam čí útpas ‘come get this blanket!’;

tún iwá čí ‘what is this?’;

iyáwaynaša čí ‘this is floating along’;

ana kúuš čí qawšqáwš iníya ‘the way he gave us this lovage’;

ana čí iwá púwi ‘this which is the snow’;

čína wá naamí tkʷátat ‘this is our food’;

kʷyáam iwá čí sɨ́nwit ‘these words are true’;

máan iwaníša tanánki čí ‘how is this named in Indian?’;

čí áwa tananmaamí tkʷátat ‘this is the people’s food’;

ƛ̓áax̣ʷ áwa wíwaniči čí tiičám čnamanłaamí ‘all this land of the locals is named’;

čikúuk ‘today’.

See more:

For oblique bases see čn ~ čaan ~ čiin.

[NW íči; NP //, /k´n-/.]


Proximate. Lengthened vowel ablaut used in the dual. See also čí. čiiní ‘these two’ (absolute); číinaman ‘these two’ (accusative); čiinamí ‘of these two’ (genitive). For other ablaut bases see čn-, čaan-.


These two. Accusative case. ánik číinaman pt̓ilíinaman ‘give it to these two girls’.



These two (dual); with this one (associative).


  1. wášnaš čiiní ‘these two are mine’;
  2. ku panáktux̣ɨmta čiiní imíin miyánašin ‘and these your two children will bring (them) back’;
  3. wínašaataš čiiní ‘I am going with this one’;
  4. páq̓inušana čiiní ‘this one saw him’.


In this, here. Locative case. čáw iwá čná ‘he is not here’; čná tiičámpa ‘in this land’; čná łk̓ʷípa ‘on this day’. [NP /k´ne/.]


Pertaining to here, local. čnamáan k̓ʷáy iwá ‘he is from here’; tímaš čnamáan iwá ‘it is a book from here’; čnamáan Wanapamá áwača pčá ‘his mother was a Columbia River local’. [NE čnamá; NW čnamánk; NP kinéeme /kneme/.]


For this, for here.


With this, about this. Instrumental case. Also čɨ́nki. kuš k̓ʷáy áw kʷɨ́ł ínč̓a qátɨmnanax̣ɨnkikš čɨ́nči wánaki ‘and that much now I also have narrated about this river’; čɨ́nčiš sɨ́nwita tiičámki ‘I shall speak about this land’. [NP kínki /k´nki/.]


From this, from here, on this side. Ablative case. iwačá tiičám čɨ́ni ‘it was land from here’; apam kú čɨ́ni wínata ‘when you go from here’; Spilyáyin čáw hátina páwx̣ina čɨ́ni ‘Coyote didn’t throw any Donnell’s desert parsley on this side (on the Oregon side of the River)’. [N čɨ́nik; NP kínix /k´nik/.]


On this side. papúučni patáwyanaykɨnx̣ana kʷɨ́ni íšatkni ku ánč̓a čníin ‘long ago they would settle on both sides (of the river)—from that side and again on this side’; ku kʷnáx̣i paˀanítat̓aša maykčníin ɨníit ‘and similarly there they are wanting to make houses more on this side’. [NW čnínk.]


This. Ergative case. itq̓íx̣šana čɨ́nɨm tímašnɨm kútana tk̓ʷíikʷ ‘this paper wants us to act honestly’. [NP kínm /k´nm/.]


Of this. Genitive case. ku iwá náaptit ku mɨ́taat łk̓ʷí čɨnmí alx̣ayx̣mí ‘and it is the twenty third day of this month’; k̓ʷáy áwa útpas čɨnmíin tiičammí ‘that (snow) is this earth’s blanket’; čná x̣áyx̣pa ana kú iwá pačwáywinaq̓it ku iwá náaptit ku mɨ́taat łk̓ʷí čɨnmí alxayxmí ‘on this morning when it is Monday and it is the 23rd day of this month’. [NP kínm /k´nm/.]