Flea, sand flea. [NP /haslam/.]
4,792 terms are nouns
Verb nominalizer in directional complements. wiyánawiyawašamaš šápniyanat ‘I am coming to ask you’; pawiyánawišana q̓ínwanat ‘they were arriving to see [them]’; iwámšna íƛ̓iyawiyanat ‘he is coming to kill us’; túman pawiyánawiya q̓ínwanat paamanáy ‘what had come to see them?’; pawiyánawiša wáp̓anat ‘they are arriving to weave’; pawiyánawiša sápsik̓ʷanat ‘they are arriving to teach’; áana áw čí iwámš wáwˀaƛ̓awiyanat x̣ax̣áykʷyaw ‘oh now this one is coming to beg for money’; wáytšaykatyataš kʷáan Wayámkan wɨ́npanat x̣yáw núsux̣ ‘instead we were crossing on over toward Celilo to get dry salmon’. See also nominalizer -t.
Hunger. áwnaš šɨnnɨ́pɨn anáwitki ‘I’ve gotten dizzy because of being hungry’; áwnaš wá šaláw tk̓ʷanáytitpa šaláw anakúuš anáwitkni ‘now I am weak when walking as from hunger’. [NP heyéeqin /heyéqnt/.]
Large round digging bag, round woven basket, sally bag (“the one you dig into”); small bag. See also wápas.
Handicraft. aníš wawukyanmí k̓štɨ́n ‘an elk tooth handicraft’.
Chest. See ɨník̓ʷa.
Maker, the Creator, God.
- tkʷátat aniłá iwá ‘she is a cook’;
- ku ana pmáy pawačá aniłá pawapsícɨnx̣ana ‘and they who were crafters used to braid it’;
- maysxmáysxna áwaƛ̓awiša naamína aniłáan ‘every day we pray to our Maker’;
- pak̓ʷałanáwaša aniłáan ‘they’re giving thanks to the Creator’;
- ana tún iwá tkʷátat ana k̓ʷapɨ́n pániča čná tiičámpa naamíin aniłáyin ‘anything that is the food which our Creator put on this land’;
- aw kú páčax̣alpayiya paanáy ɨščɨ́t naamíyin aniłáyin ‘then the way was opened for him by our Maker’;
- aniłanmí tkʷátat ‘the Creator’s food’.
See more:
[NP /haniyaw̓ato/.]
Spring beauty, Indian potato, Claytonia lanceolata. Tiny little roots that look like potatoes. They used to dig them in the Blue Mountains; now all come from the Washington Cascades, though there may be a small amount near Mount Hood. [NP /capcilay/.]
Miner’s lettuce, Montia perfoliata.
- ánɨm iwá ‘it is winter’;
- panáyk̓ukɨnx̣ana tkʷátat ánɨmay ‘they used to gather food for winter’;
- pináwšuwanx̣a ánɨmiyaw ‘it gets itself ready for winter’;
- papáču ánɨm ‘the middle of winter’;
- ánɨmpa ‘in winter’;
- ánɨmiyaw ‘to winter’.
See more:
[NP /ˀen´m̓/, /ˀen´m̓-/ ~ /ˀen´mi-/.]
Black hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii. Also pronounced šnɨ́maašu. For the fruit see šnɨ́m. [NE šɨšnɨ́mšway; NP /ssnm/.]
Simnasho on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
Large storage bag or basket for berries or roots, large basket for berry picking that is worn on the back. It is made of dogbane. Also called psatat̓áwas. [PR lɨtáyltay; NP /t´x̣cik̓ay/.]
Bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata); water birch (Betula occidentalis); plum. [Y ɨšnɨ́pš ‘bitter cherry; prince’s pine (Chimaphila umbellata)’; NP /hesl´ps/ ‘Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannii); birch (Betula microphylla).]
One who acts like a winner. Pejorative. Also ašluˀišłá. This is a Yakima term.
Orphan. [NP /ˀelwt̓et/.]
Winter lodge. ku áwača q̓x̣linmí anwícas ‘and he had a winter lodge of tule mats’.
Year. náx̣š anwíčt paˀáwtšana ‘they were mourning (avoiding celebrations) one year’; ana mɨ́ł anwíčt čáw šín iwá čáw waníči kʷɨ́nki ‘however many years that nobody was named with that [name]’; kʷɨ́łx̣itaš wá anwíčt ‘we are the same age’; ku náx̣š anwíčt pináwšuwašana ‘and he was getting himself ready one year’; ku iwánpta páx̣at anwíčt áw k̓ʷáyk̓a áw uynáapt anwíčt ‘and he will medicine sing five years or seven years’; ana kú pawɨ́šayčɨnx̣a mɨ́ł anwíčt pútɨmt aw pútɨmt ku nápt ‘when they become about ten or twelve years old’; čikúuknaš wá anwíčt uymtáaptit ku mɨ́taat ‘today I am 83 years old’; áw ic̓áaša anwíčt ‘now it is the winter solstice (the new year)’; c̓áat anwíčt ‘new year’. [N anwíkt; NP /ˀinmíwit/.]