
Maybe, perhaps, if. páyš máysx iwáta níix̣ łk̓ʷí ‘maybe tomorrow will be a good day’; anata kú páyš súlcasnɨm išapáwinatax̣na máan ‘when perhaps the army would drive us away’; páyšnam čáw wɨłq̓ámita kɨ́tu mak̓ínam kú čná paˀíƛ̓iyawita ‘if you don’t hurridly get your moccasins on they will kill you here’; páyšnaš wínatax̣na kuš átux̣ʷnatax̣na ɨwínatna ‘if I had gone I would have shot the deer’; páyšnam ánakwinayita máan kunam patwánata ‘if you take theirs somewhere they will follow you’; páyšnaš watáx̣na páax̣amtpa kuš páax̣amtax̣na ‘had I been at the pow-wow I would have been dancing’; páyšnaš wínatax̣na ‘if only I had gone’. [NE páˀiš; NP páy̓s.]