Past participle. Forms adjectives from nouns and verbs.
ataš kúuš wačá náma sápsik̓ʷani ‘such as we were taught’;
ku áwača wátisas aníyi kakyanmí p̓ip̓inmí ‘and his rope was made of animal intestine’;
tílaaki níyi iwačá miyuux̣míyaw ‘a woman was given to the chief’;
čáw mɨná iwačá aníyi tamicáwas ‘nowhere was there a cemetery made’;
áwata aníyi wilawiix̣tpamá ‘their racetrack will be made’;
ku iwá pčɨ́š wíwac̓aaki ‘and each door/gate is locked’;
wáx̣ɨmki iwá ɨst̓swáakuł ‘the corn is ground’;
níči iwá ‘he is put away (buried)’;
wɨ́npi iwá ‘he is arrested’;
lɨ́mq̓ini iwačá ‘he had his eyes closed’;
tmíyuni iwá ‘it is decided’;
šq̓múni iwá ‘it is wrinkled’;
wátana pamáwšuwani ‘we will be readied’;
ɨsɨ́xʷi ‘female salmon, female fish’;
áwtaši ‘wounded’;
áwtni ‘tabooed’;
čáwiwani ‘stretched’;
ílax̣ʷayx̣i ‘heated up’;
pánaymuni ‘related to one another’;
sapác̓ɨmki ‘sharpened’;
sapák̓stni ‘cooled down’;
sapasunaytí ‘wheel barrow’;
táax̣aluuni calutimat̓áwas ‘dyed cornhusk’;
wák̓ɨlki nɨkʷɨ́t ‘hamburger’;
walák̓iki łkmá ‘the stick-game bone with the mark’;
waníči ‘named’;
wánpi ‘sung (one who has sung the medicine song)’;
wášani ‘ridden’;
wáašani ‘adherent of the dreamer religion’;
xawíyi ‘mature, ripened’. With nouns: čáwx̣inam wá wɨłq̓ámi ‘you are not similarly shod’;
tamámi ‘cake’;
pátasi ‘quail’;
púuši ‘having juniper, worthless land’.
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After vowel: –ní
[NE -í; NP /-iˀins/.]