A thing or tool for something. new info
Instrument nominalizer. Atttach to nouns. new info
- atáwas ‘bathroom’;
- aycáwas ‘chair’;
- capacanpáwas ‘bridle’;
- cap̓uykáwas ‘harrow’;
- caq̓páwas ‘ribbon’;
- cawaanaynacáwas ‘bit (for horse)’;
- čak̓ukáwas ‘rake’;
- čawaax̣aapáwas ‘tepee liner, tent liner’;
- čax̣ɨlpáwas ‘opener’;
- ic̓ikáwas ‘sugar’;
- imiikáwas ‘rock used in tanning’;
- itk̓ʷkáwas ‘straightner (for arrows)’;
- ɨsk̓páwas ‘button for tepee’;
- k̓ilyakáwas ‘hooked pole for pulling down limbs’;
- q̓ɨmkáwas ‘hide scraper’;
- lawaalaytáwas ‘chimney’;
- luulikáwas ‘children’s swing’;
- nakwaycáwas ‘ferry’;
- nɨkaštkáwas ‘tepee spine’;
- pak̓ʷaakáwas ‘fork’;
- pawiyapaanáwas ‘fork in the road’;
- pax̣aapáwas ‘roasting or baking pan’;
- sapaˀixáwas ‘soap’;
- sapacanpáwas ‘horse bit’;
- sapawak̓páwas ‘button’;
- saxaapáwas ‘sawmill’;
- suk̓páwas ‘pin’;
- šax̣ƛ̓káwas ‘cross-cut saw’;
- tak̓páwas ‘saddle cinch’;
- tamastkáwas ‘rope, lariat’;
- tamax̣aapáwas ‘liner (in dress, vest, etc.)’;
- tamaynacáwas ‘jail’;
- tamicáwas ‘cemetery’;
- tuskáwas ‘index finger’;
- tx̣nɨmk̓icáwas ‘stirrup’;
- wanpáwas ‘radio’;
- waq̓páwas ‘pin’;
- waasklikáwas ‘wheel’;
- wastkáwas ‘halter’;
- wawaanaytáwas ‘windmill’;
- wawc̓aakáwas ‘nail’;
- wawqukáwas ‘tepee peg’;
- wawq̓páwas ‘nail’;
- wax̣ʷłkáwas ~; waxʷłkáwas ‘key’;
- wayčáwas ‘ferry’;
- wiyačaquukáwas ‘reins’.
- When coupled with nominalizer -t there is glottalization:
- šapaluluukt̓áwas ‘sandpaper’;
- timat̓áwas ‘pen, pencil’.
See more:
[NE -úus; Y -áwaas; NP /-oˀs/; PS -awaˀas.]
Verbalizer. Forms verb.
k̓ɨsáawi ‘be cold’;
sapat̓ax̣ináwi ‘measure’;
tananáwi ‘keep the traditions’;
wiyáalačawi ‘turn around, look back’;
wiyánawi ‘arrive’.
See also:
[NP /-ewi/.]
Applicative. Attach to verbs.
- áwnaš ičáx̣ɨlpayišamš ína pčɨ́š ‘he is opening the door for me now’;
- kuš ƛ̓áax̣ʷ áp̓x̣nayix̣a paamanáy sɨ́nwit ‘and I remember all their words’;
- kutaš ásapakiikayita paanáy wáwnakʷšaš ‘and we will clean her [the root’s] body’;
- pankáštkayix̣ana k̓úsina ɨ́mpa ‘they would tie it on the horse’s mouth’;
- panáyk̓ukayix̣a miyánašna tún ‘they gather things for the baby (a baby shower)’;
- ásapak̓ʷłtikayik núšnu ‘wipe his nose!’;
- kúušx̣ina náaman inaknúwiyayiša wáwnakʷšaš čúušnɨm ‘in the same way the water is taking care of our bodies’;
- áwawtnayitanam tún ‘you should taboo their things’;
- iwaqítnayišana paanáy pšɨ́t ‘he was looking for his (someone else’s) father’;
- iq̓ínwayiša pšɨ́t ‘he saw his (someone else’s) father’;
- iníčayitana k̓ʷapɨ́n ‘he will put away our aforementioned’;
- watx̣ɨ́nam ím pákʷiyayitax̣na ‘would you do it for me?’.
See More:
-yi. [NE -ayi & NP /-eˀyi/ occur before consonants; NE -ani & NP /-eˀni/ occur before vowels; NW uses only -ani.]
To or from a standing position; inceptive.
Forms verb
ámtayk ‘move in with in-laws’ (said of a woman);
čáwslayk ‘pull back a bow, aim a gun’;
čámx̣ʷlayk ‘lift out of the ground’;
č̓ɨ́mnayk ‘bundle to take home’;
haywáanayk ‘take a break, go on vacation’;
ɨmúnayk ‘stay with one’s in-laws’ (said of a man);
šátayk ‘camp together for the purpose of gathering food’;
tamápayk ‘roll off’;
táwx̣anayk ‘lie on the back’;
táwyanayk ‘live, settle down to live’;
tkʷápčayk ‘put the hand out’;
waláplayk ‘wrap around the braids’;
nákwaasikayk ‘stay at home with’;
yámuxlayk ‘demolish by flood’.
See more:
[Cf. áyč (N ayík) ‘sit’, also the NP inceptive /-ík/.]
Translocative directional. Palatalized form. Forms verb.
See more:
-kik. wɨšáčič ‘move on’.
Past participle. Forms adjectives from nouns and verbs.
- With verbs
- -i after consonant
- waníči ‘named’;
- wánpi ‘sung (one who has sung the medicine song)’;
- tamámi ‘cake’;
- pátasi ‘quail’;
- púuši ‘having juniper, worthless land’.
- áwtni ‘tabooed’;
- ílax̣ʷayx̣i ‘heated up’;
- pánaymuni ‘related to one another’;
- sapác̓ɨmki ‘sharpened’;
- sapák̓stni ‘cooled down’;
- sapasunaytí ‘wheel barrow’;
- níči iwá ‘he is put away (buried)’
- wɨ́npi iwá ‘he is arrested’;
- wák̓ɨlki nɨkʷɨ́t ‘hamburger’;
- walák̓iki łkmá ‘the stick-game bone with the mark’;
- táax̣aluuni calutimat̓áwas ‘dyed cornhusk’;
- ɨsɨ́xʷi ‘female salmon, female fish’;
- áwtaši ‘wounded’;
- lɨ́mq̓ini iwačá ‘he had his eyes closed’;
- tmíyuni iwá ‘it is decided’;
- šq̓múni iwá ‘it is wrinkled’;
- ku iwá pčɨ́š wíwac̓aaki ‘and each door/gate is locked’;
- wáx̣ɨmki iwá ɨst̓swáakuł ‘the corn is ground’
- -yi after i
- ku áwača wátisas aníyi kakyanmí p̓ip̓inmí ‘and his rope was made of animal intestine’;
- tílaaki níyi iwačá miyuux̣míyaw ‘a woman was given to the chief’;
- čáw mɨná iwačá aníyi tamicáwas ‘nowhere was there a cemetery made’;
- áwata aníyi wilawiix̣tpamá ‘their racetrack will be made’;
- xawíyi ‘mature, ripened’.
- –ní after vowel
- čáwiwani ‘stretched’;
- wášani ‘ridden’;
- wáašani ‘adherent of the dreamer religion’;
- ataš kúuš wačá náma sápsik̓ʷani ‘such as we were taught’;
- wátana pamáwšuwani ‘we will be readied’;
- With nouns:
- čáwx̣inam wá wɨłq̓ámi ‘you are not similarly shod’;
See more:
[NE -í; NP /-iˀins/.]
Imperative. Only in WS imperative plural.
Forms verb.
- wínamti ‘y’all come!’.
See more:
-k. [NP imperative /-i/ (only after vowel stems); Klamath imperative singular -i.]
Together with someone or something.
Associative case. Attach to nouns.
- Requires plural subject or object verb agreement.
- pišíšin pawínašana ‘he was going with his aunt’;
- tútin wínatk ‘go with your father!’;
- wínšintaš wačá watím ‘the man was with me yesterday’;
- kʷnátaš ášx̣ana tiyawtášpa nax̣áx̣asayin ‘I used to go in that drying shed with my maternal aunt’;
- patáwyašana Wawatáwya Spilyáyin ‘Antelope was living with Coyote’;
- wiyánawiyaataš kʷiiní wínšin ‘I arrived with that man’;
- miyánašin pawá ‘she’s with her child’;
- ku aw kú patáwyašana káłayin ‘and then he was living with his grandmother’;
- kʷná patáwyanaykɨnx̣ana k̓ʷáy káłyin ‘that one used to live there with his grandmother’;
- pyápin payámx̣atwanaša pčápa ‘he with his older brother are crying after their mother’.
- With accusative:
- álaakɨnšnaš Johnna Janeinaman ‘I have forgotten John along with Jane’.
- Marks the ergative in the pragmatic inverse:
- ku kʷná čúušin pátwanana ƛ̓áax̣ʷmaaman ‘and there the water follows them all’;
- ku kúuk súlcasin pášapawinama čaaní ‘and then the army sent them here’;
- ku kʷaaná pátwanimta náx̣šin ɨsípin ‘and another younger sister will come following her’;
- ku káayk pákʷayix̣a kʷiiní plášin plɨ́splɨsin ‘and that snowberry cleans his (sore)’;
- kʷáal x̣ašta pánakwinana čúušin ‘maybe the water brought him that far’;
- ana tún iwá tkʷátat ana k̓ʷapɨ́n pániča čná tiičámpa naamíin aniłáyin ‘anything that is the food which our Creator put on this land’.
See more:
[NP /-iins/ (a grammatical extension of the possessive function of the past participle).]
Augment that occurs with various adverbial prefixes.
A stem final n is never present before -k, and -k never occurs after p.
Forms verbs. new info
- čák̓uk ‘bundle’
- čáwaanknik ‘put around’
- ík̓uk ‘pile’
- ínaamk ‘erase’
- mɨškʷyámk ‘believe’
- náyk̓uk ‘gather’
- nákpayšk ‘appear with, bring back a name’
- sápk̓uk ‘gather up’
- suyátk ‘skewer fish or meat’
- tamáquk ‘weigh down, hinder’
- wáp̓ik ‘wash clothes’
- wáasklik ‘go around’
- wášiwatk ‘disagree, quarrel’
- wátyasklik ‘dance around’
- wiyánknik ‘go around’
- wiyák̓uk ‘gather together’.
- A root final velar or uvular obstruent absorbs -k, and a root final labiovelar/ labiouvular is delabialized by -k:
- ílac̓ɨx ‘fry’
- pátk̓ʷk ‘straighten’
- šáx̣ƛ̓k ‘cut’
- wáwp̓k ‘hatch’.
- Adjectives verbalized by -k with adverbial prefix:
- čák̓aywak ‘shorten’
- čák̓ilak ‘bend’
- čák̓ptk ‘ball up’
- čáquuk ‘hold back, halt’
- čáq̓ttk ‘make hard, harden’
- íc̓ik ‘sweeten’
- ímałak ‘clean up’
- náknɨč̓ik ‘enlarge’
- pác̓aak ‘add on’
- twáluc̓ak ‘mark red’
- wác̓aak ‘close, lock’
- wáquuk ‘stake down’.
- In the following -k is clearly a transitivizer:
- pátuk ‘place, set’ (individuative object)
- ptúk ‘place, set dishes’ (distributive object).
- For intransitive equivalents see:
- pátun ‘be situated’ (individuative inanimate subject)
- ptún ‘be situated’ (distributive inanimate subject).
See more:
The palatalized variant -č, which see, occurs only in CR.
[NP /-k/.]
With something (as a tool or in a manner), by something (as a tool or in a manner).
Instrumental case. Attach to nouns.
- išáx̣ƛ̓ka nɨkʷɨ́tna x̣apiłmíki ‘he cut the meat with his knife’;
- páwɨnpa apápki ‘he grabbed him with his hand’;
- šk̓apášwayki paˀaníx̣a k̓alk̓alípš ‘they make the cradleboard bow with rose’;
- ku pawáp̓ax̣ana paƛ̓aapá kʷɨ́nkix̣i taxʷɨ́ski ‘and they used to weave their basket hats with that same dogbane’;
- pamáwšuwanx̣ana walptáyktki ‘they used to get themselves ready with singing’;
- tiičámna páˀiƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷix̣a pɨnmikíin púwiki ‘it covers the ground with its snow’;
- kuš skúulix̣ana k̓úsiki ‘and I used to go to school by horse’;
- iyáytaša wásaski ‘he is floating along by raft’;
- wínax̣anaataš c̓íkc̓iki čɨ́ni ‘we used to go from here by wagon’;
- pináˀutpša lišáalki ‘she is putting a shawl around her shoulders’;
- níix̣kiš ásamx̣nax̣ana inmímaaman miyánašmaaman ‘I used to talk to my children in a good way’;
- kunam pinánaknuwita níix̣kisim px̣ʷíki ‘you should take care of yourself with only good thoughts’;
- ásamx̣našanaataš naamíki sɨ́nwitki ‘we were talking to them in our language’;
- čnáš máan iwaníša tanánki čí ‘how is this named in Indian?’;
- áwnaš ititámaša tanánki ‘now I am counting in Indian’;
- isɨ́nwiša šuyaputɨ́mki ‘he is speaking in English’;
- sɨ́nwisanaaš káˀuyitki ‘I was talking about the root feast’;
- átx̣uša wánaki ‘he’s worrying about the river’;
- kkáwšaaš x̣ax̣áykʷi ‘I feel bad about the money’;
- pasɨ́nwiša kʷɨ́nki tilaakinmíki ‘they are talking about that woman’;
- ana pmáy pamániyayišana waq̓íšwit čɨ́nki tiičámki ‘they (the soldiers) who were giving their lives because of this land’;
- súyak̓papki itwák̓ʷiiškša ipáax̣ ‘he’s spreading butter on the bread’;
- iwáynuuša nɨkʷɨ́t čúuški ‘she’s boiling the meat in water’.
See more:
[NP /-ki/.]
From, out of (from), off (from).
Ablative case. Attach to nouns.
- pawiyánawiya Ímatalamkni ‘they arrived from Umatilla’;
- pínapu pawačá inmíkni tilamíkni ‘there were four from my maternal grandfather’s side’;
- ača kú tmɨ́š iwiyáwat̓wix̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷkni ana tún iwá tmaanít ‘because the chokecherry leads from all that is the fruit’;
- itináytšamš x̣ʷiyáytškni ‘he backed out of the sweathouse’;
- itiyánpa tílaaki miyuux̣míkni ‘he took the woman away from the chief’;
- kúuk ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ápinawšuwanx̣a špámkni ánɨmiyaw ‘then all its body gets itself ready from autumn to winter’;
- ƛ̓áax̣ʷna wá pápanaymuni ana kúuš lɨ́xskni ttáwax̣tkni ‘we are all related to each other as from a single pedigree’;
- ičúuša wánakni ‘he is drinking out of the creek’;
- iƛúpwaaničanwiya pšwákni ‘he jumped off the rock’;
- k̓ʷáy iwá sápsik̓ʷat míimikni ‘that is the teaching from long ago’;
- inákpaaša luc̓áan mɨqɨ́škni ‘she is separating the red from the orange’;
- aw kú iwáynana x̣ʷayamá inmíkni ‘then the eagle flew from me’;
- x̣ʷayamá iwáynana naamíkni ‘the eagle flew away from us’;
- napiinamíkni iwáynana ‘he flew away from us two’;
- mɨ́taat x̣áyx̣ pačwáywitkni ‘three days from Sunday’;
- núšnukni tilíwal ‘nose bleed’.
See more:
[N -knik; NP /-kn̓ik/; cf. Klamath -kni (Barker 1963b:188).]
Attach to pronouns and nouns.
See more:
tkʷátatˀuyi ‘begin to eat’;
tkʷáynptˀuyi ‘begin to hunt’;
tk̓ʷanáytitˀuyi ‘begin to walk’;
tɨ́x̣ˀuyi ‘make first kill’;
wánatˀuyi ‘begin to flow’;
wánptˀuyi ‘begin to medicine sing’;
wáyx̣titˀuyi ‘begin to run’;
wínatˀuyi ‘begin to go’.
Specifically for someone or something.
Benefactive case. Emphatic. Attach to pronouns or determiners.
- imiláyk̓aymaš wá ‘you have it for yourself’;
- imiláyk̓ay iwá tkʷátat ‘the food is for you’;
- paˀaníya paamiláyk̓ay ‘they made it for them/themselves’;
- tkʷátat iwačá inmiláyk̓ay ‘the food was for me’;
- imaamiláyk̓ay ‘for you all’;
- pɨnmiláyk̓ay ‘for him’;
- kʷnáyk̓ay ‘for that place’.
See more:
[NW -k̓aláy.]
In or into water.
Forms verbs. new info
- páluun ‘be situated in water’;
- pšáluun ‘put a bunch in water’;
- šapáluun ‘put in water, soak’;
- tamáluun ‘put in water’;
- tkʷápaluun ‘put the hand in water’;
- wáluun ‘go into water’.
See more:
[WS also -laa; NW -liin; NP /-luu/.]
A thing, person, or people specifically does something for work or habits. Also a person or people from a region. equivalent to English -er, -or, -ian.
Agentive nominalizer. Forms nouns.
- aniłá ‘maker’;
- paykłá ‘obedient’;
- waasklikłá ‘wheel’;
- lax̣ʷayx̣łá ‘one who gets overheated’;
- sapsik̓ʷałá ‘teacher’;
- šax̣aapłá ‘sawyer, millwright’;
- wapaatałá ‘helper’;
- naknuwiłá ‘keeper, care taker’;
- uyiłá ‘beginner’;
- wanpłá ‘medicine singer’;
- wapaanłá ‘grizzly bear’;
- wawyałá ‘whipman’;
- tamaˀuyiłá ‘lead off person (stick-game, baseball, etc.)’;
- pstxłá ‘blacksmith’;
- waasklikłá ‘wheel’;
- wawc̓aakłá k̓úsimaaman ‘horse shoer’;
- tkʷaynpłáma ‘hunters’;
- x̣niłáma ‘root diggers’.
- Also suffixes to nouns in Columbia River:
- Imatalamłá ‘Umatilla person’;
- Hawtmiłáma ‘McKay Creek people’.
See more:
[NP /-ew̓et(u)/.]
Towards to the speaker or the speaker side. Also has the meaning of appearing up, coming out of, or an action suddenly comes up to the speaker.
Cislocative. After consonant. Attach to verbs.
iwínɨma ‘he came’.
See more:
-m (after vowel)
[NP /-m/.]