47 terms are suffixs





Forms verb


qáx̣ayt ‘fall out’;

x̣nɨ́mayt ‘dig out’.

See more:



Forms verb


  1. Palatalized variant of stem marker -k (which see).
    1. íłamayč ‘hide’;
    2. nákłamayč ‘misguide, lead astray’;
    3. páƛ̓ič ‘kill with the hand’;
    4. šapálk̓ʷič ‘cover up, bury’;
    5. šapáq̓ič ‘attach, tape, hang up’;
    6. šáq̓tč ‘plough’;
    7. tákʷtč ‘pull weeds, pick flowers’;
    8. tamáq̓ič ‘hang up’;
    9. támq̓ič ‘hang things over a pole’;
    10. tunáqʷtč ‘step on sharp object’;
    11. tunáƛ̓ič ‘step on and kill’;
    12. tútaƛ̓ič ‘kill by butting with the head’;
    13. waníč ‘name’;
    14. wáaq̓ič ‘get caught’;
    15. wáƛ̓ič ‘club to death’;
    16. wax̣íč ‘lay out’;
    17. wiláwɨx̣ič ‘blow down’;
    18. wiyáłamayč ‘be lost on the way’;
    19. yálk̓ʷič ‘cover with water, flood’;
    20. tɨx̣nɨmk̓icáwas ‘stirrup’.
  2. A stem final č mutates to t before š:
    1. iwáyča ‘he crossed’;
    2. iwáytša ‘he is crossing’.

See more:

[N -k; NP /-k/.]



Translocative directional. Palatalized form. Forms verb.

See more:

-kik. wɨšáčič ‘move on’.



Past participle. Forms adjectives from nouns and verbs.


ataš kúuš wačá náma sápsik̓ʷani ‘such as we were taught’;

ku áwača wátisas aníyi kakyanmí p̓ip̓inmí ‘and his rope was made of animal intestine’;

tílaaki níyi iwačá miyuux̣míyaw ‘a woman was given to the chief’;

čáw mɨná iwačá aníyi tamicáwas ‘nowhere was there a cemetery made’;

áwata aníyi wilawiix̣tpamá ‘their racetrack will be made’;

ku iwá pčɨ́š wíwac̓aaki ‘and each door/gate is locked’;

wáx̣ɨmki iwá ɨst̓swáakuł ‘the corn is ground’;

níči iwá ‘he is put away (buried)’;

wɨ́npi iwá ‘he is arrested’;

lɨ́mq̓ini iwačá ‘he had his eyes closed’;

tmíyuni iwá ‘it is decided’;

šq̓múni iwá ‘it is wrinkled’;

wátana pamáwšuwani ‘we will be readied’;

ɨsɨ́xʷi ‘female salmon, female fish’;

áwtaši ‘wounded’;

áwtni ‘tabooed’;

čáwiwani ‘stretched’;

ílax̣ʷayx̣i ‘heated up’;

pánaymuni ‘related to one another’;

sapác̓ɨmki ‘sharpened’;

sapák̓stni ‘cooled down’;

sapasunaytí ‘wheel barrow’;

táax̣aluuni calutimat̓áwas ‘dyed cornhusk’;

wák̓ɨlki nɨkʷɨ́t ‘hamburger’;

walák̓iki łkmá ‘the stick-game bone with the mark’;

waníči ‘named’;

wánpi ‘sung (one who has sung the medicine song)’;

wášani ‘ridden’;

wáašani ‘adherent of the dreamer religion’;

xawíyi ‘mature, ripened’. With nouns: čáwx̣inam wá wɨłq̓ámi ‘you are not similarly shod’;

tamámi ‘cake’;

pátasi ‘quail’;

púuši ‘having juniper, worthless land’.

See more:

After vowel: –ní

[NE ; NP /-iˀins/.]





Forms verb


Only in WS imperative plural:

wínamti ‘y’all come!’.

See more:

-k. [NP imperative /-i/ (only after vowel stems); Klamath imperative singular -i.]



Verbalizer. Forms verb.


  1. ámani ‘marry’ (of a woman);
  2. ˀawtaši ‘wound with an arrow (or bullet)’;
  3. čáksksi ‘make small’;
  4. čáynači ‘marry’ (of a man);
  5. čx̣áwi ‘be fat’;
  6. íkkmi ‘fill’;
  7. íkuuksɨmi ‘straighten out’;
  8. íniix̣i ‘fix’;
  9. íƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷi ‘cover’;
  10. kúuki ‘cook’;
  11. lák̓ʷšk̓ʷši ‘turn brown from roasting’;
  12. láqayx̣i ‘shine’;
  13. láx̣yawi ‘dry’;
  14. lax̣ʷayx̣łáyi ‘have the flu’;
  15. łáyłayi ‘have measles, pox’;
  16. páščti ‘mist, be misty’;
  17. sapátaawayi ‘freeze’;
  18. skúuli ‘go to school’;
  19. sulátasi ‘put on leggings’;
  20. šapáłkapi ‘have arthritis’;
  21. šátɨmi ‘be autumn’;
  22. tamc̓íc̓iti ‘hail’;
  23. táatpasi ‘put on like a shirt’;
  24. tilíwali ‘bleed’;
  25. tuní ‘strike a match’;
  26. t̓úx̣t̓ux̣i ‘rain’;
  27. wawáx̣ɨmi ‘be spring’;
  28. wɨłq̓ámi ‘put on moccasins’.
  29. Productive with borrowed words:
    1. *town*i ‘go to town’;
    2. *watch*i ‘watch’.

See more:

[NP /-hi/.]



Together with someone or something.


Associative case. Attach to nouns.


  1. Requires plural subject or object verb agreement.
    1. pišíšin pawínašana ‘he was going with his aunt’;
    2. tútin wínatk ‘go with your father!’;
    3. wínšintaš wačá watím ‘the man was with me yesterday’;
    4. kʷnátaš ášx̣ana tiyawtášpa nax̣áx̣asayin ‘I used to go in that drying shed with my maternal aunt’;
    5. patáwyašana Wawatáwya Spilyáyin ‘Antelope was living with Coyote’;
    6. wiyánawiyaataš kʷiiní wínšin ‘I arrived with that man’;
    7. miyánašin pawá ‘she’s with her child’;
    8. ku aw kú patáwyašana káłayin ‘and then he was living with his grandmother’;
    9. kʷná patáwyanaykɨnx̣ana k̓ʷáy káłyin ‘that one used to live there with his grandmother’;
    10. pyápin payámx̣atwanaša pčápa ‘he with his older brother are crying after their mother’.
  2. With accusative:
    1. álaakɨnšnaš Johnna Janeinaman ‘I have forgotten John along with Jane’.
  3. Marks the ergative in the pragmatic inverse:
    1. ku kʷná čúušin pátwanana ƛ̓áax̣ʷmaaman ‘and there the water follows them all’;
    2. ku kúuk súlcasin pášapawinama čaaní ‘and then the army sent them here’;
    3. ku kʷaaná pátwanimta náx̣šin ɨsípin ‘and another younger sister will come following her’;
    4. ku káayk pákʷayix̣a kʷiiní plášin plɨ́splɨsin ‘and that snowberry cleans his (sore)’;
    5. kʷáal x̣ašta pánakwinana čúušin ‘maybe the water brought him that far’;
    6. ana tún iwá tkʷátat ana k̓ʷapɨ́n pániča čná tiičámpa naamíin aniłáyin ‘anything that is the food which our Creator put on this land’.

See more:

[NP /-iins/ (a grammatical extension of the possessive function of the past participle).]



From, out of (from), off (from).


Ablative case. Attach to nouns.


  1. pawiyánawiya Ímatalamkni ‘they arrived from Umatilla’;
  2. pínapu pawačá inmíkni tilamíkni ‘there were four from my maternal grandfather’s side’;
  3. ača kú tmɨ́š iwiyáwat̓wix̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷkni ana tún iwá tmaanít ‘because the chokecherry leads from all that is the fruit’;
  4. itináytšamš x̣ʷiyáytškni ‘he backed out of the sweathouse’;
  5. itiyánpa tílaaki miyuux̣míkni ‘he took the woman away from the chief’;
  6. kúuk ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ápinawšuwanx̣a špámkni ánɨmiyaw ‘then all its body gets itself ready from autumn to winter’;
  7. ƛ̓áax̣ʷna wá pápanaymuni ana kúuš lɨ́xskni ttáwax̣tkni ‘we are all related to each other as from a single pedigree’;
  8. ičúuša wánakni ‘he is drinking out of the creek’;
  9. iƛúpwaaničanwiya pšwákni ‘he jumped off the rock’;
  10. k̓ʷáy iwá sápsik̓ʷat míimikni ‘that is the teaching from long ago’;
  11. inákpaaša luc̓áan mɨqɨ́škni ‘she is separating the red from the orange’;
  12. aw kú iwáynana x̣ʷayamá inmíkni ‘then the eagle flew from me’;
  13. ʷayamá iwáynana naamíkni ‘the eagle flew away from us’;
  14. napiinamíkni iwáynana ‘he flew away from us two’;
  15. mɨ́taat x̣áyx̣ pačwáywitkni ‘three days from Sunday’;
  16. núšnukni tilíwal ‘nose bleed’.

See more:

[N -knik; NP /-kn̓ik/; cf. Klamath -kni (Barker 1963b:188).]





Attach to pronouns and nouns.

See more:






tkʷátatˀuyi ‘begin to eat’;

tkʷáynptˀuyi ‘begin to hunt’;

tk̓ʷanáytitˀuyi ‘begin to walk’;

tɨ́x̣ˀuyi ‘make first kill’;

wánatˀuyi ‘begin to flow’;

wánptˀuyi ‘begin to medicine sing’;

wáyx̣titˀuyi ‘begin to run’;

wínatˀuyi ‘begin to go’.



A thing, person, or people specifically does something for work or habits. Also a person or people from a region. equivalent to English -er, -or, -ian.


Agentive nominalizer. Forms nouns.


  1. aniłá ‘maker’;
  2. paykłá ‘obedient’;
  3. waasklikłá ‘wheel’;
  4. lax̣ʷayx̣łá ‘one who gets overheated’;
  5. sapsik̓ʷałá ‘teacher’;
  6. šax̣aapłá ‘sawyer, millwright’;
  7. wapaatałá ‘helper’;
  8. naknuwiłá ‘keeper, care taker’;
  9. uyiłá ‘beginner’;
  10. wanpłá ‘medicine singer’;
  11. wapaanłá ‘grizzly bear’;
  12. wawyałá ‘whipman’;
  13. tamaˀuyiłá ‘lead off person (stick-game, baseball, etc.)’;
  14. pstxłá ‘blacksmith’;
  15. waasklikłá ‘wheel’;
  16. wawc̓aakłá k̓úsimaaman ‘horse shoer’;
  17. tkʷaynpłáma ‘hunters’;
  18. x̣niłáma ‘root diggers’.
  19. Also suffixes to nouns in Columbia River:
    1. Imatalamłá ‘Umatilla person’;
    2. Hawtmiłáma ‘McKay Creek people’.

See more:

[NP /-ew̓et(u)/.]



Towards to the speaker or the speaker side. Also has the meaning of appearing up, coming out of, or an action suddenly comes up to the speaker.


Cislocative. After consonant. Attach to verbs.


iwínɨma ‘he came’.

See more:

-m (after vowel)

[NP /-m/.]



Towards to the speaker or the speaker side. Also has the meaning of appearing up, coming out of, or an action suddenly comes up to the speaker.


Cislocative directional. After vowel. Attach to verbs.


  1. wínam (or wínɨm) ‘come!’;
  2. ášɨm ‘come in!’;
  3. yíknɨm ‘hear me!’;
  4. páyknɨm ‘hear me!’;
  5. wánwim ‘come down!’;
  6. wáwnayim ‘excuse me!’;
  7. sápsik̓ʷanɨm sɨ́nwit ‘teach me the language’;
  8. wɨ́npatam čí útpas ‘come get this blanket!’;
  9. tkʷátatamtk ‘come and eat!’;
  10. wáawiyanawiyawamtk ‘come stop in for a while!’;
  11. wáatkʷatamtk ‘come eat!’;
  12. ku iyáwaaypx̣ɨma ‘and he came floating downstream’;
  13. ana k̓ʷapɨ́n míimi pášapawinama naamímaaman nč̓ínč̓imaaman ‘the aforementioned who long ago had our ancestors come here’;
  14. panáytimaaš ‘I came up’;
  15. ttáwax̣nɨmaaš ‘I grew up here’;
  16. iwámš ‘he is coming’;
  17. pátwanɨmta ɨsípin x̣áwšin ‘her younger sister the cous will come following her [the celery]’;
  18. itúnišama ‘he was coming upstream’;
  19. ix̣áyx̣šamš ‘it is dawning’;
  20. iq̓ínwatax̣amšnaš ‘she comes to see me’;
  21. ku ánč̓ax̣i iwáanaynačtux̣ʷɨnx̣ama ‘and he would come back inside again’.

See more:

–kik (translocative directional)

[NP /-m/.]



Past participle. With nouns there is the sense of ‘having’. Forms adjectives from verbs.


pinatitnašaní ‘rusty, full of holes’;

wɨx̣aní ‘having feet, footed, legged’.

See more:

After a consonant: -i.

Diminutive -lí.



As genitive of composition or origin; etc. Belonging to someone or something.


Genitive case. -mí after a consonant. Attach to the end of a noun.


  1. apɨ́łapł iišmí ‘leaves of the cow parsnip’;
  2. ilukasmí ɨstí ‘wooden needle’;
  3. k̓usinmí tútanik ‘horse hair’;
  4. mɨx̣ɨšmí x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘gold coin, gold piece’;
  5. nɨnɨknɨnɨkmí tɨmná ‘columbine seeds’;
  6. nusuxmí k̓úpaš ‘salmon back’;
  7. nusuxmí wáłx̣ʷas ‘salmon tail’;
  8. nusuxmí yápaš ‘salmon grease’;
  9. pipšmí wášɨmux̣š ‘bone necklace’;
  10. puušmí tmaanít ‘juniper berries’;
  11. p̓ip̓inmí wátisas ‘intestine rope’;
  12. tk̓unmí k̓ʷáalk níit ‘tule long house’;
  13. tk̓unmí tamátačay ‘tule mat table cloth’;
  14. kakyamaamí winanuut̓áwas ‘bird bath’;
  15. naamí tananmaamí sɨ́nwit ‘our Indian language’;
  16. spilyaynmí áčaš ‘buttercups, contact lenses’;
  17. šɨlɨmmí psá ‘cascara bark’;
  18. tanán waníčt tkʷatatmí ‘the Indian name of the food’;
  19. t̓ux̣t̓ux̣mí łławt̓áwas ‘rain gutter’;
  20. t̓ux̣t̓ux̣mí watám ‘rain puddle’;
  21. ʷaamanmí púkła ‘eagle plume’;
  22. yakanmí nɨkʷɨ́t ‘bear meat’;
  23. áwa c̓áa náymu waničtmí ‘the name has a close relative’;
  24. pštmí áwa ‘it’s his father’s’;
  25. áƛ̓iyawiya winšmí pɨnašaamí x̣ɨ́tway ‘the man’s wife’s friend died’;
  26. Hawtminmí áwa waníčt ‘they’re names of McKay creek’;
  27. sɨknisɨ́kni áwa pát sɨt̓xʷsmí ‘yellow bell is hyacinth’s older sister’;
  28. k̓ʷáy áwa útpas čɨnmíin tiičammí ‘that [the snow] is this earth’s blanket’;
  29. ku čikúuk iwá šuyapunmí płɨ́x̣ ‘and today there is the whiteman’s medicine’;
  30. núsux ituníšana tananmaamí tkʷátataš ‘salmon went upriver for the people to eat’;
  31. čáw máan wínatay wayx̣tiłanmí uu k̓ʷáyk̓a áw waynałanmí ‘nowhere to go by car or plane’.
  32. Oblique human nominals are put in the genitive before oblique case marking:
    1. áwnam wínata X̣ʷaamayaynmíyaw ‘now you will go to Eagle’s [place]’;
    2. úykninam pinánaymuta naamíyaw aniłanmíyaw ‘even more you should relate to our Creator’;
    3. watx̣ɨ́n pawačá imaamípa ‘were they at your place?’.
  33. As derivational suffix:
    1. luc̓anmí ‘penny’;
    2. plašmí ‘silver dollar’;
    3. ttɨx̣šmí / ttx̣šmí ‘willow basket’;
    4. x̣apiłmí ‘knife’;

See more:

[NP /-nm/; Klamath -(ˀ)am (Barker 1963b:32); Molala ˀam.]



At, on, in a place or a thing.


Locative case. Attach to nouns.


  1. ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa iwačá čúuš ɨščɨ́tpa ‘the water was on all the roads’;
  2. watx̣ɨ́n pawačá imaamípa ‘were they at your place?’;
  3. ittáwax̣na Ímatalampa ‘she grew up at Umatilla’;
  4. ačanam kú ttáwax̣na nč̓ípa ataymat̓áwaspa ‘because he grew up in the big city’;
  5. ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa iwačá čúuš ɨščɨ́tpa ‘the water was on all the roads’;
  6. náx̣š waníčt ipáyšta náx̣špa kʷná páx̣ałk̓ʷipa ‘a name will come out on that one Friday’;
  7. ača kú iwačá naknúwiyi šuyapumaamípa ‘because he was taken care of among the white people’;
  8. páwawšpa łamtɨ́x̣pa ‘he hit him on the head’;
  9. páwawyana pɨnmipáyn łamtɨ́x̣pa ‘he beat him on his head’;
  10. wínax̣anaaš náptipa nɨknípa ‘I used to go at two o’clock’;
  11. mɨ́łpan iwá nɨknípa ‘what time is it?’;
  12. k̓úycipa nɨknípa ‘nine o’clock’;
  13. čná tiičámpa ‘in this land’;
  14. ƛ̓pitpa tiičámpa ‘in the wetlands’;
  15. páx̣atipa wáwtuktpa ‘on the fifth day’;
  16. tímašpa ‘on paper’;
  17. tkʷátatpa ‘in the food’;
  18. skúulpa ‘at school’;
  19. ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘beautiful in appearance’;
  20. níix̣ q̓ínupa ‘good looking’;
  21. inmípa wiyáx̣ayx̣tpa ‘in my daily living’;
  22. imaamipáyn tɨmnápa ‘in your hearts’;
  23. ánɨmpa ‘in winter’;
  24. wášani k̓úsipa ‘ridden on the horse, on horseback’.
  25. With nominalized verbs:
    1. ataš kú wiyákʷštikɨnx̣ana túpan łq̓íwitpa ‘when we used to do wrong in some playing’;
    2. k̓ʷíya iwá páyu núkšitpa ‘valarian smells awful’;
    3. at̓úk iwá x̣nítpa kápɨnki ‘it is hard to dig with the digging stick’;
    4. ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwáta ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘all will be beautiful to see’.

See more:

[NP /-pe/; probably a grammaticalized extension of PS *pe ‘be situated’.]



You, yours, your. Plural.

  1. Subject:
    1. wášpam átaw ‘you are special’;
    2. áwpam wínaša ‘now you’re going’;
    3. čáwpam mún láakta imaamíin sɨ́nwit ‘you should never forget your language’;
    4. čáwpam mún kʷná łq̓íwita miyáanašma ‘you children should never play there’;
    5. qqaanáytapam ‘you should work!’;
    6. míšpam áwɨnta ‘how do you say it?’;
    7. čúušapam túna ana tún iwá čáw níix̣ ‘you are drinking something that is not good’.
  2. Object:
    1. pawɨ́nptapam ‘they will get you’;
    2. mak̓ípam kú iwáwyata ‘he’s going to whip you folks’;
    3. apam kʷɨ́nki išapáˀat̓ɨlpɨnx̣a ‘with that which it makes you crazy’;
    4. kupam kʷná iwáašuwiyayita k̓úsi súlčasnɨm ‘and there the army will hurriedly examine your horses’.

See more:

imáy ‘you all, you guys’ (subject)

imaamanáy ‘you all, you guys’ (object)

=nam ‘you’ (singular);

imanáy ‘you’ (accusative singular)

[NP /-pem/.]

Pronoun chart



Pertaining to, a thing for, a place for.

Attach to nouns.




ačašpamá ‘eye glasses’;

anpamá ‘clock, watch’;

ilukšpamá ‘stove’;

iqʷiktpamá ‘perfume’;

łaypamá ‘saddle blanket’;

łiitkpamá ‘handkerchief’;

maysxpamápa ‘day after tomorrow’;

nawatpamá ‘cinch’;

płx̣pamá ‘pharmacy’;

pɨt̓x̣anupamá ‘pertaining to mountains’;

timašpamá ‘wastebasket’;

watimpamá ‘day before yesterday’;

čuušpamá pyúš ‘water snake’;

sapxʷlkaspamá ‘ring finger’;

suk̓páwaspa tutanikpamá ‘bobbypin’;

ayčtpamá ‘sitting place, seat’;

ilaqayx̣itpamá ‘light’;

ilkʷtpamá / iluktpamá ‘fireplace’;

łq̓iwitpamá ‘toy’;

pšatatpamá ‘big root bag, gunny sack’;

sapak̓pstpamá ‘refrigerator, freezer, locker’;

sapsik̓ʷatpamá ‘school’;

šapačanptpamá ‘pliers’;

šaptpamá ‘pack rope’;

talapušaktpamá ‘church’;

tawˀattpamá ‘bathroom’;

timatpamá ‘branding iron’;

tk̓itpamá ‘magnifying glass’;

tusktpamá ‘index finger’;

tuttpamá ‘pestle’;

twaluutpamá ‘dipnet’;

wax̣uutpamá ‘oar, paddle’;

wilawiix̣tpamá ‘racetrack’;

latitpamá tamaničtpamá ‘flower pot’;

patupamáan yax̣tatpamá ‘garbage can’.

áwnaš tɨmnanáx̣ša miimá tɨmnanáx̣t tamalampamá ‘I am now telling an old story pertaining to Tamalám’;

wiwnupamá wápas ‘berry basket’. With nominalized verbs: ku k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tananmaamí wiyanintpamá ‘and all the aforementioned is pertinent to the traveling around of the Indians’;

iwiyáwat̓iša x̣nɨmˀuyitpamá ‘she is taking the lead in the first digging’;

iwá aq̓uwitpamá płɨ́x̣ ‘it is a cough medicine’;

See more:

[NP /-peme/.]





Co-occurs with pronominal -k. Attach to pronous and nouns.


  1. ilksá ‘I alone’;
  2. imksá ‘you alone’;
  3. pɨlksá ‘he, she, it alone’;
  4. piiliksá ‘they two alone’;
  5. paalaksá ‘him, her, it alone’;
  6. pawalaksá ‘twins’;
  7. lak̓isá ‘edge, end’.
  8. ku aw kú itqáwača áswan pɨlksásɨmk̓a ‘and then the boy was suddenly all alone’;
  9. anam kú wɨ́šayčta imksá ‘when you will come to be alone’;

See more:

[NP /=ciwátq/.]



Progressive aspect. Attach to the end of a verb and before a pronominal suffix.


iwínašana ‘he was going’;

iwínaša ‘he is going’;

iwínašata ‘he will be going’. Used with stative verbs: iq̓ínuša ‘he sees’;

išúkʷaša ‘he knows’.

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[NP /-sen/ (singular nominative); /-sik/, /-sin-/ (plural nominative); PS probably *šen ‘sit -(singular)’, cf. -ša ‘on, upon’, Klamath čV- ‘sit (sg.)’ (Barker 1963b:67).]