231 terms start with “h


tk̓ʷíikʷ ‘straight, correct, moral’.


tk̓ʷɨ́kʷn ‘be straight, be honest’.


wapaanłanmí tkʷátat ‘bearberry honeysuckle, Lonicera involucrata‘. Also called yakanmí tkʷátat ‘bear’s food’.


šapáˀinɨmn ‘honk (e.g., car)’.


tmáyt ~ tmɨ́kt ‘respect, honor’.


qaˀánn ‘respect, honor’; tmáyn ~ tmɨ́k ‘respect, show respect, honor’.


átawiyi ‘valued, admired, honored, beloved’; tmáyni ‘respected, honored’.


asúusu; k̓usinmí asúusu ‘horse’s hoof’.


q̓íya ‘fish hook’; pipšmí q̓íya ‘bone fishhook’; k̓ilyakáwas ‘hooked stick used to pull down limbs while picking chokecherries’.


k̓ilyák ‘hook down limbs’; nɨp̓íwi ‘hook fish’.


c̓íil ‘circle, hoop’; c̓íil waasklikáwas ~ c̓íilc̓iil ‘hoop-game hoop’; patkʷaytalí ‘hoop-game’; patkʷaytaliwit̓áwas ‘hoop game stick’; tamawaalatat̓áwas ‘hoop’; tamawaalatatpamá ~ tamawaalatat̓áwas ~ k̓piititpamá c̓íil ‘basketball hoop’; twanú ‘dip net hoop’.


patkʷaytalíwi ‘play the hoop game’; twáx̣ʷɨłk ‘put through a hoop’.


ƛúpt ‘jumping, jump, hop’.


ƛúpn ‘jump, hop’; wiyáƛupn ‘jump along, hop along’.


yúkaas ‘antler, horn’; kƛáa yúkaas ‘forked horn’; wanpáwas ~ wanpt̓áwas ‘radio, bull horn’; šapuuláylakaš ‘flute, trumpet’; wacwácnu ‘saddle horn’.

Horn Rapids

Wanawíš ‘Horn Rapids, Benton County, Washington’.


atníwa ‘yellowjacket, wasp, hornet, bee’.


k̓úsiEquus ferus caballus‘; k̓usinmí asúusu ‘horse’s hoof’; k̓usinmí tútanik ‘horse hair’; k̓usinmí wáłx̣ʷas ‘horse’s tail’; čmáakʷ ~ čmáakʷk̓úsi ‘dark horse’; čmúkk̓úsi ‘black horse’; čmúk łamtɨ́x̣ ~ čmúkłamtx̣ ‘darkheaded horse’; hawlapáwlapk̓úsi ‘prancing horse’; kawxkáwx ‘palomino horse’; kutkutpamák̓úsi ‘work horse’; k̓iix̣k̓íix̣ ‘dun colored horse’; k̓úsi šiwíwšiwiw ‘chestnut horse’; lamtlámt ~ lámt ‘gray horse’; liláwlilaw ‘bay horse with white belly’; luc̓á ~ luč̓á ~ luč̓á k̓úsi ‘bay horse’; luc̓amšyú ‘white horse with dark ears’; luč̓áłamtx̣ ~ luč̓áłamtx̣qaašqáaš ‘strawberry roan’; luč̓á łamtx̣ník̓úsi ‘strawberry roan with red head’; máamɨn ~ máamɨnk̓úsi ‘appaloosa horse’; mɨqɨ́š ‘sorrel horse’; páƛ̓ɨmux̣i ~ patk̓ʷáylaki ‘piebald, baldface or blazed face horse, horse with a white blaze in the forehead’; pátk̓ʷiiki ‘buckskin or orangish horse with a dark back stripe, buckskin horse with a black mane and tail’; paˀáx̣k̓úsi ‘buckskin horse’; paˀax̣wáakuł ‘palomino horse’; puˀúx̣ ‘faded blue-gray horse’; puˀúx̣puˀux̣ ‘darker buckskin horse’; puux̣púux̣ ‘gray horse with darker mane’; qaˀáwk̓úsi ‘fast horse’; qaˀáwqaˀaw ‘white horse’; qaašqáaš ‘dark sorrel or roan horse’; qúyx̣k̓úsi ‘white horse’; q̓ayx̣q̓áyx̣ ‘white horse with pink eyes and pink skin, albino horse’; qʷnaytitpamák̓úsi ‘pack horse’; q̓ʷíni ‘swayback horse’; šápi ~ šápik̓úsi ~ šapášapik̓úsi ‘pack horse’; šiwíwšiwiw ‘sorrel horse’; šk̓úyšk̓uyk̓úsi ‘dark brown horse’; šuukawáakuł ~ šukáašuka ‘bluish-white horse with white mane and white eyes; bluish-gray horse with little white spots’; taláyi ‘stallion’; támšilpi ~ támšilpik̓úsi ‘spotted horse (with brown or black spots), pinto’; tamšíltamšil ‘horse with small dots (dalmatian like)’; támƛ̓aaki ~ tamáƛ̓aakik̓úsi ‘patched horse (black horse with a white patch; bay horse with a patch)’; taqawáakuł ‘palomino horse’; ƛx̣ɨ́tk̓úsi ‘broken horse’; waakmuykłák̓úsi ‘bucking horse’; waláyxʷtkik̓úsi ‘hobbled horse’; wapáwanik̓úsi ‘decorated horse’; wašanáł ‘unridden wild horse’; wáwc̓aakik̓úsi ‘shoed horse’; wíwlu ~ wiwluwáakuł ‘huckleberry roan with some light color on the haunches’; wiwlúwiwlu ‘dapple gray horse, brown and spotted horse’; yikɨ́tk̓úsi ‘wild horse’.


šapáwašɨmux̣ ‘put on horse collar’; wášat̓uyi ‘ride for the first time, break a horse’; wiyáčawaatk̓uk ‘reign in (horse)’.


šúx̣a ‘western giant hyssop, Agastache occidentalis‘. Also called płɨ́x̣winšpamá ‘medicine [for a woman] pertaining to [getting] a man’.