With the teeth, in eating; pulling; Attach to the beginning of transitive verbs.
- čáˀuyˀun ‘grab and shake’;
- čáč̓q ‘split’;
- čáku ‘pull’;
- čáksksi ‘make small’;
- čák̓aywak ‘shorten’;
- čák̓ptk ‘ball up’;
- čák̓uk ‘bundle’;
- čák̓ʷlk ‘chew’;
- čámx̣ʷlayk ‘lift out of the ground’;
- čánp ‘bite’;
- čánpšk ‘take away from’;
- čápaa ‘separate, sort’;
- čápaynač ‘put inside the mouth’;
- čápt̓ux̣ ‘stretch’;
- čáp̓uyk ‘harrow’;
- čátamanayt ‘take out’;
- čátax̣ši ‘stretch’;
- čátk̓ʷk ‘straighten out’;
- čáƛ̓ɨmux̣ ‘put on bandana’;
- čúun ‘drink’;
- čáwaaluuk ‘raise up in the air’;
- čáwaaničaša ‘pull up on’;
- čáwaanknik ‘put around the outside’;
- čáwaax̣aap ‘line a tepee’;
- čáwayna ‘have a tug of war’;
- čáwiwa ‘stretch’;
- čáwyaninn ‘wander from place to place’;
- čáx̣ɨlp ‘open’;
- čáx̣ɨmk ‘crumble’;
- čáx̣ʷaami ‘pick up’;
- čáx̣ʷłk ‘loosen, extract’;
- čáyawna ‘pull over’;
- wiyáčawaatk̓uk ‘rein in (horse)’.
See more:
ká-. [NP /ké-/.]
Hole. iwátquka čaˀákšna ‘he dug a hole’. See also tqúni, k̓úlk. [NP /p̓´łn/.]
Flirtatious, coy. čaˀáš iwá ‘she is a flirt’.
Uncovered, open so the air can get in. čaˀáw k̓ʷáy iwá ‘that is open’.
Bad, ugly. čáˀay iwá ‘it is bad’.
Make a death rattle, cry as the special sound of an animal when freezing from the cold. ičáˀinɨmna k̓úsi ‘the horse nickered the death rattle’.
Grab and shake. ičáˀyuˀyuša k̓ʷalálk̓ʷalalna ‘he is taking and shaking the bell’.
This long, this tall, this far. Compare kʷáal. [NE čaˀál; NP kiwáyl.]
These. Accusative case. kunam ƛ̓áax̣ʷ áwilaalakʷayita tún čáaman tanánmaaman ‘and you will leave everything for these people’. [NP /k´nmene/.]
Toward this. Lengthened vowel ablaut. For other oblique bases see čn-, čiin-. For absolute see čí ‘this’. ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá čáan atínačan tiičám ‘the aforementioned which is land toward Athena’; ača kú iwačá wíyat náktux̣t čáan ‘because it was far to bring back here’; čaaná ‘this’ (accusative); čaaní ‘toward this’ (emphatic versative); čáaman ‘these’ (accusative); čaamí ‘of these’ (genitive). [NP /kíkek/; NP oblique /k´n/.]
Toward this, in this very direction. ku kúuk súlcasin pášapawinama čaaní ‘and then the army sent them here’; ača kú iwačá wíyat náktux̣t čaaní ‘because it was far to take them back here’; iwámš čaaní súlčas ‘the army is coming this way’.
Flirt. ičáašwiša kʷɨnmíyaw winšmíyaw ‘she is flirting with that man’; kʷná ičáašwitana ‘he went there to flirt’; ičáašwiyawatana tílaakina ‘he went to flirt with the woman’. [NE čaˀášwi; NP /kt̓úyn/; /ˀey̓snúu/; cf. NP /k̓ésn/ ‘envy, admire’ (likely from earlier /keˀésn/).]
Flirt, flirtatious person.
With legs spread out. incacáan ‘mine with legs spread out’. Also ččáat.
Bundle up. ičáč̓ɨmnaykša ‘he’s making a bundle’; ičáč̓ɨmnay-kayiša paanáy ‘he’s helping her tie the bundle’.
Bundled up for giving away, a big bundle.
Tear or split apart with the hand. ku iwíčač̓qa ‘and he pulled it apart in thin slices’; kunam áwičač̓qta kʷaaná ‘and you will pull that apart in thin slices’. [Y čáč̓x̣; NP /nkác̓k/.]
Twist mouth, cause stroke.
- pačáč̓wiktanam ‘they will twist your mouth’;
- páčač̓wika łč̓áč̓ayin ‘the ghost twisted his mouth’;
- ičáč̓wiktanam ‘it will twist your mouth’;
- čáč̓wiki ɨ́m ‘mouth twisted by a stroke’.
See more:
[NP /k̓cwín/.]