45 terms start with “


Be impacted, be struck. Bound. pɨ́ƛ̓a ‘wet or dampen the hair’; tunápt̓a ‘kick’; túpt̓a ‘kick repeatedly’; wát̓a ‘switch, whip’; tx̣ʷnɨ́mpt̓a ‘spur’. [NP /t̓e/.]



Want, wish to do something.


Desiderative. Attach to verbs. Modern speakers of Umatilla usually use -t̓at̓a


  1. As -t̓a:
    1. čúut̓a ‘be thirsty’;
    2. tkʷátat̓a ‘want to eat’;
    3. wɨšát̓a ‘want to lie down’;
    4. -pát̓a ‘desire, crave’. As -at̓a: ík̓aywakat̓a ‘want to outdo’;
    5. wáyčat̓a ‘go look for’;
    6. wɨ́npat̓a ‘want to cross’;
    7. wɨšáyčat̓a ‘want to stay’. With stem final n deleted: łúukat̓a ‘need to urinate’;
    8. q̓ínwat̓a ‘want to see’;
    9. šúkʷayat̓a ‘want to learn’;
    10. tíitat̓a ‘want to flatulate’;
    11. wɨx̣íyat̓a ‘want to lie down’.
    12. ku kʷyáam pašúkʷayat̓aša sɨ́nwit naamí ‘and truly they went to learn our language’;
    13. ku kʷaaná panáktux̣ʷat̓ašamš ‘and they want to bring that back’;
    14. pápaˀik̓aywakat̓ana ‘they wanted to outdo each other’;
    15. ku kʷná pawámšita ana šíman kʷná pawšáyčat̓ata ‘and whoever will want to stay there will buy on credit’;
  2. As -tat̓a:
    1. anítat̓a ‘want to make’;
    2. wínatat̓a ‘want to go’;
    3. x̣nítat̓a ‘want to dig’.
    4. ataš tún anítat̓aša ‘anything that we want to make’;
    5. ana kʷná patáˀanitat̓aša níit ‘where they are wanting to build the house’;
    6. ana túntya áw paˀanítat̓ax̣ana ‘whatever now they would want to make’;
    7. ana kʷɨ́nki paˀanítat̓aša tún ‘with that which they are wanting to make something’.
    8. paˀiƛ̓iyawitát̓ana kʷɨ́nik̓a ‘they wanted to kill them next on that side’;

See more:

[NP /-ˀpécwi/; cf. NP prospective /-tet̓e/ ‘be about to’.]


Extinguished. t̓aˀáaš ikú ‘it (the fire) had gone completely out’. [NP /tahastáhas/.]


Enough. t̓áa níix̣ tiičám ‘enough good land’. [WS c̓áx̣i; NP /hipst̓úy̓/; cf. NE t̓áali ‘before’.]


Break, broken. t̓áakʷknaš kʷíya tkʷsáy ‘I (dropped and) broke the cup’; t̓áakʷk ikú tkʷsáy ‘the cup broke’; t̓áakʷk ikʷíya tkʷsáyna ‘he broke the cup’.


Dying out (of fire). t̓áaš iwá ‘it (fire) is dying out’; t̓aˀáaš ‘extinguished’. [NP /tohóos/.]


Flat. t̓ałáa iwá tkʷatatpamá ‘the table is flat’; t̓ałáa tiičám ‘flat land’; x̣yáw t̓ałáa tiičám ‘dry flat land’; t̓ałáa yúkaas ‘bull moose’; t̓ałáa ílukas ‘flat stick’; t̓ałáa pšwá ‘flat rock (they used these for making ɨpá)’; šapáwaat̓ałak ‘flatten’; tíwaat̓ałak ‘flatten by sitting on’; lapt̓ałá ‘salmon pemmican’; sapt̓ałá ‘salmon patties’. [NE & K t̓áy; NP /łt̓eˀł´t̓eˀ/, /t̓eyíit̓eyii/.]


Red-side shiner, Richardsonius balteatus. Also p̓ałaní; táˀattaˀat. [NW p̓asalí; t̓asalí; NP /téˀteˀt/.]


Power song.


Barrel. pasuulíya núsux t̓amúltšpa ‘they salted the salmon in a barrel’. [N t̓amúlkš; NP /wélklyn/; /wélklykiˀns/.]


Soft Basket woman. t̓at̓ałíya iwínamta kunam iyíkta ‘a soft-basket woman will come and she will hear you’.


Next place downriver from Rock Creek (Q̓mɨ́ł), on the Washington side of the Columbia River seven miles east of Wálawitis.


Soft basket. Could also be made of cloth or burlap, also a drum bag. Also called ánay.


Instrument nominalizer. ataymat̓áwas ‘store, town’; calutimat̓áwas ‘cornhusk’; čawatat̓áwas ‘vessel for fetching water’; ititamat̓áwas ‘school’; kaƛ̓iyawit̓áwas ‘poison’; łławt̓áwas ‘gutter, eaves’; łq̓iwit̓áwas ‘toy’; panatit̓áwas ‘ladder’; pinaq̓inut̓áwas ‘window’; pstɨxt̓áwas ‘blacksmith tools, anvil, hammer, etc.’; pšatat̓áwas ‘large woven bag’; pɨtyat̓áwas ‘spear’; qatiwaaničanwit̓áwas ‘playground slide’; saalit̓áwas ‘scissors’; sapax̣aluut̓áwas ‘fish weir’; sɨnwit̓áwas ‘telephone’; šapaluluukt̓áwas ‘sand paper’; šapaq̓ɨpt̓áwas ‘stapler’; šapšat̓áwas ‘truck’; šapt̓áwas ‘pack rope’; tamawaalatat̓áwas ‘hoop’; tamawnat̓áwas ‘throw over’; tamax̣anp̓at̓áwas ‘back rest’; tapintapint̓áwas ‘lantern, flashlight, torch’; taat̓áwas ‘pocket’; tawˀat̓áwas ‘bathroom’; timat̓áwas ‘pencil, pen, branding iron’; tutt̓áwas ‘mortar, mortar and pestle’; twalúut̓as ‘fish net’; twaluut̓áwas ‘dipnet’; twanuut̓áwas ‘dipnet’; twašat̓áwas ‘boiling-vessel, kettle’; tx̣ʷnɨmpt̓at̓áwas ‘spur’; wasat̓áwas ‘saddle’; wat̓at̓áwas ‘whip’; wax̣uut̓áwas ‘oar, canoe paddle’; winanuut̓áwas ‘bath tub’; wix̣uwit̓áwas ‘lacing frame’. See also -áwas. [NE -t̓úus; Y -t̓áwaas; NP /-t̓oˀs/.]


Bag worms.


Fine rain, mist.


Bustle, dancing bustle. Worn on the back side when dancing. [NP /t̓ic´n̓pat̓as/, /t̓ic´n̓paˀayn/; cf. t̓íican /t̓icn/ ‘buttocks’.]


Fine rain. wáat̓iišk ‘splash’; t̓iˀist̓íˀis ‘fine rain, mist’.


Pica, Ochotona princeps. Same as č̓íin.


Swallow (Hirundininae). May include swifts (Apodidae). páx̣naw pawačá t̓íx̣t̓ix̣ma ‘there were five swallow sisters’. [NP /láwtiqtiq/ (Aoki 1994:315); /lawt̓ax̣t̓ax̣yáya/ ‘Swallow family’ (Phinney 1934:373:5).]