On the ground. čámx̣ʷlayk ‘lift out of the ground’; x̣ʷnáyti ‘gallop’; x̣ʷyáyč ‘take a sweatbath’. [NP /qqú-/.]
42 terms start with “x̣ʷ”
With the head. x̣ʷɨ́c̓aak ‘get the head stuck’; x̣ʷlúun ‘drink lying prone’; x̣ʷnáynač ‘put the head inside’; x̣ʷnáyt ‘put the head out, look out’; x̣ʷɨ́t̓ɨlk ‘stick the head out, peek out’; wáqwatusklisklin ‘have the head down while looking around’; x̣ʷɨ́tutay ‘pillow’. [NP /quk-/; /wéwte-/; /wém̓-/.]
Slipped off, come loose. x̣ʷáał iwáyna ‘it has slipped off’.
Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos. x̣ʷaamanmí wáptas ‘eagle feather’; x̣ʷaamanmí púkła ‘eagle plume’. [WS & N x̣ʷayamá; NP /weptes/.]
Eagle. Legendary character. ku iwačá tkʷaynpłá X̣ʷaamayáy ‘and Eagle was a hunter’. [NP /weptesyéye/.]
Up, above, high, up high. x̣ʷáami iwá ‘it is above’; pawáta kʷná x̣ʷáami mɨná ‘they will be somewhere high up’; x̣ʷáami kʷná pawá sɨlksɨlkyáy ku X̣ʷaamayáy ‘Cricket and Eagle were there above’; ana tún áwa paamíin x̣ʷáamični ‘whatever they have up above’; x̣ʷáamina x̣níx̣ana x̣áwš ‘we would dig cous high above’; x̣ʷáamičan iwáynana x̣ʷaamá ‘the eagle flew upward’; čáwnam šína qaˀáat tún kúša ačanam kú pɨ́nɨm iq̓ínušamš x̣ʷáamični ‘you are not doing anything to anyone in secret when he sees you from on high’; x̣ʷáamični áničɨnk ‘put it up there!’; x̣ʷáami tiičám ‘high ground’; maykx̣ʷáami ‘higher’; x̣ʷáamičan ‘upward’; x̣ʷáamični ‘from above, above’; x̣ʷáamitx̣aw ‘clear up on the top, all the way up’. [NE also x̣ʷayám; NW x̣ʷíimi; NP /tús(ti)/.]
Ascend, go up. ix̣ʷáamiša ‘he is going up’; pax̣ʷáamišana pɨ́t̓x̣anukan ‘they were going up toward the mountains’; čáx̣ʷaami ‘pick up’; tamáx̣ʷaami ‘laugh around’; tkʷáyx̣ʷaami ‘lift a long object’; wɨšx̣ʷáami ‘move up into the high country’; súwapx̣ʷaamit ‘tepee ear pole’. [NW x̣ʷíimi; NP /q̓ʷy´mn/.]
Upward. nákwaax̣ʷaami ‘take up, lift up’; ƛúpwaax̣ʷaami ‘jump up’. [NW -łtx̣; NP /-láhsa/.]
One who lives in the mountains, highlander.
The One Above. ačanam kú iníša pɨ́nɨm x̣ʷaamipamánɨm x̣túwit ‘because he above is giving you power’.
Brave, very brave, not afraid. x̣ʷáaš pawačá Wáylatpu ‘the Cayuse were very brave’.
Klikitat people. X̣ʷáłx̣ʷaypam ináwa ‘a Klikitat is talking’.
Steller’s jay (Cyanocitta stelleri); blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata). [NE qʷyáašqʷyaaš ~ qʷyáasqʷyaas; NW x̣ʷášx̣ʷał (Jacobs 1929:216:16; 217:10, 14; 223:10; Hunn 1990:324); NP /qʷyésqʷyes/.]
Root of láx̣ʷayx̣ ‘be hot’.
Get the head stuck. Also pronounced x̣úc̓aak. ix̣ʷɨ́c̓aaka k̓usik̓úsi tawtawlípa ‘the dog got his head stuck in the can’.
Smooth, slick, slippery. x̣ʷiˀíłx̣ʷiˀił iwá ámčni kunam qáwat̓ata ‘it is very slippery outside and you will slip and fall’. [NP /x̣ʷysx̣ʷ´ys/.]
Smooth, slick, slippery. x̣ʷíił iwá ɨščɨ́t ‘the road is slick’. [NP /x̣ʷysx̣ʷ´ys/.]
Hermit thrush, Catharus guttatus. [WS q̓ʷíił.]
Slip on ice. ix̣ʷíiłša ‘he is getting stuck on the ice’; pax̣ʷíiłša ɨščɨ́tpa ‘they are sliding around on the road’; taawaax̣ʷíiłi ‘ice skate’; tax̣ʷíiłi ‘sleet, be slick (road)’; tísɨmx̣ʷiiłk ‘slide sitting’; wáax̣ʷiˀiłn ‘slip, skid, slide off the road’. [NE x̣ʷiˀíłn; NP /x̣ʷyisn/.]
Take sweat bath. Same as x̣ʷyáyč.