244 terms start with “l


Leisurely. láˀayč ‘sit leisurely’; lánč̓un ‘sleep leisurely’; láwša ‘lie, recline’ (with reflexive); láwštayma ‘compete for the kick stick in the stick game’. [Perhaps an extension of lá- ‘in fire, heat’.]


In fire, heat, light, smoke. láčkuk ‘be smoky’; lák̓uušk ’emit smoke’; lák̓ʷšk̓ʷši ‘turn brown from roasting’; láłɨmyux̣ ‘melt’; lámulayt ‘boil’; lapšúši ‘have a nosebleed’; láqayx̣i ‘shine, light up’; látiwa ’emit strong odor’; láatla ‘perspire’; lát̓ɨlk ’emit smoke’; lát̓ɨšk ‘go out, be extinguished’; lát̓ux̣ ‘explode’; láwaalawayč ‘cross over (of heat)’; láwaalayt ’emit smoke’; láwaapt̓a ‘sting’; láwaašq̓iti ‘be shady’; láx̣yawi ‘dry’; láx̣ʷayx̣ ‘be hot’; láyawak ‘thaw’; ílapaša ‘lay hands on for healing’; ínaat̓i ‘cook’. [NP /ˀle-/.]


Maybe, perhaps. apam kú tkʷáynpta kupam laˀák wiyáłamayčta ‘when you go hunting you might get lost’; kupam laˀák wiyáłamaykta ‘and maybe you will get lost’; laˀákmaš čáw tún wáta ílukas ‘maybe you won’t have any wood’; páyš laˀák čáw šín níix̣ kʷɨ́nki ipx̣ʷíta ‘maybe someone will not think well about that’. Also páyš. [Same in all S dialects; perhaps related to NP neˀé ‘isn’t it?’.]


Sit leisurely, sit relaxed. iláˀaytša ~ iláˀayša ‘he is sitting leisurely’; ččúu iláˀaytša ‘he is sitting quietly’; čukʷíin iláˀayša ‘he is sitting quietly’; áx̣ʷaynam láˀayša ‘you are still sitting’. [N láˀayk.]


Room. nč̓utpamá lašáam ‘bedroom’. [Jargon, from French la chambre.]


Forgetful person. [NP /ttolat̓´pac/.]


Forget. láaknaaš ‘I forgot’; čáwpam mún láakta imaamíin sɨ́nwit ‘you should never forget your language’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ paláakša paamíin sɨ́nwit ‘they’re all forgetting their language’; kuš aw kú álaaksa ‘and then I am forgetting it’; awš kú álaaknayi waníčt ‘then I have forgotten her name’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷna áw láakša ‘we are all forgetting now’; paláakɨnx̣ana ana šín áwaca náymu ‘they would forget who was their relative’; iláakna walptáykt ‘he forgot to sing’; ku čáw pamálaakɨnx̣ana ‘and they wouldn’t forget themselves (who they were)’; álaaknayišnaš waníčt ‘I have forgotten his name’; ku čáw pamálaakɨnx̣ana ‘and they wouldn’t forget themselves’; čáwnam šapálaakta ‘don’t make me forget!’; čɨ́mlaakn ‘forget in fear’; láakni ‘forgotten’. [NE laˀákn; NP /ttóla/.]


Whisky, hard liquor. [Eng. rum.]


Fade away, vanish, disappear. iláamša naamí sɨ́nwit ‘our language is fading away’; iláamša naamí sɨ́nwit čná ‘our language is vanishing here’; ana kʷná paláamša tanánma ‘where the people are fading away’; šapálaamk ‘erase’. Diminutive of náamn.


Shut eyed, with eyes closed. láamq̓i áyša tílaaki ‘the woman is sitting with her eyes closed’. [NP /q´ps/.]


Perspire, sweat. Also láatna. iláatlaša ‘he is perspiring’; ílapatna iláatlaša ‘he is sweating bullets’; išapálaatlašaaš ‘he is making me sweat’. [NP /mxʷlín/; S is possibly NW átna ‘die’ plus lá- ‘in heat, light, etc.’.]


Sweating, sweat, perspiration. [NP muxlíin /mxʷlín-t/.]


Cloudy. ku čikúuk iwá láaw ‘and today it is cloudy’. Ablaut of lún ‘burn’. [Cf. Klamath leew, proper name of the fire monster that dwells in Crater Lake.]


Around. ičáwiwana tkníniina láaykli ‘she stretched the rope around’.


Thaw, melt. ilácc̓uupša taawáy ‘the ice is melting’; ílacc̓uup ‘melt’; ílac̓upc̓upn ‘melt fat’. See láyawak. [WS lácc̓aap; NP /lamli/; /weyˀúkn/.]


Be warm, warm up by a fire. lác̓muyitaaš ‘I’m going to warm up’; kuš kʷɨ́nki lác̓muyx̣a ‘and with that I keep warm’; ílac̓muyi ‘warm up’ (vt.). [WS lác̓min; NP /ˀlelúˀq/.]


Far, far away. lahaháam tiičám ‘a far away land’. See also wíyat.


Carrot, domestic carrot. In Umatilla mostly sawitkwáakuł. [NP /cawitkwáakoˀs/; Jargon, from French la carotte.]


Stew, flour thickened stew, salmon gravy. níix̣ iwá lakamíin ‘the flour gravy is good’. [NP /sis/; túutniˀsnim síis.]


Make lakamíin. ilakamíiniša ‘she is making salmon gravy’.