49 terms start with “ƛ̓


While. išapáˀat̓iša tkʷátat áyat ƛ̓á ikútkutša wínš ‘the woman is cooking the food while the man is working’. WS – not used in U.


Shallow, low (of water). Jacobs 1931:140 [WS ƛ̓uˀúup; NP /pq̓ic/.]


Broken. ƛ̓áak ikú patíš ‘the limb broke off, got ripped off’; ƛ̓áak ikʷíya twána ‘he broke the pole’; ƛ̓áak iwáyna ‘it has broken apart’; čáƛ̓aak ‘peel off, pull out’; šáƛ̓aak ‘cut off’; tamáƛ̓aak ‘patch’; támƛ̓aak ‘patch’; x̣áwaƛ̓ak ‘spill all over, spread out’. [NE ƛ̓aˀák; NP /ck̓íl̓/.]


Be shallow, dry up. Jacobs 1931:140 íƛ̓aapn ‘lose out on’; ƛ̓aˀáap ‘shallow, low’. See ƛ̓úupn.


Rebury (such as a body dug up for reburial). paƛ̓áaƛ̓ana wáwnakʷšašna ‘they reburied the body’.


All, every. ƛ̓áax̣ʷ paláakša paamíin sɨ́nwit ‘they are forgetting all their language’; ačana kú wá ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pánaymuni ‘because we are all related’; ɨščɨ́t iwačá ƛ̓áax̣ʷ púwi ‘the road was all snow’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa iwačá čúuš ɨščɨ́tpa ‘the water was on all the roads’; ku pináwšuwanx̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tún ‘and everything gest itself ready’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ inákwinana ana tún áwača ‘she brought everything that she had’; kúuš iwá ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa mɨná ‘thusly they are in every place’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa pawína ‘they have gone everywhere’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷma patáwyanayka Háwtmipa ‘they all settled down on McKay Creek’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tanán ‘every person’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ šín ‘everyone’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tún ‘everything’; ƛ̓aˀáx̣ʷ ‘all of them’ (Jacobs 1931:140). [NP /laˀám/ (adj.); /laˀám̓/ (adv.).]


Woman’s sister, woman’s female cousin, woman’s female friend. ínƛ̓aks ‘my sister’; ímƛ̓aks ‘your sister’; ínƛ̓aksanɨmnaš ɨ́nna ‘my sister told me’; áwɨnanam ímƛ̓aksaan ‘you told your sister’; ƛ̓áksin pawačá ‘she was with her sister’; ímƛ̓aksin páˀɨnna ‘your sister told him’; pɨnmínɨmš ƛ̓áksnɨm ɨ́nna ‘her sister told me’; inmí kałanmí áwača mɨ́taw ƛ̓áksma ‘my grandmother had three sisters’; pyax̣í x̣áwš lúukš ku tmɨ́š ku wíwnu pawá páx̣naw ƛ̓áksma ku kʷná áwa pyáp čúuš ‘bitterroot, cous, biscuit root and chokecherry and huckleberry are the five sisters and there is their elder brother the water’; mɨlá áwača ƛ̓áks x̣awšmí ‘it is the ugly sister of the cous’.



Black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus.

See more:

Also called čmúk wáłxʷas.

[WS yúqał; NP /téwisiˀns/ ‘black-tailed buck’; /yeˀemes/ ‘black-tailed doe’.]


Away, left, released, anyway, irrelevant. kʷná áw ƛ̓ánx̣ ‘let it be! never mind! doesn’t matter’; ƛ̓ánx̣ áw kʷná ‘well just leave it!’; ƛ̓ánx̣ áw kúuš iwáta ‘it’ll be alright like that’; ƛ̓ánx̣ iwá ‘it doesn’t matter!’. [NE ƛ̓áp.]


While, merely, just, but away with it! let it go!. Jacobs 1931:268 ƛ̓áptyaš kú wínana ‘and I just went anyway’; ƛ̓áp čí naamí lamtús ik̓úša ‘our no good challengers are gathered here’; ƛ̓áp míimi ttúušma pawíƛ̓iyawiya ‘they already each just died’; kʷná áw ƛ̓áp ‘let it go!’; ƛ̓áp iwá ‘take it away! away with it!’ (Jacobs 1931:143). [NW ƛ̓ánx̣; cf. Y ƛ̓áp ‘no good, bad (unwanted)’ (Beavert & Hargus 2009).]


Clear (of sky). ƛ̓áw iwɨ́šayča ‘it cleared up’; čáƛ̓awk ‘uncover’. [NP /haykáa/.]


Co-wife. ƛ̓áwi ‘co-wife!’; ínƛ̓awi ‘my co-wife’ (said by a woman); ímƛ̓awi ‘your co-wife’ (said by a woman); ƛ̓áwi ‘(his) co-wife’. [NP /peˀéks/; cf. /ˀéks/ ‘man’s sister’.]


Dig up, unearth. iƛ̓áyna támayčt ‘he dug up his barbecue (camas, etc.)’; paƛ̓áyša mimáan tamíčtna ‘they (grave robbers) are digging up the old grave’.


Chipped or broken off. [NP /tm̓´k/.]


Shared. čáw tún áwa ƛ̓iˀíiš ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tún áwa tq̓íx̣ ‘nothing of theirs is shared, everything of theirs is not to be given up’.



Split off. Bound.


  1. páƛ̓iip ‘strip off bark’;
  2. šapáƛ̓iip ‘break up’;
  3. šáƛ̓iip ‘slice off’;
  4. wáƛ̓iip ‘knock off’;
  5. wɨsláƛ̓iip ‘cut out a small piece’.
  6. Broken:
    1. ƛ̓iˀíipni ‘chipped or broken off’.

See more:

[NP /peˀq/; /x̣aˀp/.]


Washington ground squirrel, Urocitellus washingtoni. See c̓iiłá. [Cf. NP c̓íix̣lu ‘squirrel’ (Aoki 1994:75).]


Soon, in a little while. múnam ƛ̓íks wínata ‘when will you go?’; ƛ̓íksnam tún kúta ‘presently you will do something’; ƛ̓íksnam áwɨnta kałáp ‘in a while you will tell your grandmother’ (Jacobs 1937:12.2.1, pg. 20). [CR & NE mak̓í; NP /taqc/ ~ /tax̣c/.]


Fall dead or unconscious. iƛ̓ína ‘it died’; káƛ̓in ‘spit, expectorate’; wáƛ̓ič ‘club to death’; ƛ̓íyas ‘saliva’. [NP /c̓ill´yn/.]


Wide. áana čí ƛ̓píip iwá maykƛ̓ináaw ‘oh this wingdress is wider’. [NP ˀeqtéx̣px /ˀqt´x̣pk/.]