106 terms start with “


Ankle. Also sometimes pɨtpɨ́tnu. [WS k̓uksk̓úks; NP /ˀoq̓oqc/.]


Nine. nakáłas iwačá k̓úyc anwíčt ‘my mother was nine years old’; k̓úycina páwiyawawn wɨ́tk ‘it is nine thirty’; k̓úycipa iwá ‘it is nine o’clock’; k̓úycipa iwá nɨknípa ‘it is nine o’clock’; k̓úycma pawiyánawiya ‘nine people arrived’; k̓úycipa nɨknípa ‘nine o’clock’; pútɨmt k̓úyciyaw nɨkníyaw ‘ten to nine o’clock’; k̓úyc álxayx ‘September’; k̓úyciyaw ‘ninth’. [N & WS c̓mɨ́st; NP /k̓ʷyc/, /k̓ʷˀic-/; Klamath načq̓eeks [natʃq̓æːks] (Barker 1963b:273).]


Be stripped off (branches, twigs, leaves). Bound. twák̓uypsk ‘strip off twigs or leaves’; wák̓uypsk ‘chop off (branches)’. Compare k̓ʷáymi ‘be stripped off (of bark)’.


Ninety. [NE c̓msáaptit; NP /k̓ʷyseˀéptit/.]


Lower back, the back part of the waist; dip in the land, saddleback. pináwatišak k̓ɨwípa ‘put it around your waist!’; k̓ɨwí iwá tiičám ‘the land is dipped’; k̓wíipapam wínata ‘you should go on the saddleback’; payúwišaaš k̓ɨwí ačaš mún wíyat̓iš túti ‘my lower back hurts because I have stood a long time’. [WS q̓ʷí; K k̓ɨwí (Jacobs 1929:209:11; 213:16); Y k̓ʷí.]


Side purse. [WS q̓ʷipamá; Y k̓ʷipamá.]