Snake, snake other than rattlesnake, garter snake (Thamnophis elegans). čuušpamá pyúš ‘water snake (Thamnophis cyrtopsis var. cyrtopsis ?)’; nč̓í pyúš ‘pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus)’. [NP /pyos/.]
528 terms start with “p”
Go ashore, emerge from water. áw c̓áak̓a ipyútšamš wɨłx̣ɨ́na nč̓iWánapa ‘now the smelt are coming in near in the Columbia’; papyútšamš ákakma ‘the geese are coming up out of the water’; pyútnɨmtk ‘come ashore!’. Has the form pyúč in compounds. [NP /tq̓i/.]
Bull snake, gopher snake, pine snake, Pituophis melanoleucus. Umatilla generally uses nč̓í pyúš. [NE p̓ix̣wawá; NW ppáaw; NP /pixwew̓é/.]