63 terms start with “


Tight fisted. q̓šɨ́š áwɨnpɨnk ‘hold it tight!’; q̓šɨ́šn ‘be stiff, hard’; q̓šɨ́šn ‘clench, hold on to’; q̓šɨ́šwi ‘hang on to the deceased’; q̓šɨšlí ‘early blueberry’.


Early blueberry, blue huckleberry, oval-leaf huckleberry, Vaccinium ovalifolium. Also huˀušlí. [NE q̓ɨx̣ɨšlí.]


Be stiff, hard. iq̓šɨ́šna łq̓ám ‘the moccasins got stiff’. Ablaut: q̓šáaš ‘stiff, hard’. [Cf. NP /k̓ssn/ ‘have frostbite’; /q̓ssn/ ‘harden from drying, become stiff’.]


Clench, hold on to, hang on to, grasp, hold in the hands. Sometimes reduced to q̓ɨ́šn. łkmá ik̓šɨ́šna ‘he got hold of the game bones’; iq̓šɨ́šna ílukasna ‘he held on to the stick’; q̓šɨ́ššamaš ‘I am holding on to you’; iq̓šɨ́šša łkmá ‘he is holding the stick-game bones’; iq̓ɨ́šša tímaš ‘he is holding the paper in his hands’; áq̓šɨššaaš tkʷsáyna ‘I am holding the cup’; iq̓šɨ́šnayišaaš apáp ‘she is holding my hand’; q̓šɨ́šni iwá timat̓áwas ‘the pencil is being held’; sapák̓ɨsk ‘catch (as a cat catches a mouse)’; šapáq̓šk ‘curl’; tamák̓sk ‘snatch’; yáq̓šk ‘shrink’; k̓skáwas ‘molar’; k̓ɨštɨ́n ‘tooth’; q̓ɨšpalí ‘buzzard’. Ablaut: Y q̓šíiš ‘clenched’. [Y q̓ɨ́šn ‘clench jaw’.]


Clenched, grasped. q̓ɨ́šni iwá timat̓áwas ‘the pencil is grasped’. [Y q̓šíiš.]


Hang on to the deceased (and become sick as a result). čáwnam áq̓šɨšwita ‘don’t hang on to him (the person who has died)’.


Hard. q̓táat iwačá ipáax̣ ‘the bread was hard’; q̓táat pšwá ‘hard rock’; q̓táat támšɨlpi wáwnakʷšaš ‘lady bug’.


Hard to break, solid, unbreakable. q̓tɨ́t iwá pšwá ‘rock is hard’; q̓tɨ́t mɨc̓aymɨ́c̓ay ‘alumroot, Heuchera sp.’ (root used for quitting smoking – the top of the plant looks like áyun). Ablaut: q̓táat. [NP /qttq´tt/.]


Harden, solidify. iq̓tɨ́tna sayaykʷmí pšwá ‘the cement got hard’; šáq̓tč ‘plough’. [Cf. NP /qttn/ ‘be hard’; NP /qssn/ ‘be hard’; cf. /q̓ttn/ ‘be near’.]


Douglas’ wormwood, Artemisia douglasiana; silver wormwood or gray sagewort, Artemisia ludoviciana. Also called puˀúx̣puˀux̣.


Remember, cherish, prize, value, consider precious; hate to lose, mourn the loss. áq̓umšaaš ‘I cherish her’; iq̓úmšaaš ‘he values me’; áq̓umšaaš ‘I value him’; q̓úmtanam miyánašma ‘you don’t value your children’; čáw iwínana píiƛ̓iyawityaw pináq̓umša ‘he isn’t going to war—he hates to lose his life’; q̓úmni iwá ‘he is remembered’; táwq̓umn ‘oversleep’. [NP /q̓úmn/.]


Knee. itútananp̓ašaaš q̓úx̣łpa ‘he laid his head on my knee’; k̓uxsk̓úxs ‘ankle’. [NP ˀíimn /ˀimin/.]


Colon. [Cf. NP /q̓ʷ´yn/ ‘have diarrhea’.]


Long and cylendrical. [NP /lkʷ´ylkʷy/; /lkʷ´ylkʷy/ ‘slender’.]


Plain, in the clean. q̓ɨwíitpa iwá ‘he is in a plain’; q̓ɨwíitnaš wačá páyuumpa ‘I was in the clean at the celebration’.


Tule mat. ičɨčípna q̓ɨx̣lí ‘she is sewing her tule mat’; x̣áam ikʷíya q̓ɨx̣lí ‘the tule mat got smashed up’. [NP captaklaykaˀí /captklykaˀí/.]


The stick used to finish or tie off the tule mat.


Tear. iq̓ɨ́x̣na ‘it tore’; wiláq̓x̣ ‘blow cold wind’; tamáq̓x̣q̓x̣n ‘smash’; táwq̓x̣ ‘put a collar around the neck’; tunápq̓x̣ ‘crack by stepping on’; wiláq̓x̣ ‘blow cold wind’; q̓ɨ́x̣ni ‘torn’; q̓ɨx̣lí ‘tule mat’; q̓ɨ́x̣nu ‘sharp-tailed grouse’. Ablaut: q̓áax̣ ‘clearing in forest’.


Torn. q̓ɨ́x̣ni áwa táatpas ‘her dress is torn’. [NP x̣atatníin /x̣ttniins/; /t̓´tniˀns/.]


Sharp-tailed grouse, Tympanuchus phasianellus. [NP /q̓x̣no/.]