86 terms start with “q


Care, care for. túyaw iqíčkša ‘why does he care?’; čáw mún iqíčkša kuušnanáy tamánwitkina walptáyktna ‘he never cares for the Indian way of singing’. Possibly borrowed from Nez Perce. See naknúwi. [NP /qícqn/.]


Red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis. [NW kíya; píyac̓k; NP patámyo ˀilp̓ílp (JB); /pítamyanon/; /wit̓íkwit̓ik/.]


A peak near Black Mountain (tehémtehem). Inez Spino Reves.


Beaver castor. Also x̣ínu. [NP /quynu/.]


Osprey, Pandion haliaetus. [WS šáx̣šax̣; NW t̓úulx̣; NP /saqsaq/.]


Another set of falls upstream from the big Palouse Falls. Bruce Rigsby.


Be attentive. Bound. mɨšqítwa ‘pay attention’; sápqitwa ‘take care of’. [NP /qítwen/.]


Serenade, sing by the tepee door to encourage those within to come out and join in. iqlíwawyašaaš pčɨ́špa ‘he is singing by the door for me to come out and join in’.


Under the arms. pánkaštka qɨ́lpa ‘he tied him under the arms’ (Jacobs 1937:31.19.5, pg. 75); wáqɨlp ‘put on a bandoleer’. [NP /waqlp/ ‘put the arms around’ parses as /waq/ ‘in arms’ plus /lp/ ‘take, hold’ (Aoki 1994:384); cf. NP ablaut /waqláaptan/ ‘hold in arms’ (Aoki 1994:343).]


Hummingbird. qmɨmsalí tkʷátat ‘scarlet gilia, scarlet trumpet, skyrocket (Ipomopsis aggregata)’. [WS qɨ́msali; NE tamámnu; NW qmɨmsá ~ x̣mɨmsá; NP taamámno /taammno/.]


Be gluttonous, greedy to eat. iqnɨ́pša ‘he is being gluttonous’; qnɨ́pni ‘gluttonous’. [NP /kt´wi/ ‘not share food’.]


Selfish with food, eating so much that others are deprived. qnɨ́pninam wá ‘you’re greedy with food’. [NE qnɨpní ‘greedy’.]


Shoot. áwnan qɨ́pta kayásu ‘now I shall shoot arrows’ (Jacobs 1929:175:12–13); sapáqp ‘put under the arm’. N, U uses tux̣ʷɨ́na. [NP /ˀewi/.]


Be stuck between. iqpɨ́tna pčɨ́špa ‘he got stuck in the door’. Ablaut: qáapt ‘packed in, crowded, tight’.


Be busy, work. anam túna áqqaanayša ‘anything you are working’; ataš k̓ʷapɨ́n qqaanáyša ‘the aforementioned which I am working’; qqaanáytapam ‘you should work!’; ku kʷɨ́nki iqqaanáynx̣ana k̓úsimaaman ‘and with that he would work the horses’; ku čáw míš paqqaanáyša kʷɨ́nki ‘and in no way are they busy with that’; x̣túpam qqaanáyta kʷɨ́nki ‘you should be strongly involved with that’. Also qqaanáywi. [NE x̣x̣aanáyn; Y qqnáywi; NP /x̣eléleyn/.]


Business, industry, work, activity. k̓ʷáy áwača míimi qqaanáyt nč̓inč̓imaamí ‘that was the business of the elders long ago’; ana tún iwačá míimi átaw qqaanáyt ‘whatever was the important work long ago’; kunamta kʷná wiyánax̣tita imikíin qqaanáytki ‘and there along the way you will cry about your work’; čáwpam tún míš wímita ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá čáw tk̓ʷíikʷ qqaanáyt ‘don’t do anything that is not right business’; at̓úk iwá qqaanáyt ana kú miyánašma patɨ́x̣ˀuyix̣a ‘the work is difficult when the children make their first kill’; amiyuux̣maamí qqaanáyt ‘business of the chiefs’; at̓úk qqaanáyt ‘hard work’; áwtni qqaanáyt ‘sacred work’. Also qqaanáywit. [NE x̣x̣aanáyt; NP x̣eléeleyn /x̣eléleyn-t/.]


Be busy, work. iqqaanáywiša ‘he is busy’; qqaanáywišaaš ‘I’m busy’; anam túna áqqaanaywiša ‘something you are working at’; ku kʷɨ́nki iqqaanáywix̣ana k̓úsimaaman ‘and because of that he used to work the horses’. Also qqaanáyn. [NE x̣x̣aanáyn; Y qqanáywi; NP /x̣eléleyn/.]


Business, industry, work, activity. at̓úk iwá qqaanáywit ‘it is difficult work’; walaq̓ilułá tananmaamí qqaanáywit ‘Superintendent of Indian Affairs’. [NE x̣x̣aanáyt; Y qqanáywit; NP x̣eléeleyn /x̣eléleyn-t/.]


Fall down. Distributive. áqtamčanwiya šapášapš k̓úsikni ‘their packs fell down off the horse’.


Side, off to the side. See ktɨ́x̣.