Jangles, decoration, baby toy, good, pretty.
1,050 term start with “t”
Getting dark. áw iwá táaˀaš ‘now it is getting dark’.
Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo. Also kʷálkʷal; łíitki. [WS qʷalqʷalłá; NP /siitiins/.]
A tiny insect. tál iwalptáykɨnx̣a ana kú át̓ix̣a tmɨ́š ‘a tal sings when the chokecherries ripen’; ana kú át̓iša tmɨ́š ku kúuk pawalptáykɨnx̣a táalma ‘when the chokecherries are ripening then the little black cricket sings’; tál iwá kskɨ́s kákya ‘black bug is a small insect’; iwá ánč̓a pɨ́nx̣i tál ‘it is again the same bug’; pawalptáykšana tálmasɨm ‘only the bugs were singing’; talyáy ‘Bug’.
Knee, lap, area above the knees, hip joint. táx̣ɨnpɨnk táamapa miyánaš ‘hold your baby on your lap!’. [NP táam̓a /tam̓a/.]
Always. táaminwa pax̣ʷiyáyčɨnx̣a tkʷáynptay ‘they always sweat for the hunt’. [NW tmíinwa; tɨ́miinwa (Jacobs 1937;13.4.2, pg. 24; 16.24.5, pg. 34); NP kúnk̓u /kʷ´nk̓u/.]
Put in, canned. táani áwača wíwnu ‘their huckleberries were canned’. [NE ɨtaaní; NW tíini; ˀítin̓ /ˀ´te-iˀns/.]
Eldest. táaq̓iš áwa íšt ‘it was her eldest son’. [NP /téeq̓is/.]
Discipline, cause to behave, cause to believe, restrain. amíyuux̣ma patáatata kkɨ́smaaman ttáwax̣tmaaman ‘the chiefs should restrain the young people’; pátaatana ‘he made him believe’; patáatana miyánašmaaman ‘they disciplined the children’; itáataša miyánašna ‘he told the child to behave’. [Cf. NP /taˀátk/ ‘hush, reprimand, forbid’ (/té-/ ‘by talking’ + /ˀát/ ‘go out’ + /-k/).]
Vessel, jar, can, container. ápšaničɨnk taatpamáyaw ‘put a bunch in the jar’; wɨslak̓ʷskipamá taatpamá ‘quiver (for arrows)’.
Shirt, dress, clothing. ku isxɨ́pin ku pánakwinana táatpasyaw ‘and his younger brother took him clothing’; táatpas wíyayti ‘beaded dress, cloth shell dress’; tkʷaynptpamá táatpas ‘huning clothes’; tiliwalx̣íma táatpas ‘bloody clothes’; wapčiyaašmí táatpas ‘buckskin shirt’; čmuktáatpas ‘Catholic priest’; táatpasi ‘wear, have on’. [NP /sm̓q/.]
Dress, put on like a shirt, wear, have on. itáatpasiya ‘he put it on like a shirt’; ana tún itáatpasišana ‘the things she was wearing’; táx̣šik ku pinátaatpasik ‘get up and get dressed!’; kunam pinátaatpasita ‘and you should dress up (put on best clothes)’; anam k̓ʷapɨ́n pinátaatpasisana tkʷáynptay ‘the aforementioned [with] which you will clothe yourself for going hunting’; múnam wapáwx̣ita anam tún pinátaatpasixana ‘when you let go whatever you would clothe yourself’; patášapataatpasiya ‘they changed his clothes (done to a widow or widower the first and last day of mourning)’; pinátaatpasix̣a pɨnmikíin apɨ́łapłki ‘it (the tree) dresses itself with its leaves’. [NP /wepelíkn/; /sm̓qi/.]
Clothing. ana kʷná panaknúwix̣ana paamíin památaatpasit ana tún ‘where they used to keep their clothing whatever’. [NP /ˀipnásm̓qit/.]
Dressed. [NP /wepelíkniˀns/; /sm̓qiins/.]
Shirtless, without clothes. [NP /ssm̓qnot/.]
Closet, dresser.
Pocket. x̣ax̣aykʷpamá taat̓áwas ‘billfold, wallet’. [NE ɨtaat̓úus; Y **tiit̓áwaas; NP /ˀtétp̓es/.]
Freeze all along the river, freeze all the way across.
Ice skate. itaawaax̣ʷíiłiša taawáypa ‘she’s skating on the ice’; pataawaax̣ʷíiłiša ‘they are ice skating’. [NE wakutwákutn; Y tasɨ́x̣; NP /tehespe t̓iy´knik ~ t̓iyen/ (JB).]
Ice skater. [NE wakutwakutłá; Y tasɨx̣łá.]