122 terms start with “y


Gargle, rinse mouth. pináyux̣yux̣šaaš ‘I’m rinsing my mouth out’; pináyux̣yux̣naq̓iyaaš k̓íš ku níix̣ sɨ́nwita ku čáw mɨlá ‘I finished rinsing out my mouth so that I will talk well and not bad’. [Y yux̣yúx̣ ‘unstable, teetering’.]


Bound root. šapáyx̣ʷtk ‘clean peelings off roots’; waláyx̣ʷtk ‘hobble (horse)’. [Perhaps related to yuk̓áat ‘soft’ and/or /yq̓út/ in /tqeyq̓útk/ ‘suffer from eating too much sweets’ (Aoki 1994:956).]