279 terms start with “č


In fear. čɨ́mˀɨlɨpn ‘go up to the top in fear’; čɨmálakʷ ‘abandon in fear’; čɨ́mlaakn ‘forget in fear’; čɨmnáwaax̣ʷaami ‘climb in fear’; čɨmnáyti ‘run away, escape’.


Go up to the top in fear. pačɨ́mˀɨlɨpna ‘they ran away up the hill and over’.


Dark, sooty, very black; dark horse. See čmúk ‘black’.


Black person. čmáakʷlima ‘black people’. [N čmaakʷlí; Y also taˀamlí; NP cicámox /cc´mok/; cacmóoxcacmox (/ccmókccmok/) titóoqan ‘black people’ (Aoki 1994:5).]


Abandon in fear. čɨmálakʷaaš ‘I abandoned in fear’.


Forget or abandon out of fear. kʷaanáx̣aš patáčɨmlaakna ‘they must have forgotten that one in their fear’; čɨ́mlaaknamaš ‘I forgot (“left”) you from fear’.


Climb in fear. ičɨmnáwaax̣ʷaamiša ‘he is climbing in fear’. [NW čɨmnáwiiłtx̣.]


Run away in fear. ičɨmnáytiša k̓ʷáy wínš ‘that man is running away in fear’. [NW čɨmnáti.]


New, fresh. pawɨ́npatax̣a čɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ‘they go to get the new food’; čáw iwá łq̓íwit anam kú áwštaymata naamína čɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ‘it’s not a game when you meet our new food’; kutya kʷná aníya čɨ́mti níit ‘but he made a new house there’; čɨ́mtina wá pšáš ‘we have a new son-in-law’; ku ana kú patániya čɨ́mti táatpas kutaš kúuk pátuka tkʷátat ‘and when they gave him new clothes then we set out the food’; ana kú iwá čɨ́mti wánpi ku kʷaaná patákutkutɨnx̣a ‘when there is a new one sung then they work that’; ku iwiyáwayčta ana kú iwánpta čɨ́mti wanpłá ‘and he will cross over when a new singer will sing’; itíwaša čɨ́mti ‘it smells fresh’; čɨ́mti níit ‘new house’; čɨ́mti tkʷátat ‘new food’; čɨ́mti waníčt ‘new name’. [NP /k´mti/.]


Black. čmúk iwá k̓ʷɨ́nč ‘the edible lichen is black’; čmúk táatpas čáw tún luc̓á itáatpasiya ‘he wore black clothes, not any red’; čmúk k̓úsi ‘black horse’; čmúk łamtɨ́x̣ ‘dark-headed horse’ (also čmúkłamtx̣); čmúk wáłx̣ʷas ‘black-tailed deer’ (see ƛ̓álk); čmúk wáłx̣ʷas wilalík ‘black-tailed hare, Lepus californicus‘; čmúk táatpas ‘priest, Catholic’ (see čmuktáatpas); ččmúk ‘black things’. Ablaut: čmáakʷ ‘very black’. [NP cimúuxcimux /cmúkcmuk/; cf. NP /smuk/ ‘charcoal’.]


Priest, “Black Robe,” Catholic. čmuktáatpasnaaš áq̓inušana ‘I saw a priest’; čmuktáatpasin pápƛ̓aša ‘a priest is baptizing him’. Also called papƛ̓ałá ‘baptizer’. [NP sám̓x̣ cimúuxcimux.]


Catholic church. čmuktaatpasmaamípa ‘at Catholic church’.


Zero vowel ablaut base found in oblique cases of the proximate demonstrative (čí ‘this’). čɨ́nɨm ‘this’ (ergative); čɨnmí ‘of this’ (genitive); íčɨn ‘to this’ (allative); čɨ́ni ‘from this’ (ablative); čná ‘in this’ (locative); čɨ́nki ‘with this’ (instrumental); čníin ‘on that side’; čɨ́ł ‘this many, this much’; čɨ́ma ‘these’ (plural absolute); čáy ‘in this direction, this way’. For other ablaut bases see čáan ‘toward this’; čiin-. For absolute see čí. [NP /k´n/.]