47 terms start with “h


Invisibility, empty space, the spirit realm, air, thin air. hawláak tkʷápaničanwim ‘hand down your spirit’ (said in prayer); hawláakyaw tiičámyaw áw iwínana ‘he went now to a spirit land’ (said when someone has died); kuna iníya walptáykt hawláakni ‘and he gave us the singing from the spirit realm’; kunam ím pánaknuwimta imikíin hawláaki apápki ‘and you will keep me with your heavenly hand’; kunamta ičáx̣ɨlpawamta anam kú čɨ́ni iwínata náx̣šyaw hawláakyaw tiičámyaw ‘and he will open it to you when you go from here to a spirit land’; hawláak tímaš ‘the invisible paper’ (records all our good deeds and transgressions). [NP /héwlekn/.]


Energetic, spry, lively, willing, eager. hawlapáwlap k̓úsi ‘prancing horse’. [Y hawlɨ́p; NP /hawlapháwlap/; cf. NP /hawlapn/ ‘feel good, be active, refreshed, invigorated’.]


Mean, ornery. Also pronounced hawɨ́ˀliš. hawɨ́lišnam wá ‘you are mean’; hawɨ́liš iwačá ‘he was mean, he was a tough guy’. [NP hawál̓is /hawl̓is/


Soft, mushy. hawtháwt iwá ɨščɨ́t ‘the road is slippery’; hawtháwt sayáykʷ ‘soft sand’.


McKay Creek, McKay Creek area. ttáwax̣naaš kʷná Háwtmipa ‘I grew up there on McKay Creek’; ana kú nč̓í wána iwínana čná Háwtmipa ‘when there was a flood here on McKay Creek’; Hawtminmí áwa waníčt ‘they’re names of McKay creek’; ku pášapawinana Imatalamłáaman Háwtmikan ‘and he sent the Umatillas toward McKay Creek’; pawšáčiča Háwtmiyaw ‘they moved on to McKay Creek’; ana pmáy pawačá kʷná Háwtmipa ‘they who were there on McKay Creek’; Hawtmiłáma ‘McKay Creek people’. [NP /háwtmi/; name said to have been from Cayuse.]


Be a landslide. itqáhawtka ‘the land slid’. [NP /héwtn/.]


Come out of mourning, be able to go to celebratory functions. haywáašaaš ‘I am coming out of mourning’. [NP /haywán/ ‘be free, relax, be peaceful, be free from worry’ (Aoki 1994:105).]


Take a break, go on vacation. áwna haywáanaykša ‘we’re taking a break now, we’re going on vacation’; wíyatkan ihaywáanaykša ‘he is on a long journey’.


Vacation, journey.


Peaceful. watx̣ɨ́n pawá haywáni ‘are they peaceful?’; kʷná iwá píiƛ̓iyawit čná iwá haywáni ‘there it is war, here it is peaceful’. [NP /haywániˀns/.]


Gnat, midge (Chironomidae).


Choke while coughing; have whooping cough, whoop, wheeze. ihíik̓kiša ‘he is whooping’; páhiik̓kiša ‘he has whooping cough, he is wheezing’.


Whooping cough.


Dolly Varden trout, Salvelinus malma. [CR áščinš; NW číwa; NP /ˀisl̓am/.]


Oyster mushroom, cottonwood tree mushroom, elephant ear mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus. Boil until tender, roll in egg batter and fry. áwnaš áwaqitša híp̓awna ‘I am looking for tree mushroom now’; čímaš wá híp̓aw ‘this is your elephant ear mushroom’. [WS ksksá; NW łɨntɨ́t; NP híp̓ew /hp̓ew/.]


Indian Lake, on Umatilla Reservation. This is the Nez Perce pronunciation. In Umatilla usually pronounced Yúmtipin. [NP /hyúm-t´piˀns/ ‘grizzly eaten’.]


Early blueberry, blue huckleberry, oval-leaf huckleberry, Vaccinium ovalifolium. Also q̓šɨšlí. [NE q̓ɨx̣ɨšlí.]


Wind. itamáypx̣a hulí ‘the wind blew downriver’; páwilax̣aapa hulíin ‘the wind blew it underneath’; áw páwx̣iin hulína ‘now he has thrown the wind down’; láx̣wayx̣t hulí ‘hot wind’; c̓múy hulí ‘warm wind’; Huliyáy ‘Wind’ (legendary character). Sometimes also hulít. [NP háatya /hátyan-t/.]


Blow (wind). ana kú čáw ihulíta iwáta níix̣ łk̓ʷí ‘when the wind doesn’t blow it will be a good day’; ihulíšamš ‘the wind is blowing’; k̓sɨ́t ihulíša ‘it is blowing cold’; ihulína náptipa pačwáywitpa ‘it blew two weeks ago’; x̣áyx̣tkni áw ihulíin ‘the wind has started to blow from the east’; x̣túnam huulíta ‘you will blow strong’. [NP /hátyan/.]


Windmill. See also sapúulklikas.