219 terms start with “i


Reciprocate on the Indian trade (pšx̣úyit), return gifts to the man’s side in a wedding trade. In the wedding trade the men’s side goes first and the woman’s side reciprocates. áwišwikšaaš k̓úsiki ‘I am reciprocating him with the horse’; pináˀašwikša ‘she is trading from the woman’s side’; pamáˀašwikša ‘they are returning gifts to the man’s side’; pináˀašwikt ‘trading on the woman’s side’. [Y íšwik ‘(gather and) save, store, put away’.]


Avoid. íwiyatnaaš ‘he avoided me’; áwiwiyatšaaš ‘I am avoiding him’; pináˀiwiyatša kútkutkni ‘he is avoiding work’. [NP /ˀlwápaˀ/.]


Bladder. čáw ášax̣ƛ̓kayik íwspas ‘don’t cut its bladder!’ (or the venison will taste bad). [WS tamáƛ̓aks; NP /ˀal̓as/ ‘shell, sack, bladder’.]


Quiet down. pináˀiwsxɨnk ‘quiet down!’; paˀíwsxa miyánašna ‘they made the child sit still’. [NP /sapáswn/.]


Startle, give a sudden scare. paˀíx̣alk̓ukaaš ‘they startled me’.


Fatten. Also íčx̣in. paˀítšx̣ina x̣átx̣atna tkʷátatay ‘they fattened the duck for eating’. [K ítšx̣ii; NP /sapátsqaˀawi/.]


Personifier. ašwaníya ‘slave’; t̓at̓ałíya ‘soft-basket ogress’. [NP /-´ya/.]


Your older brother. yáya ‘elder brother!’; nayáyas ‘my brother’; iyáš ‘your brother’; piyáp ‘(his/her) brother’. [NP /ˀm̓yás/.]


Kill. NW páyšx̣aaš čáw kúuš kúta kuš íyatnata ‘should I not do thusly he will kill me’. [CR & NE íƛ̓iyawi.]


Pour, moisten, water. kʷɨ́nkinam íyaƛ̓pita čúuški pšwá x̣ʷiyáytšpa míti ‘with that you will moisten the rocks below in the sweathouse’. [Cf. NP /ˀyélp/ ‘be wet, soaked’.]


Drive (horses, cattle), herd. íyawanaaš ‘I drove mine away’; áwiyawašaaš k̓úsimaaman ‘I’m driving the horses’; áw paˀíyawaša k̓úsi ku músmuscɨn icimayctpamáyaw ‘now they are driving their horses and cattle to the feeding place’. [N íyuun; NP /septiyelíkn/.]


Keep company with the bereaved. íyawtičaaš ‘she kept me company’; paˀíyawtitšaaš ‘they are keeping me company’; napiinítaš áwiyawtitšana ‘the two of us were keeping her company’; čwáwˀiyawtič ‘share the table’. [N íyawtik; NP /ˀnék̓nik/.]


Pregnant. iyáy iwá tílaaki ‘the woman is pregnant’. [N iyák; NP /hiyek/ (mostly of animals); /ˀlúutpe/ ‘in belly (pregnant)’.]


Dangerous, reckless. wášnaš iyíya ‘I am getting dangerous’. [NP /ˀayyiˀc/.]


Be nervous about (as for example a ladder tipping over). aw kú paˀiyíyaša ‘then they are nervous’; áwiyiyašaaš ‘I am nervous about him’. [NP /ˀiyíyan/.]


One with palsy, one who always shakes.


Move around, shake, keep shaking. iyúˀyuša ‘he’s moving around’; paˀyúˀyuša ‘they’re moving around’; iyúˀyušaaš ‘I am shaking’; kʷáalisim iyúˀyuša ‘he is always shaking’; čáˀyuˀyun ‘grab and shake’; wáˀyuˀyun ‘shake up’; iyúˀyut ‘ shaking’. See also x̣ɨ́pɨpɨpn. [NP /lk̓úplk̓upn/.]


Shake, tremble, quake. iyúšaaš apáp ‘my hand is shaking’; iyúša tiičám ‘the earth is quaking’; tiičám iyúna ‘there was an earthquake’; iyúna tiičám ‘the earth quaked’; iyúˀyun ‘shake, keep shaking’; súˀyuuk ‘he moved it with a stick’; tmíyun ‘plan, decide’. [NP /lk̓úpn/.]


Next place upstream from Plymouth, Washington (tamalám).