158 terms start with “g


-ta ‘go in order to’ (purposive).


wína; aláyi ‘go down to a river or stream’; áš ‘go in’; áštx̣awn ‘go on in’; át ‘go out’; cuníncuninn ‘go about all over’; čɨ́mˀɨlɨpn ‘go up over in fear, go up to the top in fear’; ɨlɨ́pn ‘go to the top of a ridge (such as to look over)’; ‘go, do’; kʷíyaann ‘go by’; láytk̓i ‘go ashore’ (bound root); máana ‘go root digging (day trip)’; náwiyanayt ‘go out singing’; náynač ‘go inside’ (bound root); náyti ‘go along’ (bound root); ninn ‘go here and there’ (bound root); núuša ‘go to the other land (after death)’; panáyti ‘go uphill’; páqalapayk ‘go down a hill’; pyútn ‘go ashore’; q̓ʷyɨ́mn ‘go up hill’; skúulita ‘go to school’; sunáyti ‘go in single file’; táwˀat ‘go out (to the bathroom) at night’; táwtič ‘go to bed’; táwwina ‘go at night’; tunín ‘go upstream’; tútapni ‘go to town on Saturday’; tx̣át̓ɨšk ‘suddenly go out (of light, fire)’; t̓ɨ́šn ‘go out (of fire)’; walúun ‘go into water’; wánwi ‘go down’; wápa ‘go into brush’; wáasklik ‘go around, spin’; wáatk̓ʷk ‘go in a straight line’; wát̓uyi ‘go ahead’; wáypx̣n ‘go downstream’; wilíilawi ‘try to go’; wínatˀuyi ‘begin to go’; wínatat̓a ‘want to go’; wínatx̣awn ‘go immediately, go right through’; wiyác̓aak ‘go near, approach’; wiyánaq̓i ‘finish going’; wiyáničanwi ‘go down’; wiyánknik ‘go around’; wiyáq̓ʷyɨmn ‘go along the side of the mountain’; wiyátk̓uk ‘go in a straight line’; wiyáx̣aap ‘go into the next room’; x̣ʷáami ‘go up’; x̣ʷyáyčata ‘go take a sweatbath’; yipɨ́x̣n ‘go downstream’.


ášawa ‘go in to, visit’; áštwanatux̣ ‘go back in with’; čúuta ‘go for water’; łúukata ‘go to urniate’; nɨknín ‘go around’; šapáwina ’cause to go, send’; wáasklik ‘go around, spin’; wáatn ‘go on vision quest’; wáwna ‘go over the hill’; winanáwa ‘go to, approach’; wiyápniyawa ‘go out to meet’; wiyátwaa ‘go with, participate’; wiyáwna ‘go over (such as a log or stone)’; x̣níta ‘go root digging’; yáwna ‘go over, clear an obstacle’.


tx̣ʷnɨ́mpt̓a ‘spur’.


wáaw ‘mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus‘ (also called c̓ax̣íšx̣iš); šiipwáakuł ‘domestic goat, Capra aegagrus hircus‘; šúuwi ‘billy goat’.


aniłá ‘the Creator’; naknuwiłá ‘the Keeper’; naamí pyáp ‘our Elder Brother’; naamí pyáp páyatut ‘our Elder Brother Páyatut’; páyatut (name of the deity); tamanwiłá ‘the Lawgiver’; X̣ʷaamipamá ‘the One Above’.


wiyá- ‘while going along, along the way’.


luc̓anmí ‘penny, copper, gold’; mɨx̣šmíx̣ax̣áykʷ ‘gold piece’.


luc̓anmí xúlxul ‘goldfish’.


níix̣; aníx̣anix̣ ‘good ones’; qʷí ‘good (of odors or taste)’.


níix̣ ‘be good, clear up, be good weather’; níix̣wi ‘do well, do good, make friends, be at peace’.


ayáya ‘have a good time, celebrate’; íniix̣i ‘fix, make good, improve’.


paníix̣wit ‘decency, friendship, peace’.


wáawx̣it ‘goods traded on the man’s side at the wedding trade’.


čkúpn ‘be silly, foolish, crazy’.


ákak ‘Canada goose, Branta canadensis‘ (also k̓lak̓lá); wɨšanałá ‘snow goose, Chen caerulescens‘.


pínuš ‘swamp or black gooseberry, Ribes lacustre‘; pínušaaš ‘gooseberry bush’.


ɨmí ‘gopher, mole’; tapunaytłá ‘northern pocket gopher, Thomomys talpoides‘; pyúuyax̣ ~ nč̓í pyúš ‘Pacific gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer catenifer‘; ‘white gopher snake, P. melanoleucus‘.

Gordian worm

nawinałanmí šúu ‘horsehair or gordian worm (Nematomorpha)’.


súk̓ʷaak ‘gore with horns’.