Bend the elbow or knee. ik̓líin ‘it has bent’; ik̓líša patíš ‘the limb is bending’; k̓ɨlínk ‘bend your foot back!’ (as when it is in the way for people walking by); tunák̓lik ‘bend by stepping on’; k̓ɨlíni ‘bent (of leg or elbow)’. [NP /k̓ll´yn/ ‘bend, be bent’.]
106 terms start with “k̓”
Bent (of leg or elbow). k̓ɨlíni áyša ‘he is sitting with his leg bent back’; k̓ɨlíniiš wá wɨx̣á ‘my leg is bent’. [NP /k̓ll´y/ ‘bent’.]
Area behind the knee. Cf. k̓lín ‘bend the elbow or knee’. [NP /tiw̓iwac/.]
Bent, bowed, curved. k̓ɨlɨlí áwa wɨx̣á ‘he has a bent leg’; k̓ɨlɨlík̓ɨlɨli ‘bowed’. [NP /k̓ll´yniˀns/.]
Bowed. Sometimes pronounced k̓alalík̓alali. k̓ɨlɨlík̓ɨlɨli wɨx̣á ‘bow-legged’. [NP /k̓k̓ll´yniˀns/; cf. NP wéeyux k̓ik̓illíinin̓ ‘bow-legged’.]
Bent, bent over. k̓ɨlɨlíni iwá pátaat ‘the tree is bent over’. [NP /k̓ll´yniˀns/.]
Fast, quickly, of quick tempo, fast rhythmic beat. k̓ɨmsak̓ɨ́msa wáašak ‘dance fast!’; maykk̓ɨmsak̓ɨ́msa wáašatk ‘speed it up in your dancing!’; maykk̓ɨmsak̓ɨ́msa ‘jazzier’. [Y k̓ɨmsá.]
Roll up, curl up, mat up. ik̓mɨ́sna awxʷɨ́t ‘the fish net matted up’; šapák̓mɨsk ‘twist, roll up, cause to mat up’; wák̓ɨmsk ‘tie on and twist’. [NP /lk̓ólyn/.]
Plugged up. k̓náaknaš wá núšnu ‘my nose is plugged up’.
Be in the way, be blocking the way, be obstructed, be blocked, be plugged up, be constipated. ik̓nɨ́kna ‘he got crowded out’; ik̓ɨ́nkša ‘he is constipated’; ík̓ɨnk ‘block, head off’; pák̓ɨnk ‘close off, dam’; súk̓ɨnk ‘parade’; šapák̓nk ‘close’; táwtik̓ɨnk ‘sit blocking the door at night’; tík̓ɨnk ‘block the door by sitting’; tkʷápk̓ɨnk ‘block the way with the hand’; tunák̓ɨnk ‘block the way with the foot’; wák̓ɨlk ‘grind’; wiyák̓nk ‘block the way’. Ablaut: k̓áank ‘blocked, closed’; k̓náak ‘plugged up’. [NP /k̓lkn/ ‘be blocked, closed, plugged, clogged’; /k̓lkn/ ‘be about to enter, approach the door’; /k̓l´ln/ ‘be blocked, be stuck’.]
Round, spherical. k̓páat pawá pšwá ‘rocks are round’. [NP /k̓papk̓´pap/.]
Ball. átamawaax̣aapɨnk k̓píitna wayx̣tiłápa ‘throw the ball under the car!’; itúpt̓aša k̓píitna ‘he’s kicking the ball around’; pawáyx̣tiša pawiyátunapt̓aša k̓píitna ‘they are running and kicking the ball’; iqáwɨnpa k̓píitna ‘he caught the ball’; iqáwɨnpša k̓píit ‘he is catching the ball’; k̓píitna iqáwɨnpa ‘he caught a ball’; išapáƛupƛupša k̓píit ‘he is bouncing the ball’; iwiyápapƛ̓kša k̓píitna ‘he’s dribbling the ball’; pašapáˀawqalalaytiša k̓píitna ‘they’re bowling’; x̣áwš k̓píitk̓piit ’round cous’. Lengthened vowel ablaut, see k̓pɨ́t ‘bead’. [WS & NW šp̓áw; NP /poxpok̓la/.]
Play ball. pak̓píitiša ‘they are playing ball’; pak̓píitita ‘they will play ball’; ana kʷná pałq̓íwita pak̓píitita ‘where they will play ball’. [WS & NW šp̓áwiti; NP /poxpok̓li/.]
Baseball player, basketball player. pawá k̓piitiłáma ‘they are ball players’.
Pertaining to baseball. k̓piititpamá łúq̓um ‘baseball glove’; k̓piititpamá wat̓atpamá ‘baseball bat’.
Mortar. Also k̓púł.
Rock hammer, war club. páwak̓ɨpa k̓ɨ́plaački ‘he hit him with the warclub’. [NP /k̓plac/.]
Hit with a rock or rock hammer. ik̓ɨ́pna paanáy ‘he struck him with it’; wák̓p ‘hit with a club’; wáwk̓p ‘hammer, pound nail’; wawk̓páwas ‘hammer, nail’; k̓ɨ́plaač ‘rock hammer, war club’. See also q̓ɨ́pn. [NP k̓áp onomatopoeic word for hitting (e.g., a man with a club), sound of biting. Aoki 1994:264.]
A tool used long ago; war club. [NP /k̓ppk̓´pp/ ’round, spherical’; /k̓páap/ ‘in a round or curled up manner’.]