Close together. k̓uk̓úk̓uk̓u áničɨnk ‘put them together!’.
106 terms start with “k̓”
Deep. ipúyiya k̓ulám ‘it snowed deep’; maykk̓ulám ipúwi ánč̓ax̣i ‘it has snowed again deeper’; k̓ulám čúuš ‘deep water’. [NP /limq̓is/.]
Bowl, hole. paˀaníya k̓úlk̓ulk tiičámpa ‘they made a hole in the ground’.
Master; pet. k̓usik̓úsi iwaqítša k̓úłi ‘the dog is looking for his master’. [NP /suˀum/; cf. k̓úsi ‘horse’
Gather, congregate, sit around together, be packed in. pak̓úna ‘they gathered around’; ik̓úša šapyášapya ‘the tumbleweeds are all bunched up together’; kuna máysx ánč̓ax̣i pápak̓uta ‘and we will get together again tomorrow’; ataš kú pak̓úya náaman ‘when they gathered us’; pak̓úša tumbleweed ‘the tumbleweeds are all bunched up’; ku mɨná áwa paamíin níit ana kʷná ipápak̓utax̣na ‘and somewhere they have a building where they can gather themselves together’; mɨná áwa paamíin níit ana kʷná ipápak̓utax̣na ‘they have no building anywhere where they could meet’; pašapák̓uša ‘they are having them gather around’; čák̓uk ‘rake up. rake together, bundle’; ík̓uk ‘pile, pile up’; ítyak̓uk ‘crowd’; náyk̓uk ‘gather up’; pák̓un ‘pound together, have a meeting’; páwiyak̓uk ‘call a meeting’; sápk̓uk ‘gather up’; sapák̓uk ‘gather together’; šapák̓uk ‘gather up’; tamák̓uk ‘pile together’; tamáwaak̓uk ‘put together’; twák̓uk ‘rake together’; tkʷápwaak̓uk ‘gather together with the hands’; wáak̓uk ‘stop by’; wiyák̓uk ‘gather together, congregate, drift (wood, sand)’; wiyák̓un ‘stop and rest’; wɨšk̓uk ‘pack up to move’; yák̓uk ‘drift into a pile’. Ablaut: Y k̓áaw ‘gathered together, in a group’. [NP /ˀamkʷn/; cf. also NP /k̓´wn/ ‘split apart’ (vi.).]
Broken. k̓úp iwáynana ‘it broke’; k̓úpnaš kúya q̓ɨ́mkas ‘I broke my shoulder’; k̓úp ikʷíya q̓ɨ́mkas ‘he broke his shoulder’; tamák̓up ‘break by throwing’. Ablaut: k̓ʷáap ‘broken’.
Falls, water falls. Same as k̓ʷɨ́p. [NP /tkem/; k̓úp ‘falls’ is likely an extension of k̓úp ‘broken’.]
Back, spine. naknúwik k̓úpaš ača kú iwá átaw wawnakʷšašmíyay ‘take care of your back because it is important to the body’; nusuxmí k̓úpaš ‘salmon back’. [N k̓úpk̓up; NP /k̓ʷpk̓ʷp/.]
Circle-dance, dance the circle dance. pak̓upíipiša ‘they’re circle dancing’.
The circle dance. This used to be the women’s dance when they had competition (prize) dancing – now they have the women war dance.
Salmon backbone. Also síwi; nusuxmí k̓úpaš ‘salmon back’. [NP /k̓ʷpk̓ʷp/ ‘back, spine’ (human & animal).]
Break. ik̓úpna ílukas ‘the stick broke’; šapák̓up ‘break’; tamáwaak̓up ‘break by throwing’. [NE k̓uˀúpn; NP /k̓úupn/.]
Broken. k̓úpni iwá ‘it is broken’; k̓úpni áwa apáp ‘his hand (or arm) is broken’. [NE k̓uˀupní; NP /k̓úupniˀns/.]
Horse. k̓úsiki pawínax̣ana patkʷáynpɨnx̣ana ‘they used to go hunting by horse’; anam šín átq̓ix̣ša čaaná k̓úsina kunam wášata ‘whoever wants this horse you should ride him’; wapáwani k̓úsi ‘decorated horse’; wášani k̓úsipa ‘ridden on the horse, on horseback’; k̓usinmí tútanik ‘horse hair’; yikɨ́t k̓úsi ‘wild horse’; kutkutpamá k̓úsi ‘work horse’; čmúk k̓úsi ‘black horse’; paˀáx k̓úsi ‘buckskin horse’; máamɨn k̓úsi ‘appaloosa horse’; luč̓á k̓úsi ‘bay horse’; luč̓á łamtx̣ní k̓úsi ‘strawberry roan with red head’; wakmuykłá k̓úsi ‘bucking horse’; qaˀáw k̓úsi ‘fast horse’; wilawiix̣tpamá k̓úsi ‘horse race’; k̓usinmí asúusu ‘horse’s hoof’; k̓usinmí wáłx̣ʷas ‘horse’s tail, pony tail’; tamašq̓íšit k̓usimaamí ‘horse barn’; wawc̓aakłá k̓úsimaaman ‘horse shoer’. [NP /sk̓em/.]
Dog, Canis familiaris. kʷáan wínak mɨlá k̓usik̓úsi ‘go away, bad dog!’; čáwmaš tq̓íx̣ša k̓usik̓úsi ‘I want your dog’; ičánpaaš k̓usik̓úsinɨm ‘the dog bit me’; nkáštkɨnk k̓usik̓úsi ‘tie up your dog!’; čáwnaš átq̓ix̣ša k̓usik̓úsimaaman ‘I don’t want the dogs’; nč̓ínč̓i k̓usik̓úsi ‘big dogs’; kkɨ́s k̓usik̓úsi ‘small dogs’. [NW k̓usík̓usi; diminutive of k̓úsi ‘horse’; NP ciq̓áamqal /cq̓ámqal/ ‘dog’ (with diminutive /cq̓ám/ from /sk̓em/ ‘horse’ plus diminutive /-qal/).]
Horse barn, barn. Also tamašq̓íšit k̓usimaamí ‘horse barn’. k̓usipamá páƛɨmux̣t ‘horse mask’.
Probable root in lák̓uušk ‘smoke’; tamák̓usk ‘cover over’. Cf. also k̓ʷɨ́š ‘muddy, soft’. [Cf. NP /k̓úxsn/ ‘be a mound, pile of dirt, etc.’.]
Guess wrong (stick game). See k̓ʷštáyn. [NP /k̓úxsteyn/.]
Bowl. k̓úulk aníyi ttɨx̣šmí ‘bowl made of willow’; k̓úlk̓ulk ‘bowl, hole’. See also čaˀákš; tqúni.
Bowl. A land formation, natural or man made.