54 terms start with “


On that side. ku kʷníin áwača níit winšmí ‘and the man had a house on that side’; ku iwá k̓ʷáy tiičám kʷníin atáčuušpa ku čníin iwá čí tiičám ‘and there is that country on that side of the ocean and on this side is this country’. [NP /kúun̓ike/.]


With that, about that, because of that. Instrumental case. kupam kʷɨ́nki łq̓íwišana ‘and you were playing with that’; ku kʷɨ́nki paˀaníx̣ana wáswas ‘and with that they used to make string’; kupam kʷɨ́nki paláy wɨ́šayčɨnx̣a miyánašma ‘and because of that you children become foolish’; ku kʷɨ́ni aw kú kʷáan paláakɨnx̣ana ana šín áwaca náymu ‘and from then on they would forget who was their relative’; kuš kʷɨ́nki pašápnišana ‘and they were asking about that’; ku kʷɨ́nki pinánkaštkɨnx̣ana ‘and with that he would tie himself up’; apam šíman pawɨ́npta ku patíyašana kʷɨ́nki ‘all whoever will receive you were laughing about that’; čáwnam ámčni sc̓átpa tkʷátata ača kú iwá átaw mɨškʷyámkt kʷɨ́nki ‘you shouldn’t eat outside at night because the belief about that is important’; šux̣ašúx̣aki kʷɨ́nki ‘with that mint’. [NW kʷɨnkínk; NP konkí /kʷn-kí/.]


That. Ergative case. kunam kʷɨ́nɨm išapátkʷatata úyit ‘and that one will have you eat first’; ku míimi iwačá nč̓í twáti kunam kʷɨ́nɨm ikútkuttax̣na kunam ináktux̣tax̣na ‘and long ago there was the big Indian doctor and that one could work on you and he could bring you back’; ana kʷɨ́nɨm inaknúwiyayiša náaman wáwnakʷšaš ‘that which is taking care of our bodies’; ana kʷɨ́nɨm inaknúwiya ‘that which took care of us’; ana kʷɨ́nɨm inaknúwiyayiša náaman wáwnakʷšaš ‘that which is caring for our bodies’. [K kʷnɨ́mk; Y kʷɨ́nɨmk; NP koním /kʷn-´m/.]


Of that. Genitive case. ku kʷɨnmíin pašx̣ɨ́ƛ̓kɨnx̣ana ‘and of that they would make cuts’; ku kʷɨnmíin áwača aníyi waláč̓witš ‘and his belt was made of that’; ku kʷnmí áwača aníyi waláč̓witš ‘and his belt was made of that’; ku kʷnmíin pašx̣ɨ́ƛ̓kɨnx̣ana ‘and of that [hide] they would cut [strips]’. [NW kʷɨnmínk; NP koním /kʷn-´m/.]


Leave angry, walk out in a huff. ikʷstína ‘he walked out in anger’; qátikʷštik ‘miss the seat when sitting down’; wiyákʷštik ‘err, make a mistake’; qátikʷštik ‘sit and miss the chair’; šilkʷštík ‘release feelings’. See also k̓ʷštáyn. [NW k̓ʷɨští.]


Put away, put in order (where it can be found). iníčn łq̓ám kʷstmá ‘he has put the moccasins away’ (Millstein 1990b); íkʷstɨmi ‘separate out and put away as for medicine dance’.


Fast asleep, sleeping soundly. Y čákʷtk ‘pull apart, pull weeds, pick flower’; šákʷtč ‘plough’; tákʷtk ‘pull weeds, pick flowers’. Ablaut: kʷáat ‘tight, tightly; soundly, steadfastly (Y)’.


Species, variety, that kind. kʷtɨ́nnaš tq̓íx̣ša ‘I want that kind’; tq̓íx̣nataš wá kʷtɨ́n tkʷátat ƛ̓áax̣ʷ ‘all our food is the irreplacible kind’. [NW kʷɨtɨ́nk.]


Variously via sound symbolism: qʷɨ́ƛ ~ q̓ʷɨ́č ~ x̣ʷɨ́ł.


True, truly. kʷyáamna wá ayáyat naamí aniłanmí čí ƛ̓áax̣ʷ walptáykaš ‘truly we have all these joyous songs of our Creator’; anam kú kʷyáam wáta wánpi kunam áwtta ƛ̓áax̣ʷna túna ‘when truly you will be sung then you will taboo everything’; kʷyáam áw pátx̣taymana ‘truly he traded with him’; ku kʷyáam pašúkʷayat̓aša sɨ́nwit naamí ‘and truly they went to learn our language’; kʷyáamnam kɨ́tu wáyx̣tix̣a ‘you really run fast’; kʷyáam waničáwat ‘fair price’; kʷyaamtɨ́mn ‘tell the truth’; mɨškʷyáamk ‘believe’. [NP /ˀikúuyn/.]


Believe, believe in. ačamaš kú kʷyáamša imanáy ‘because I believe you’; kʷyáamtanam ‘you should believe’; kutaš čáw ákʷyaamna ‘and we did not believe her’; ana kú ákʷyaamša paanáy aniłáan ‘when we believe the Creator’; ana kú ákʷyaamnayiša paanáy aniłáan ‘when we believe the Creator’s [law]’; kuna k̓ʷapɨ́n ákʷyaamnayiša paanáy ‘and we believe his aforementioned [law]’; kʷɨ́nkišta kú ákʷyaamša inmína aniłáan ƛ̓áax̣ʷki inmíki tɨmnáki ‘because of that then I believe my Creator with all my heart’. [NP /ˀikúuynek/ (


Believing, courage, wisdom.


Tell the truth. ku kʷná ánačni aw kú K̓amáyaqɨn ikʷyaamtɨ́mna aw kú itkʷapaničášana ‘and there then last Kamaiakin spoke the truth, then he signed (the Treaty)’. [NP /ˀkúuytm/.]


Truth. [NP /ˀkúuytmt/.]