Scary, ugly; itchy. mɨc̓c̓ɨ́p iwá wapaanłá ‘the grizzly bear is scary’. Ablaut: mɨcc̓íip ‘scary’. [NE mɨc̓ɨc̓ɨ́p.]
192 terms start with “m”
Itch. imɨcc̓ɨ́pša ‘he is itching’; mɨcc̓ɨ́pšaaš apáp ‘my arm itches’; mɨcc̓ɨ́pšaaš kuš pináˀayaša ‘I itch and I’m scratching myself’; mɨc̓ɨc̓ɨ́pšaaš míti mɨšyú ‘my ear is itching on the inside’; mɨcc̓ɨ́pni ‘itchy’. [NE mɨc̓ɨc̓ɨ́pn; cayáypn; NP /ceyéypn/.]
Itchy. mɨcc̓ɨ́pni iwá ‘it’s itchy’. [NE mɨc̓ɨc̓ɨpní; NP /ceyéypniˀns/.]
Itching, itch. [NE mɨc̓ɨc̓ɨ́pt; NP ceyéypin /ceyéypn-t/.]
False-dandelion, false-agoseris, Nothocalais troximoides (syn., Microseris troximoides). [NE mɨč̓úna.]
Pot, coffee pot, tea pot. wɨ́npayitam mɨc̓uuxlí ‘go get me the tea pot!’. [NP mic̓óox̣li.]
Listen. ámc̓iyax̣ʷak ‘listen to him!’; kuna páyš imc̓yáx̣ʷaša tiičámnɨm ‘and maybe the ground is listening to us’; čáwnam mún pamc̓yáxʷata túyaw ‘they never will listen to you for anything’. [Y mɨc̓íx̣ʷa; NP /mc̓yáx̣ʷaˀa/; from mɨs- ‘with the ear’ plus (ˀi)yáx̣ʷa ‘wait’.]
to do something.
Often with negative connotations intraditional Umatilla.
- míšnam míša ‘how are you doing?’;
- čáwpam tún míš wímita ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá čáw tk̓ʷíikʷ ‘don’t do anything that is not right’;
- čáw míš ámitk ‘don’t bother her!’;
- ku paˀayáyata ana tún míš pawímita ‘and they will have fun whatever they will do’;
- míšnam wímiša ‘what are you doing here and there?’;
- laˀáknam míš kʷná míta ‘maybe you will do something there’;
- míš pawímita ‘how will they do [bad things]?’;
- čáwpam tún míš wímita ‘don’t do anything [wrong]’;
- anam túman míš pamíta kʷɨ́nki ‘things which they do somehow with that’;
- čáwnam mún míš ámiyayita ‘you should never do anything to theirs’;
- kupam čáw míš pápamita ‘and you should not do each other harm’;
- čáwš míš míša ‘I am not doing anything’;
- iwímiša ‘he is doing things’.
Month. áˀami ‘February-March’; q̓ʷáyq̓ʷaymi ‘April-May’. Also -ˀál. [RC -mim; NP /-ˀál/ ~ /-ˀáł/.]
How? why? however, somehow, anyhow, in whatever manner. míšnam míša ‘how are you doing?’; míšnam wá ‘how are you?’; míšmaš wá ‘how is yours?’; míšnam náwa ‘how are you saying?’; míšnamtx̣ata kú wáanaynačtux̣šamš ‘how are you then running back inside?’; anam túman míš pamíta kʷɨ́nki ‘things which they do somehow with that’; ana tún míš áwača ‘anything they somehow had’; kʷata kú míš iwá níix̣ aw míšk̓a iwá mɨlá ‘wonder then whether it is good or whether it is bad’; míškin patmíyuša ‘what are they deciding?’; míšnaš áwɨnta ‘how do I say it?’; čáw míš ‘no way’; ku míš ‘and how, so be it’; míšata kʷá ‘forever more!’; míš ku amúu ~ míškʷa amúu ‘indeed!’ (with irritation). For younger speakers míš functions as a Yes-No question particle: míšnam páykna ‘did you hear me?’. See also watx̣ɨ́n. [NP manáa; manáma; manmaˀí; possibly cognate with the mostly negative NP /míˀs/.]
Peel. áx̣ʷay imíikša x̣áwšna ‘she is still cleaning the roots’; pamíikša taxʷɨ́sna ‘they are peeling the dogbane’; iwínana imíikatana ‘she went to peel’; míikɨnk ‘peel!’; míiki ‘peeled’. [NE wiyɨ́mk; Y miyúk; NP /wy´mk/.]
Peeling, peelings. [NE wiyɨ́mkt; Y miyúkt; NP /wy´mkt/.]
Old. lɨ́xssɨmk̓a miimá níit iwá ‘there is only one old house left’; kʷná nč̓ínč̓ima miimá patáwyanaykɨnx̣ana ‘the old ancestors would live there’; tanánma miimáma ‘old people’; nč̓ínč̓ima miimáma ‘old people’; miimá tkʷaynpłá ‘old hunter’; miimá palyáwat ‘the traditional stick-game (where they bet shawls, horses, etc., not money)’; maykmiimá iwá imiyawáy ‘she is older than you’; miimá tamánwit ‘traditional law’; miimá waníčt ‘old name’. [NP /waqíma/.]
Owl, great horned owl, Bubo virginianus. ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pawá miimánu ‘they are all the owls’; qúyx̣ miimánu ‘snowy owl, Nyctea scandiaca‘ (“the white owl is the sacred one”); máamɨn miimánu ‘spotted owl, Strix occidentalis‘. [NW ámaš; Y mimanú; NP /sax̣lat´mo/ (Art Motanic equated miimánu and šax̣latámo); Aoki 1994:628, following Alan Marshall, defines sax̣latámo as ‘screech owl, Otus asio‘; NP palx̣óockin̓ /plx̣óckiˀns/ ‘snowy owl, Nyctea scandiaca‘ (?).]
Historical. táaminwa pawaqítša miimapamá pšwá nč̓iWanapáyn ‘they’re always looking for historical rocks along the Columbia River’.
Long ago times, olden days. papáax̣amša miimawítki ‘they are war dancing in the old style’. [NP /wiwaqiwíwaqi/.]
Long ago; already. kúus iwačá míimi ‘it was like that long ago’; k̓ʷáy iwačá sápsik̓ʷat míimi ‘that was the teaching long ago’; čáw mún kúuš pawačá míimi ‘they never were like that long ago’; k̓ʷáy iwačá kúuš áwtni míimi ‘that was tabooed that way long ago’; k̓ʷáy iwá sápsik̓ʷat míimikni ‘that is the teaching from long ago’; áw míimikni iwačá ‘now it was from long ago’; míimi iƛúpɨn ‘he has already jumped’; míimi pašúkʷaša ‘they already know’; kʷnáx̣išta kú sɨ́nwisana míimi ‘in the same place then I was speaking already’; míimiš tkʷátašana ‘I was already eating’; míimiš wá tkʷátani ‘I’ve already eaten’; míimiš kánaq̓iya ‘I had already finished eating’; míiminaš átaymuna yašáp ‘I already told your elder brother the news’; ku míimi paˀɨ́nta nč̓ínč̓ima ‘and already the elders will say…’. [Y also míiwi; NP /waqípa/ ‘long ago’; /wáqoˀ/ ‘already’.]
Mourning dove, Zenaida macroura. Also witalú. [NE mítalu; NP /wítel̓uu/.]
Domestic pigeon, Columba livia. [NP /quynu/.]
Be drowsy. čáw iwá kúpi kuš miłłákša ‘there is no coffee and I am drowsy’. [NP /ˀeewín/.]