431 terms start with “š


Bluish-white horse with white mane and white eyes; bluish-gray horse with little white spots. Also called šukáašuka.


Swim around, swim here and there. išuunínša watámpa wišpúš ‘the beaver is swimming around in the pond’. [NP /swl´knik/ ~ /swlen/.]


Tweezer for removing whiskers. łamáyšaaš inmí šuupamá ‘my whisker tweezers are lost’.


Swim across. ášuuwayča wánaan ‘I swam across the river’; aw kú páˀisik̓ʷana šúuwayčt ‘then he showed him how to swim across’. [NE šmúwayk; Y šɨ́mwayk; NP /súuweyik/; /s´wweyik/; /sw´weyik/.]


Billy goat (‘whiskered one’); domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus). Also šiipwáakuł.


Skin, butcher; do surgery. išúwaša ‘he is skinning’; ášuwak wawúkyaan ‘skin the elk!’; ášuwak apɨ́x̣kni ‘skin him from his hide!’; ášwak núsuxna ‘cut up the salmon!’; ášuwak wawúkyana ‘skin the elk!’; ášuwak apɨ́x̣ki ‘take him from the hide!’; yáamašna išúwana ‘he skinned and/or cut up a deer’; išúwaša k̓súyasna ‘he is cutting eels’; patásapsik̓ʷanx̣a šúwat naknúwit nɨkʷɨ́tna ‘they teach them to butcher, to take care of the meat’; šúwašaaš anítay swís ‘I am butchering for making salmon fillets’; pašúwayiya q̓ɨ́mkas ‘they did surgery on her shoulder’; šúwatnaq̓i ‘finish skinning, butchering’. [NE ɨšúwa; NP /ˀs´wen/.]


What’s his name, so-andso. Used when not remembering a name. máysx iwiyánawita šúwaašɨn ‘so-and-so will arrive tomorrow’; áp̓x̣šaaš šúwaašɨn ‘I remember soand-so’. [NW šáakʷɨn; NP /t̓wa/.]


Butcher, surgeon.


Finish skinning, butchering. išúwatnaq̓iya wawúkyaan ‘he finished butchering the elk’. [NE ɨšúwatnaq̓i; NP /ˀs´wanaq̓i/


Examine, look over, check, investigate, study. wínax̣aataš ášuwiyatax̣a x̣nítna kutaš kúuk tmíyunx̣a káˀuyitki ‘we go check the roots and then we decide about the root feast’; áwnam ánč̓a inákwinayita k̓úsi Dalles kan kunam kʷná išúwiyayita k̓úsi ‘now again he will take your horse toward The Dalles and there he will examine your horse’; pašúwiyana paanáy ‘they examined her’; wawšúwiya ‘examine closely’. [Y šúya; NP /ceptemel´knik/ ~ /ceptemelen/.]


Western giant hyssop, Agastache occidentalis. Used in the barbecue (támayčt) and in tea. šúx̣a iwá ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwaníčɨnx̣a winšpamá płɨ́x̣ ittáwax̣ɨn x̣ʷáami pɨ́t̓x̣anupa ‘hyssop is that which is called medicine pertaining to man—it grows high in the mountains’.


Wild mint, Mentha arvensis. They make a tea with it. ku patámc̓ixana k̓ʷapɨ́n k̓ʷɨ́nč šux̣ašúx̣aki kʷɨ́nki ‘and they would season the aforementioned black lichen with that mint’. [NP /heqéeqe/ ~ /heqeeqe/, from /heqeheqe/.]


Examine, look over, check, investigate, study. See šúwiya.


Whiteman, Caucasian. čáwna wá šuyápu ‘we are not white’; šuyápuyin páykɨn ‘a whiteman has heard him’; ana kʷaaná šuyápuwin páwix̣nɨmaytša ‘that which the whiteman is digging up’; kuna čáw mún iwɨ́npayita šuyápunɨm ‘and the whiteman will never get ours’; ana kú pawɨ́npša šuyápuma tiičám ‘when the whitepeople buy their land’; šuyapunmí tamánwit ‘whiteman’s law, whiteman’s technology’; šuyapunmí sɨ́nwit ~ šuyápu sɨ́nwit ‘English’. [NP /sooyápoo/.]


English. šuyaputɨ́mtkisimna sɨ́nwix̣a ‘we speak only in English’. Also šuyapunmí sɨ́nwit. [NP /sooyapoot´mt/.]


Be assimilated. áw išuyápuwiša ƛ̓áax̣ʷ miyánaš ‘now all the children becoming assimilated’.


Learn the hard way, learn a lesson. išúwiša ‘he is getting afraid’; išúyna ‘he learned the hard way’; išapášuyšanam č̓ɨ́šktpa ‘they’re making you think about your lying’; šapášuyn ‘punish’. [NP /ssúyn/.]


Unresponsive to hard lessons. [NP /ssuyn̓éy̓/.]


Forehead. ku awínšma pawapáwax̣ana šwápa mɨx̣ɨ́ški šápɨnčaški ‘and the men would decorate themselves on the forehead with yellow face paint’. [NP /swe/.]


Horse headstall.