1,050 term start with “t


Companion. smɨ́tway ‘spouse’; tax̣ɨ́ntway ‘younger opposite sex sibling’; x̣ɨ́tway ‘friend, companion’.


Bound root. x̣ɨ́twayn ‘converse with’.


Poke out. itwáyta tápu ‘he poked out the marrow’. [NP /tw̓aláht/.]


Soup, broth, juice. áw iwá c̓áa twáyx̣t ‘the soup is just right’; twáyx̣t tkʷátat páax̣amt ‘the soup dance’; wiwnunmí twáyx̣t ‘huckleberry juice’. [Y twíix̣t; NP /ˀykt/.]


Return from. máanatwi ‘return from a root digging day trip’; wiyánawitwi ‘arrive unexpectedly’; x̣nítwi ‘return from digging’. [NW -wi; NP /-wi/.]


Western kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis); eastern kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus). [WS twícawawat; NP /ˀpsqítit/.]


Rifle (historically ‘bow’). patánakwaašayix̣a twínpas ku kúušx̣i apɨ́x̣ ‘they dance with his rifle and similarly the hide’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷnam k̓ʷapɨ́n wapáwx̣ita kúušx̣i twínpaš ku kúušx̣i x̣apiłmí ‘you should get rid of all the aforementioned such as your rifle and knife’; ku kúušx̣i twínpaš iwapáwx̣ita ‘and in the same way he will give away his rifle’; kunam kʷaaná ánita k̓ʷapɨ́n twínpaš ku x̣apiłmí ‘and you will give the aforementioned rifle and knife to that one’. [UC twilpáy.; NP /tim̓uni/.]


Bow. inkaksanmí áwa čɨ́mti twint̓áwas ‘my younger brother has a new bow’. [NP /tim̓uni/.]


Grizzly bear. See wapaanłá.


Lace. átwix̣ɨnk x̣nít ‘lace up the roots’; itwíx̣na wápas ‘she laced up the root bag’. [Y wíq̓p; NP /wíq̓pp/.]


Maternal uncle; man’s sister’s child. pítx̣ ‘(his/her) uncle, (his) sister’s child’. See kák, pítx̣. [NP /tq/.]


Striking, exchanging. tɨ́x̣ˀawtaši ‘wound an animal while hunting’; tɨ́x̣ˀuyi ‘make first kill, feast first kill’; tx̣táyma ‘exchange’; tx̣nánp̓a ‘echo’; tɨ́x̣laluun ‘see reflection in water’. [NP /tx̣-/ (Aoki 1994:730).]


Into fire. x̣átamaatx̣ ‘fall into fire’. See -latx̣.


Wound an animal while hunting. átx̣ˀawtašiyaaš ‘I wounded it (and it got away)’; patɨ́x̣ˀawtašiya ‘they wounded (it)’.


Make first kill, feast first kill. itɨ́x̣ˀuyi ‘he has made his first kill’; ku kʷná itɨ́x̣ˀuyiya ‘and he made his first kill there’; ku patkʷáynpɨnx̣a ku patɨ́x̣ˀuyix̣a ‘and they go hunting and make their first kill’; ana kú patɨ́x̣ˀuyix̣a ku kúuk pawapáwx̣inx̣a ana tún twínpaš x̣apiłmí ku tiliwalx̣íma táatpas ku tílatat ku wɨłq̓ám ‘when they make their first kill then they give away whatever, rifle, knife and bloody clothes and pants and shoes’; at̓úk iwá qqaanáyt ana kú miyánašma patɨ́x̣ˀuyix̣a ‘the work is difficult when the children make their first kill’.


First kill, first kill ceremony. k̓ʷáy áwača pɨnmíin tɨ́x̣ˀuyit ‘that was his first kill’; ku k̓ʷapɨ́n patátkʷatayix̣a tɨ́x̣ˀuyit ‘and they eat his aforementioned first kill’.


Suddenly, uncaused. itx̣átipawaaluukɨnx̣ana k̓úsi ‘the horse would always suddenly kick up’; itx̣átutawiyanawišana ‘all of a sudden he poked his head in’; itx̣áwiyatamčanwix̣ana ana mɨná ‘it would drop down along the way wherever’; itx̣áčipšiša ‘suddenly he threw up’; tx̣ána ‘become, happen, occur, stay’ (NW); tx̣áwšx̣n ‘stop, quit’ (NW); ítx̣alk̓uk ‘startle’; tx̣áwaaluuk ‘bounce up in the air’. Also x̣á-, tqá-. qá-. [NP /tqe-/.]


Maybe. áwnaš tx̣á wɨtɨ́wanpta łwáyki ‘now maybe I shall sing in a low tone while doing it’ (Jacobs 1929:184:5–6); áwtx̣a iwáta lɨ́x̣stya łk̓ʷí ‘now there will be but a single day’ (Jacobs 1937:1.3.3, pg. 1); míšnamtx̣ata kú wáanaynačtux̣šamš ‘how might you then be running back inside?’.


Become, happen, occur, be born, stay. WS & NW ku itx̣ánana ƛ̓iyáwiyi ‘and he became dead’ (Jacobs 1929:214:7). See wɨ́šayč.


Protrude, slide (of a landslide). k̓ʷáy áw ana k̓ʷáy itx̣ápnišamš slide k̓ʷáy iwaníša tx̣ápniš ku čí kʷɨ́ni páwaniča aw kú tápniš aw kú Toppenish town ku yúuk iwá tx̣ápniš ‘that slide that is sliding this way now is named tx̣ápniš and from that they named it then Tápnish then this Toppenish town and yonder is tx̣ápniš (White Swan)’.