62 terms start with “


Fitting, just right, perfect. Occasionally pronounced c̓aˀá. áw inkníša c̓áa wiyátk̓ʷktyaw ‘it is getting close to noon’; c̓áanaš wá wɨłq̓ám ‘my shoes fit’; c̓aˀá ikú čí wɨsak̓páwas ‘this bolt has fit perfectly’. [N c̓aˀá; NP /c̓aˀá/.]


Draw near, meet, join, arrive. ana kú ic̓áanɨmta kuna nápu wáała mɨ́taw patáwštaymata ku patáwyawɨnpɨmta apápa ku patášapaˀayčta c̓áa miyuux̣míyaw ‘when he will come near then two or three will meet him and shake his hand and they will have him sit near the chief’; ku ana kú mún ác̓aana pɨnmíin łk̓ʷí ‘and whenever her days drew near (to death)’; ác̓aasa wɨšayčtpamá łk̓ʷí ‘he is having a birthday’; ku ác̓aata páx̣ałk̓ʷipa k̓ʷapɨ́n pɨnmíin tmíyut ‘and his aforementioned decision will draw near on Friday’; ic̓áasa anwíčt ‘it is the new year’; áw ic̓áana anwíčt ‘now it’s the new year’; c̓áat anwíčt ‘new year’; nɨkápac̓aak ‘tie together’; pác̓aak ‘add on’; sápc̓aak ‘arrange, put in order’; wác̓aak ‘close, lock’; wáwc̓aak ‘shoe a horse’. [NE c̓áˀn; qɨ́nti; NP /c̓áˀn/; /q̓ttn/.]


Near, close. c̓áa iwá ‘it’s close’; ana tún iwá čáw c̓áa kunam kʷáan níčta ‘anything that is not near you will put away’; áwa c̓áa náymu waničtmí ‘the name has a close relative’; c̓áapa pawámš tanánma ‘the people are coming close’; patútiša pac̓áa ‘they are standing close together’; c̓áanam wá tkʷátatyaw ‘you’re just in time to eat’; čáwnam c̓áa yúuk kʷná tkʷátata ‘you shouldn’t eat near there yonder’; c̓áax̣i áw iwá ‘it’s close enough’; c̓áa náymu ‘close relative’; c̓áak̓a ‘next’. [NE qɨ́nt; NP /q̓t´t/; also NP kíimtem̓ ‘near’ (in space), kíimtemcimk̓ey̓ ‘near’ (in time); cf. NP /c̓áˀn/ ‘fit, be right’.]


Near, very close. ku k̓ʷáy paˀanítat̓aša ánč̓ax̣i níit c̓áac̓aa ‘and again they are wanting to build houses close by’; ku páyš šuyápuma pawiyánawita ku patáwyanaykta c̓áac̓aa tímaniyaw tiičámyaw ‘and maybe the whites will arrive and settle near the reservation (marked land)’; kuƛ̓áax̣ʷ ikáƛ̓x̣ʷšana c̓íc̓k kʷná c̓áac̓aa ‘and he was devouring all the grass there nearby’; C̓smalpálma k̓ʷáy pawá c̓áac̓aa ‘the C̓smalpáls are nearby’; c̓áac̓aa náymu ‘very close relative’.


Winter solstice. c̓áat anwíčt ‘new year’. [Y tamásklikt; NP c̓áˀin /c̓áˀnt/.]


Boil (a sore).


Halter (for horse). [NP /wes´tkeˀs/; cf. NP /c̓al̓ákstin/ ‘rattlers made from dried deer dewclaws’.]


If. See also páyš. [NP /c̓alawí/.]


Cedar root. c̓apx̣mí paˀaníya wápas ‘they made their basket of cedar bark’; c̓apx̣mí táqmaał ‘cedar bark hat’; c̓apx̣mí tkʷsáy ‘cedar root basket’; c̓apx̣mí ‘cedar root basket’. [NP /taltanm peqt/ ‘cedar bark’.]


Hard berry basket made from cedar roots, often embrocaded with bear grass (yáay), Klickitat basket. [Y wáx̣ʷɨntaš; NP /cóx̣aapt/ ~ /wíx̣aˀpt/.]


Anyway, in spite of, nevertheless. áwɨnx̣anaaš čáwnam wínata ku c̓awín iwínana ‘I kept telling him, “don’t go!” and he want anyway’. [NP /c̓awín/.]


Mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus. From Nez Perce. [S wáaw; NP /c̓ax̣ísx̣is/.]


Sweet; sugar. ilimúk iwá c̓í ‘blueberries are sweet’; c̓í iwá núkšitpa saxísaxi ‘syringa is sweet smelling’; íc̓ik ‘sweeten’; ílac̓ik ‘dry huckleberries over fire’; támc̓i ‘sweeten, spice’; c̓iłimá ‘cake, dessert’. [NP cicyúk̓is /cicyk̓ʷis/; S word is from Jargon.]


Inexpensive, cheap, fragile, easy. čáw tún iwá c̓iˀíix̣ ‘nothing is inexpensive’; c̓iˀíix̣ iwá anít ‘it’s easy to make’; čuutpamá tkʷsáy iwá c̓iˀíix̣ ‘a water glass is fragile’. [NE c̓íix̣; NP /ˀélew̓ic/ ‘cheap, easy’; /c̓kc̓´k/ ‘fragile, easy to split’.]


Olive shell, cowry shell. tamc̓íc̓it ‘hail’. [NP /c̓ic̓it/.]


Grass, hay. itkʷátax̣ana Wawatáway c̓íc̓kna ‘Antelope would eat the grass’; k̓úsi ispátaša c̓íc̓kna ‘the horse is eating grass’; ku kʷná iwá tiičám anam kʷná šapáttawax̣ta c̓íc̓k ‘and there is the land where you will grow your hay’; patáax̣alux̣ana calutimat̓áwas c̓íc̓kki ‘they would dye their cornhusk bags with grass (for green)’. Forage grasses also waskú. Hunn 1990:334 [NP /c̓xc̓x/.]


Scream, yell, holler; cry out. ic̓íikna ‘he screamed’; pac̓íikc̓iikša miyánašma ‘the children are screaming around’. Also č̓íikn. [Cf. NP /c̓íqn/ ‘talk, speak’.]


Circle, hoop. c̓íil waasklikáwas ‘hoop game hoop’.


Round, circular, circle, sphere. c̓íil iwačá áwšnitš ‘the mat was round’; c̓íil iwá álxayx ‘it is a full moon’; k̓usinmí aníyi c̓íil ‘horsehair head rosette’; šɨšaašmí aníyi c̓íil ‘porcupine head rosette’; c̓íil álxayx ‘full moon’; k̓piititpamá c̓íil ‘basketball hoop’. [N c̓íilɨl; NP /cilpcílp/ ‘circle’; cf. NP /c̓íln/ ‘be bent, coiled’; /c̓ílil/ ‘curl up’.]


Circle, hoop for the hoop game (patkʷaytalí). [NP /cilpcílp/.]