192 terms start with “m


Bigger, larger. mayknɨ́č̓iipa paˀaníya ‘they are enlarging it’. [NE maklɨčí; NW mayníic̓i; NP /qtu himeq̓is/.]


Better. maykníix̣ iwáta paamiyawáy ‘it will be better for them’. [NE makšiˀíx̣; NP /qtu taˀc/.]


Many more, much more, even more. kumataš páyš ánč̓ax̣i níta maykx̣ɨ́lak ‘and maybe again I will give you even more’.


Further, all the more. maykʷáaniknam pášapakʷyamta imíin tamánwit ’cause me to believe your law the more’; kunata áwaƛ̓awiša paanáy maykʷáanik ‘and we are asking him further’. [NE makkʷáanik; NP /ˀúykn̓ik/.]


In what direction? for what reason? in whatever direction, in some way. kuna čáw šúkʷaša mayní wíˀanit tún taxʷɨsmí ‘and we do not know how to make things out of dogbane’; kuš mayní aw kú čáw átx̣uta imikíin ‘and in that way I won’t worry about you’; mayníki ‘in what direction? in whatever direction’.


Tomorrow. áx̣ʷaymaš q̓ínuta máysx ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’; páyš máysx iwáta níix̣ łk̓ʷí ‘maybe tomorrow will be a good day’; máysxk̓atya kú aw kú iwínana ‘the next day then he went’; máysxtaš pamáwšuwata ‘tomorrow we will get ourselves ready’; máysxnas pináwx̣ita ‘tomorrow I will lie down’; pamáwšuwataataš máysx ‘we will get ourselves ready tomorrow’; máysx kʷláawit ‘tomorrow evening, the next evening’; maysxpamá ‘day after tomorrow’. [NP /watísk/ ‘yesterday, tomorrow’.]


Every day, day after day. maysxmáysxna áwaƛ̓awiša naamína aniłáan ‘every day we pray to our Maker’; kutaš kʷɨ́nki łq̓íwix̣ana maysxmáysx šapáwilawiix̣ɨnx̣ana k̓úsi ‘and with that one we would play every day racing our horse’. [NP /pémmey/.]


Day after tomorrow. pák̓u áwata maysxpamá ‘they’re going to have a meeting day after tomorrow’; maysxpamápa ‘on the day after tomorrow’. [NP /kumkun̓ík/ ‘day before yesterday, day after tomorrow’.]


Announce in the morning, announce early. [NP /méytew̓yelen/.]


Throwing food to the morning. Said by Coyote when he misunderstood some word in a myth.


Eat in the morning, eat breakfast. máytkʷatašaaš ‘I’m eating breakfast’; imáytkʷataša tamámna ‘he is eating the egg for breakfast’. [NP /méyhp/.]


Breakfast. [NP /méytpt/.]


Go in the rain early. imáytwawinana ‘he went in the rain early’. [NP /méytw̓elawihnen/.]


Look for in the morning. pamáywaqitna x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘they looked for their money in the morning’. [NP /méy̓pew̓i/.]


Go in the morning. čáw imáywinana ‘he didn’t go in the morning’. [NP /méywihnen/.]


Bathe or swim in the morning. [NE máyšmuun; NP /méytq̓eluu/.]


Earwax. [WS mɨłt̓x̣ú; Y łɨmx̣át; NP /mcq̓l/.]


Root, tree root, any plant or tree root. mɨ́c̓ay áwa ‘it has a root’; paˀaníx̣ana tíi mɨc̓aynmí ‘they used to make a tea out of the root’; ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a pɨ́taat mɨ́c̓aykni ‘trees grow from the root’; nankmí mɨ́c̓ay ‘cedar roots’; šk̓apašwaynmí mɨ́c̓ay ‘rosebush root’. For edible or medicinal roots see x̣nít. [NP /ˀ´x̣s/; /sqʷt/ ‘tree root, stump’.]


Roots, little roots. q̓tɨ́t mɨc̓aymɨ́c̓ay ‘alumroot, Heuchera sp.’ The root was boiled and given to those who had consumed too much alcohol; also used for quitting smoking.


Scary, creepy. Also mɨc̓ɨc̓íip.