Nootka cypress, Callitropsis nootkatensis. [NW maymáyƛaaš.]
254 terms start with “n”
Go down. inɨwíya tamánwit ‘the law passed’.
Down, downward. ílwi ‘testify, confess’; káanwi ‘eat up, devour’; tamánwi ‘legislate, ordain’; tamčánwi ‘unload’. See also ničanwi. [NP /-lwi/.]
Right (side), right way, rights. nɨwítkan wiyásklikɨnk ‘turn toward the right!’; ku awínšma pawɨ́šayčɨnx̣ana nawítkni ku tílaakima wákacalkni ‘and the men would stay on the right and the woman on the left’; nɨwítkan ku wáqacalkan ‘toward the right and toward the left’; nɨwítpa ‘at the right’; nɨwítkni ‘on the right’; nɨwítma apápma ‘right handed people’; nɨ́mnawit ‘truly, for sure, over again’; nɨnɨwít ‘human rights’. [NP /wepsúx/; cf. NP lawwíit /lwwít/ ‘clear, distinct, honest, trustworthy’.]
Next room, another room, next door. áwača nɨšx̣áanitpa ‘they had it next door’; wínašaaš nɨšx̣áanitkan ‘I am going next door’; inč̓úšana nɨšx̣áanit ‘he is sleeping in the next room’; nɨšx̣áanitkni ‘from next door’. [N šx̣áanit; NP /nx̣súut/.]
Next door neighbour.
One handful. [WS náx̣špšampt.]
Greasewood, Sarcobatus vermiculatus. Also pronounced níšx̣t.